You Can Either Have Reasons Or Results

What is it that you keep telling yourself that you want to do, but you keep NOT doing it?

What is it that you desire to have, do, or be that you are holding yourself back from?

Because the truth is, there is nothing standing in the way of you having, doing or being that thing— besides yourself.

One of the hardest things to grasp in life is the fact that you are 100% responsible for everything that happens to you.

This does NOT mean that it is your fault.

Taking responsibility means is that there is a LACK OF EXCUSES. You shift out of blaming other people, places and things for WHY YOU DON’T HAVE WHAT YOU WANT.

Instead, you take full responsibility for the fact that there is NOTHING you can change about your situation right now, as “bad” or helpless as it may seem.

You see, I listen to people all the time share with me what they DO WANT… and then they will proceed to tell me WHY they don’t have it.

They will say “I WANT to take care of my body, do more self care, meditate daily, and get in shape, BUT…. I don’t have any time, I have kids/job/responsibilities that get in the way, I can’t afford it, blah, blah blah.”

“I WANT to start a business and put myself out there, BUT… I just don’t know how, I don’t know if I have what it takes, I don’t have enough money, blah, blah blah.”

“I WANT to leave this toxic relationship, improve my health, build wealth, embark on a spiritual practice, do my art, develop my craft, etc, BUT…”





Will ruin your life.

The BUT negates everything that you said before it.

The BUT has you believing that there are REAL REASONS WHY you can’t have what you desire.

The BUT is a fucking excuse!

From an empowerment perspective, you can either have REASONS or you can have RESULTS.

If you are saying that you want something, but you have all kinds of reasons why you can’t have it, you will NEVER create the type of results you desire. It’s just NOT possible.

You can’t have REASONS WHY NOT.

The most successful people accept their limitations.

The most successful people accept what they cannot change.

The most successful people use their circumstances and hardships to their advantage by viewing them as opportunities, rather than a weakness.

Every single person on this planet is given a chance to self actualize into their potential for greatness, no matter the circumstances.

What this looks like is different for each person, and only you can know where you are holding yourself back and making up excuses as to why you don’t have, why you aren’t doing, and why you aren’t being what it is you ultimately desire.

There is no in between here… you either want it or you don’t.

When you make a decision to empower yourself to go after your dreams, you must leave behind all of the BUTS.

You must step into the place where there is NO POSSIBILITY of you NOT HAVING WHAT YOU DESIRE.

If there are any reasons why it’s not going to work, why you can’t have it, why you could possibility fail— well, I’ve got news for you… it will.

Our thoughts, perceptions and ideas about our life have a tangible effect on the outcome. That is why this law is of utmost importance.

This is the law of cause and effect.

You can either be AT CAUSE for the creation of your outcome, or you can be AT EFFECT, meaning that you are living in the consequences of all your past actions, which leaves you helpless to change.

If you really want to change your life, you must be fully AT CAUSE.

This means taking 100% responsibility for creating the outcome you desire.

It means waking up to the fact that you can’t change what has happened in the past and you can’t change how you’ve gotten to where you are right now.

It is what it is.

It takes a level of forgiveness and acceptance to arrive in the now, fully present with what is.

Once you are in acceptance of the NOW moment, you can begin to understand that your point of power is in the here and now.

Every moment you spend focusing on why you can’t have it, do it, or be it— the Universe hears you and delivers to you what you are thinking. It gives you more reasons why you can’t do it.

When you truly wake up, you realize that there is so much potential in the moment right now to create what it is that you want. You have the ultimate power over what you choose to focus on and where you put your thoughts.

Your thoughts create.

If you say you can, you can.

If you say you can’t, you can’t.

It doesn’t get any simpler than that.

So with this thing that you SAY you want— do you REALLY want it?

Or are you going to continue to lie to yourself and tell yourself all the reasons why you can’t have it?!

Be honest with yourself about it because the more you say you want something and then don’t take action on it because you keep giving excuses, the harder it is to actually start doing the thing.

It breaks your own trust with yourself.

If you really desire to have, do or be something, drop your excuses. Ask yourself, “what story am I telling myself about why I can’t have what I want? Am I willing to let this story go and write a new one for myself?”

A story that is based on the truth about who you are and what you came here to do.

An empowering story that is filled with victory, triumph and truth, fully aligned with your soul and what is for your Highest Good.

It may not be pretty— in fact there will probably be much blood, sweat and tears. (I never said taking responsibility was easy!!)

What I CAN promise you though, when you come from a place of EMPOWERMENT and taking FULL responsibility for your life… is RESULTS.

You either want it, or you don’t.

What will you choose?

Wake up and live your life NOW!

You can have, do or be anything you want.

You have everything you need already inside. Your job is to wake up and empower yourself to live out your divine dream life.

You are worthy of it, you deserve it, and you can DAMN WELL HAVE IT, now!!

I believe in you, beautiful soul.




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