Do you ever wonder WHY you’re holding yourself back from going after what it is you TRULY want?

Do you wonder why you’re still stuck repeating the same patterns over and over again?

Sure, many women tell me they WANT to change, but having the WILLINGNESS to change is a completely different thing.

What is it you TRULY DESIRE in your life right now?

If you truly desired it, then why don’t you have it?

These are the questions I dive into with women every single day, and I get a plethora of answers.

We can say we really want something but if at the end of the day we are UNWILLING to do what it takes to create it, then it remains a dream. A wish. A far-away goal that would be “nice” to have, but ultimately we don’t believe it’s possible for us so we don’t even allow ourselves to imagine it.

Isn’t that right?

Because if you truly saw that you COULD accomplish your dreams, goals, and desires, then you would go after them, right?

Most women say YES, that is a big part of it.

At the beginning, I do believe it is important that we give ourselves PERMISSION TO DREAM OUR BIGGEST DREAM, no matter how far away or pie-in-the-sky it seems.

I believe that we all have our own dream deep within us that if we allowed ourselves to actually create it, that it would unlock a life of freedom, happiness, and fulfillment beyond our wildest dreams.

But why don’t we allow ourselves to go there? Why do we hold ourselves back and give ourselves excuses as to why we can’t live out our true dreams and desires?

I know exactly what that’s like because I have been there, and I stayed stuck there for many years.

I would tell myself that WHEN I get to a certain place, THEN I would take action on my dreams and what I truly wanted…

WHEN I felt ready

WHEN I had enough money

WHEN I felt good enough

WHEN I knew I could do it

WHEN I had enough resources

WHEN I had a clear enough vision

WHEN I believed it was possible

WHEN I knew I would not fail…

AND on and on…

But the truth? Is that THAT TIME WILL NEVER COME.

The truth is that you will never feel quite ready to go after your dreams.

You will never know exactly if it’s going to work or not, and you don’t know if you’re going to fail.

You will never feel like you have enough, know enough, or possess enough knowledge, skills, and experience to go after what you want.

Yet… the best part about it? IS THAT YOU DON’T HAVE TO.

You don’t have to feel ready.

You don’t need to know the outcome before you start (you can’t!!)

You don’t need to have a super clear vision

You don’t need to possess all the knowledge and resources

Because what I’ve found is that when you finally just START, that these things come AFTER the decision.

When I’ve taken action — THIS is when I gain clarity.

When I’ve started without knowing everything — THIS is when it starts to become clear.

When I’ve followed my intuitive impulses — THIS is when the people, resources, and ideas start to rush in to help me accomplish my goals.

If we just sit there and THINK ABOUT what we want — we are not doing anything to create the life of our dreams.

It remains a dream, a thought, an idea.

But if you are truly committed to actually creating that thing in your life— it will only happen if you START TAKING ACTION.

It doesn’t have to be big crazy actions.

At first, it’s beginning to do the small simple actions you can take every day to align yourself with your goals.

Let me give you an example.

Let’s say your goal is to break free of a dysfunctional pattern you have in your relationship. Or maybe you don’t love yourself and don’t have great self-care routines. Or maybe you want to start to pursue your purpose and passion and start a business. Or make new healthy friendships.

It doesn’t really matter what it is — as long as you know in your heart that this is the thing for me that is going to make the biggest difference in my life right now.

It may begin with an inquiry of — if there was one thing I could have, do, or be in my life that would change everything for me, what would that be?

I know for me a long time ago it was that I needed to develop new patterns of loving thoughts, stopping the self-criticism and shame, and becoming my own best friend.

And then…what would be one way you could begin to take steps towards that one thing you identified?

It may be that you start with 10 minutes every morning. Sitting down with yourself, doing some breath work, meditation or journaling. Doesn’t have to be long— but what is the one thing you could do that would make the biggest difference in every other area?

It may be that you want to make new friends — or revive healthy connections with old friends. Can you reach out to someone once per day and let them know one thing you appreciate about them? Or is there a Facebook group or local meetup group you can join and participate in one per week?

There are small things we can do to change our life, if we only begin to cultivate them on a daily basis consistently over time.

It may be that you want to begin to pursue your passion and purpose in life but you don’t know where you start. One great way would be to get my free course, Soul Calling — which gives you short journaling prompts and action steps you can take each day to discover what that is for you.

Or you might find a book or audiobook that you can listen to that will inspire you or help you feel like you are moving forward towards something in your life (let me know if you need recommendations, I read a TON of books on this topic!!)

The bottom line is — WHY beautiful soul, are you waiting?

