There’s such a gift in the sweet surrender that comes after a lifetime of fighting it.
There is beauty in the breakdown.
So many of us resist, we hold on, we don’t want to let go.
And then, it continues to choose us.
It hurts worse.
We keep wanting to fight it, we battle it and then eventually what happens?
Well, we have to give it all up.
Surrender. Fly the white flag and give up.
But not the type of giving up that is defeat. I’m talking surrendering to something deeper. Wiser. Stronger. More powerful.
SO powerful at that— that it brings you to your fucking knees when you don’t listen.
When you’re not tapped in, tuned in and surrendering yourself— it will give you a big fat dose of humble pie when you least expect it.
“I’ll show you,” it chuckles and mumbles under its breath.
It’s better to be humble and grateful and just let go.
In the space of letting go, there is no thought. There is no trying. No forcing or struggling.
There is a great release of all you once thought you were, and how it had to be.
All of a sudden, there is a release. A space opens up in the great surrender.
Space for you to finally BREATHE! THANK GOD! You are able to then inhale deeply, breathing in the essence and getting drunk on each juicy moment.
Life suddenly comes into beautiful technicolor.
When I was little, I went to a play called “Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat.” Everyone wanted it, it was the most beautiful thing available and everyone honored it and worshipped it like it was something to attain, external that you could just put on when you wanted.
But what if that coat isn’t a coat at all. What if it is a seed, an inner state and way of being that is available to you each and every day?
When you surrender trying to MAKE it into something, trying and struggling to be something you’re NOT, it dulls every moment into a dark grey, a dull and boring and boxed in life.
Life is not meant to be dull and boring!
There is an entire technicolor palate to create from, to begin to live life from, when only you surrender to it!
The old ways are so seductive because they are known, they are sexy because they are comfortable and predictable. It might even feel good for a little while, but then it loses its lackluster.
You start to wonder “what is wrong, what is happening?!? What is wrong with ME?!? How can I get this to “work” again?”
You don’t. You can’t slap a pretty label on shit when it just fucking stinks.
You have to go within.
All the riches of life are within.
That technicolor dream life— its there, available to you.
It is within you.
It is who you are at your core.
And you don’t have to try, you don’t have to MAKE it happen or force or push.
You just have to gently ALLOW it to be shown to you.
Magic is revealed when you realize it is all within you.
Your core dream, who you are meant to be is all inside already.
There is a plan, a way of manifestation, a path that is yours and yours alone.
There is no getting it wrong.
The only thing that people get wrong, is that they forget they are on a path altogether.
They forget to trust in life. They forget what it means to be guided along the path. The forget who they are.
There is infinite possibilities along this path. It is the path of least resistance, of tapping into your infinite creative nature where you can really have, do or be anything you want.
In this space and place, you are able to FEEL your way around.
It will feel good and amazing and magical and playful and happy!
Hahah I laugh at myself as I write this, because I myself am not even there yet!
My entire life I thought it had to be a struggle.
“Work hard, force yourself to do what you don’t want to do, and you will SUCCEED in this life!” was a motto that I lived by for so many years.
What I realized is that it is NOT true. AND what’s worse, is that my body has a literal physical reaction when I do try to take action from this place.
My body doesn’t like it when I’m not in the flow! When I am out of alignment, I feel it physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
I get sick. I feel really really bad.
And the truth is, is that life is NOT meant to be a struggle. What I’m learning is that this path is all about how to bring the Divine down into the Physical.
Creating a literal heaven on earth. 🙏
I know it sounds idyllic, and almost like magical thinking. However, I am ready for my life to feel really really good in every area. I have spent so many years in RESISTANCE, in PUSH, in FIGHT and SURVIVAL MODE that I am DONE. I REFUSE to live my life that way anymore!!
Sure, for so many years it was REQUIRED. I HAD to go up against some gnarly odds and play the hand life dealt me. Unfortunately I had more obstacles than I would have liked, but hey I suppose that’s what I bargained for in life, right?
Everything I have been through in life has been for a reason, and has been here to teach me more about myself, to help me to evolve and grow and to catapult me into my next level. Right now is one of those times for me, and in a HUGE WAY!!
The old way of doing things just DOES NOT WORK for me anymore. In order for me to get to the next level in my life, my business and my relationships, it needs to FEEL SO FUCKING GOOD it hurts.
My heart was blown wide open a few months ago in a spiritual activation that is beyond describable. I forgot what it felt like to love UNCONDITIONALLY, unencumbered and totally FREE, living life with my whole heart. 😍
Since then waves of ecstasy and bliss has been flooding my life in abundant amounts, and it is the biggest blessing that I have ever received in my life ever!!
AND it has really shown me all the areas in my life that DON’T FEEL GOOD, and then SCREAMING in my ear and basically forcing me to LET GO and RELEASE everything that is not in alignment with my Highest Good and ultimate WELLBEING.
It has been challenging and one of the most heart-wrenching processes I have ever been through. I am still going through it.
But at the end of the day— the technicolor life awaits me. 🌈
It is already here.
I’ve surrendered all that I was not in alignment with.
I feel cleansed, refreshed and ALIVE again.
I didn’t realize there was SO MUCH inside of me to still let go of.
And there probably will be much more along the way.
But the true gift is being able to sit here, to sit with it and KNOW with every cell of my being…
That THIS is the way that life is truly meant to be.
That we are true CREATORS of our own world.
We can create for ourselves a life of lack, of scarcity, of struggle and pain…
OR we can create a life that feels blissful, creative, abundant, joyful and free.
It’s really your choice.
We get to choose each and every day, what we allow and where we choose to put our energy.
Today and every day— I choose to let go.
I choose to not try and figure it all out.
I choose to let go and surrender when my ego mind just wants to HOLD ON and be STRONG and FORCE it and MAKE THAT SHIT happen…
I’ve learned its just easier to let go. To release. To surrender to the greater force that wants to come through me.
Because that way of living for me, is the most DESIRABLE way of living that I could possibly imagine.
To be fully and completely surrendered to my BLISS, to follow and align myself with what makes my soul come ALIVE and sets my life on FIRE with passion and unconditional love. To feel humbled by life itself. To be tapped in and connected to the deepest well of gratitude that exists on this planet. ❤️
THIS is the way that life is supposed to be, when we truly give ourselves permission. When we finally give up and begin to CHOOSE YOU. To make your own self happy. To care for yourself so much that it becomes your greatest gift to the world. 💎
Your evolution MATTERS.
The more you tap into your joy, your bliss, your passion, the closer you come to fulfilling your PURPOSE here in the world. 💙
What would that be like for you? To really start BELIEVING in yourself??
I know that for me, it has been the wildest, most humbling and most magnificent journey of all. ✨
And it’s barely even begun.
YOU are the ultimate creator. 🔥
What are you creating today?
Yours in Truth and Light and Love,
Lauren Love