Who You Are Says More Than What You Do

I was contemplating this thought this morning as I sat with my morning coffee.

Who you are says more than what you do

But don’t they say that “action speaks louder than words”?

Yes – but WHO YOU ARE speaks louder than anything you ever do or say.

What do you need to do today to BE THE PERSON you desire to become?

Results don’t take time. They happen the moment you decide to step into the next level version of yourself.

Everyone SAYS they want results. They want to make more money, lose weight, have more time, more energy, launch a business, and “live the life of your dreams.”

But how many people ACTUALLY follow through?

How many of those people ACTUALLY take action?

A small percentage of them.

But even the small percentage of people who take action to realize their dreams, most likely at some point will stop and give up.

They will give up because it’s too hard, it takes too long, it’s too big of a sacrifice, or whatever their excuse of the day is.

You either want it or you don’t.

You can say you want it, and you can take action towards it, but unless you actively strive to BECOME THE PERSON WHO HAS IT ALREADY, you will most likely go back to being the same person you always were.

It’s the cold hard truth and unfortunately it’s the way things are.

How many people do you know who have sustained their weight loss? Continued to build and build their business in the face of loss and failure? Truly actually living a life of freedom, abundance, joy, and fulfillment?

In this world, in this economy, not many in my opinion.

So what would it take to be that .0001% of people who are thriving, making millions, impacting millions, and living a life completely on your terms— where you are happy, lit up, healthy, wealthy, rich in relationships, personal growth, time, and self-expression?


If you already were the person who lived this amazing life— what would you be thinking?

What would you be feeling?

What would you be saying to yourself inside your head?

What would you be doing on a daily basis?

What things would you take ownership over?

What things would you delegate out?

If you could imagine yourself already living this life, feeling these feelings, thinking these things, and taking these actions— then you are on your way to actually CREATING it.

See— that’s the thing about life… that everything MUST be created within FIRST.

You must have that vision within you of what you desire BEFORE you bring it into manifestation.

Everything in the universe began with a THOUGHT.

Thought impulses are electric, quick, light, and are the building blocks of creating the life you desire.

Every thought you think is a CAUSE that creates an EFFECT.

In this way we can say that you are 100% responsible for everything that happens to you.

If you don’t like where you’re at— you CAN change it.

Anything is possible.

When you are ready to step into being the person you always knew you were inside— you are ready to hear this message.

If you don’t BELIEVE it within you, you won’t create it.

That is why this blog is called “Who You Are Says More Than What You Do.”

Because even if you take MASSIVE action, even if you show up powerfully in your business and life EVERY DAY, if you don’t BELIEVE it is possible for you— you won’t create or sustain the life you desire.

Sure, you might get results, even BIG results. But it will be temporary, fleeting, and you will be afraid every day that it will slip through your fingers.

When you create from the deeper, wiser parts of you who already know — there is no fear. There is no scarcity. There is no anxiety about HOW it’s going to happen.

Because you know in your heart it is already done. There is certainty, clarity, and belief in what you see inside of you.

Everything you want CAN come true for you.

But first you must believe it within your heart and remove all the layers that block you from being your truest, brightest, shiniest version of you.

When you let your light shine, the whole world smiles with you.

When you reveal your true message, everything clicks into flow and it becomes easy. Flow based. Natural.

There is no grasping, competing, or fear that it won’t happen.

You just know. Because it is WHO YOU ARE.

Who you are is a person who is naturally successful.

Who you are is a person who is naturally magnetic.

Who you are is a person who desires to serve others in a big way.

Who you are is a person with a powerful message to share with the world.

Who you are is a person who genuinely enjoys your work and does so with joy, ease, and flow.

When you are this person, all that you desire will flow naturally to you.

It is law.

If you’re running around trying to DO, DO, DO, and check all the boxes off on your to-do list, but you’re ignoring the messages and guidance from within? You’re not going to be very successful for very long.

The beauty is when you stop and slow down to allow yourself the freedom to be who you truly are.

And who you are says more than what you do.

So get out there and be the person you always knew you could be.

In light & love,

Lauren Love xo

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