If you’re sitting there stuck, feeling bored, feeling like you aren’t fulfilled, you aren’t happy, you’re burned out, stressed out, not feeling connected, you aren’t doing anything you love — WHY NOT??

It really doesn’t take all that much effort to begin to move yourself in a new trajectory in life.

For me — it has really come down to asking myself these questions:

  1. What do I really want? What do I feel like is missing in my life?
  2. Am I willing to change in order to create this in my life? Am I willing to take responsibility for creating this outcome?
  3. What is one step I can take TODAY in order to move forward towards it?

It can be as simple as that.

Many women think that in order to create a big goal or a big dream in their life, that there needs to be a lot of planning, a lot of forethought, and a lot of analyzing and trying to figure it out before you start.

When really, this type of thinking will just keep you stuck.

Clarity comes through ACTION.

Action is what helps us get into MOTION.

Motion moves energy and gets us out of our head.

When we start to take even the smallest steps — making that call, initiating that conversation, booking that class, doing the research… those small steps will help lead you into the next steps, and the next…

And before you know it, the right people, places, circumstances, and resources begin RUSHING IN to support you.

I have had this happen to me time and time again, where the Universe/God begins to bring me everything and everyone I need in order to accomplish my goal.

My soulmate clients are attracted to me. New friends pop out of no where. Amazing opportunities show up on my doorstep or in my DMs. Partnerships appear where we can mutually support each other.

The potential is LIMITLESS.

But it is important to note that none of these things came because I had everything figured out ahead of time.

Beginning to take the small baby steps towards our dreams, this is how we develop new skills and grow as human beings.

Just like if you’ve never deadlifted in your life— I wouldn’t expect you to be able to hit the gym with me and lift 200 lbs the first day. Not gonna happen.

But let’s say you started with the empty bar. Starting small. Building those foundational muscles FIRST. 10 min at a time. Day after day.

Over time you would eventually be able to grow your muscles to lift that 200 lbs! Not overnight, but with small consistent action, you will always make progress towards your dreams.

Same thing applies to you BEING BRAVE with your life, and going after your dreams!!

In the beginning it is going to feel SO SCARY.

There will be many excuses that come up in your mind as to WHY YOU CAN’T DO THE THING YOU WANT TO DO.

It will take you developing those ‘courageous muscles’ to tell yourself, “I AM DOING THIS!!”




And then you DO THE THING.

You take that small action.

It might be telling yourself, “NO, I am NOT GOING TO BINGE TODAY”.

I am going to reach out and make that phone call instead.

It might be telling yourself, “NO, I am NOT going to allow this person to walk all over me.”

I am going to set a healthy boundary and say NO where appropriate, so that I can take care of ME.

It might be telling yourself, “NO, I am NOT going to accept working in this dead-end job I HATE.”

I am going to re-write my resume or explore other options for pursuing a career that I can LOVE and feel fulfilled doing.

Does this make sense??

THIS is how major change is created in your life.

It’s not about your entire life transforming overnight. It doesn’t work like that.

There is hard work involved, and you MUST be willing to be uncomfortable and do things that scare you.

But if you’re willing to love yourself through that process and support yourself going after your dreams — well, then you can create anything you dream of in your life.

So, today— what is that ONE THING that you can do that will make all the difference for you?

And how can you just DO IT now, before you feel ready, before you have it all figured out??

Take action today — and remember, beautiful soul, this is the way you BREAK FREE & CREATE A LIFE YOU LOVE.

In light & love,

xo Lauren

P.S. If you’re ready to be brave, I have a special invitation for you!!

If what you heard today resonated with you, but you still feel stuck in not knowing HOW to create the life of your dreams, or you just want a fresh perspective, then I invite you to apply to receive a supportive and powerful coaching call with me.

We’ll explore your big vision, uncover what your blocks and challenges are holding you back, and create a roadmap to help you move forward in your life. Finally!

You will come away from the call with a clear understanding on what it will really take for you to empower yourself to go after your big dreams — whether that is full recovery and freedom, starting your own purpose/passion based business, learning to love yourself fully, or creating more fulfillment and meaning in your life.

Whatever it is you desire — I believe your dreams were put there in your heart for a reason.

Not so that you can just *dream* and think about how *nice* it would be to create them…

But that so you can ACTUALLY step into them, now!!

That’s exactly what I’m here to help you do.

To provide you with the guidance, support, coaching, and tools to help you get from where you are to where you want to be.

This is a *free* coaching call that is held on zoom for 60 minutes. No-pitch, no selling. Just free 1:1 coaching, support, and strategy to help you move forward.

If you’re ready to grab one of the spots, click here to set up a time.

I love you beautiful soul, and I can’t wait to chat with you and help you go after your big dreams!!! xo

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