When You Feel Stuck, Paralyzed And Don’t Know What To Do

When you feel stuck, when you feel like giving up, when you feel paralyzed by indecision and don’t know what to do… whatever is happening for you right now I want you to STOP and know that this is absolutely OKAY.

I understand that you don’t know what to do.

I know you’re feeling stuck and overwhelmed right now….but before you really freak out, just. take. a breath.

Let’s dive in, shall we?

Breathe deep into your soul and allow yourself to relax long enough to tell yourself that it is absolutely OKAY to feel this way.

Babe, you are SO hard on yourself.

You have such high standards for yourself. I know you want to be the best, I know that you believe in your capabilities and know you can achieve anything you put your mind to.

But that’s just the problem.

This isn’t a ‘mind’ job.

In fact, when you sit there analyzing and thinking and trying to figure all this shit out, it fucking HINDERS the process and keeps you stuck in the muck EVEN MORE!!

There’s nothing you need to figure out right now.

I know your mind will tell you all the things that you need to do, or think about, or get finished, blah blah blah…

But what would happen if you just let all of that go?

Because I’ve got news for you…

By dropping all the things that your mind is frantically trying to hold on to, you suddenly open up the space for something magical to flow in.

You are then are able to drop into FLOW.

The flow only comes by you truly letting go.

When you take a breath.

When you relax.

When you drop into what is most ALIGNED for you.

It’s never going to come by way of your rational, logical, ego mind.

Even though that part of your brain is trying to take over and take control… it is your job to focus all of your attention on just being present, in the NOW, right here right now.

Know that it is okay to feel that way, overwhelmed and in panic mode.

But the way OUT is NOT going to come until you fully fucking relax and surrender the HOW.

The only way out of feeling stuck and paralyzed and overwhelm is to simply SURRENDER in order to step into the flow.

You might not know how to do this, if you’re new to this way of being and operating in the world.

In fact, feeling totally stuck and paralyzed is totally fucking normal when we are trying to go from one major operating system to the next.

Going from the logical/rational/masculine to a more feminine/flow-based/embodied way of showing up.

It is NOT going to feel natural.

It is NOT going to be comfortable.

It will feel awkward, uncomfortable and downright fucking SCARY!

You will not feel like yourself and you will doubt everything that you are doing.

“Is this even what I SHOULD be doing?? How do I even know this is going to WORK??”

There will be some major stuff that comes up in this process, because the truth is that the OLD YOU DOES NOT WANT TO DIE.

It wants to stay alive… it wants you to pay attention to it… it doesn’t want you to leave it behind, because your energy is what feeds it.

There is a major part of you that is falling away, and it is trying to do all it can to hold on, it is gasping for air and trying to hang on with every thread of its being…

And that is okay.

This is why you’ve been in fight-or-flight mode lately… because this part of you has kept you safe, it has been there to comfort you and it doesn’t want you to stop your reliance on it.

It feels scary to let go.

But honestly, isn’t this what you wanted?

Didn’t you ask for this?

Isn’t it crazy how the things we literally ask for will show up, and they will beckon us to step into our truth and our light and our purpose and basically CHALLENGE us to the CORE to see if we really did MEAN what we SAID???

When we are working on dis-identifying with the old way of doing things and stepping into a whole new world of BEING in this world, there are SO many challenges in doing so, obviously which is why we are here today.

Because these old parts of you are getting you all worked up and trying to manipulate and control and have everything FIGURED the FUCK OUT before you even get started.

What happens internally is that when you set a new goal, when you up your game, when you declare a NEW WAY of BEING and showing up in the world— this old fear-based program kicks in and tries to steal the show.

It wants you to worry, it wants you to stress out, it wants you to think about all the possible things that can go wrong. And why it WON’T work.

It will tell you that no one will like what you are doing, that you will be rejected and ridiculed and made fun of. And how big of a failure you’re be, so you might as well quit now.

It will tell you that you don’t know what you’re doing, that you’re a fraud and a failure and ‘who the fuck do you think you are’ showing up like that in the world?

It will pull out all the bells and whistles to try and suck you into the mayhem that is that part of you.

Sound familiar?

These are the things that we must expect along the journey.

And interestingly enough— these are the markers and indicators that you are actually RIGHT ON TRACK along your own personal evolutionary journey!!

If the big major fear-based patterns, stories and programs are showing up in your life— you can bet that you are exactly where you are meant to be.

The more intense the fears, the bigger the resistance, the more important that thing is to your SOUL’S EVOLUTION.

Doesn’t that make so much sense now, as you hear these truths and allow them to sink into the consciousness of your being?

You were put here for a HUGE reason. You are on such an important growth path, that even you don’t realize it now.

Did you know that everything you do, affects humanity at large?

Did you know that YOU being YOU in the world, and doing this great work on yourself, is the GREATEST GIFT you can offer to this world?

When you do this work on yourself, you are helping so many.

SO many people in this world need to hear your message.

The world desires to hear what you want to say!!

You are so connected to Source, so tapped into the deeper parts of your soul, that your message comes directly from this pure innocent part of your SOUL that desires to be heard and shared and channeled into this world.

It doesn’t matter if people don’t understand.

It doesnt even matter if it really makes sense.

All that matters is that you show up. and BE YOU.

All that matters is that you relax into this journey and realize— that if you aren’t fully enjoying it, if you aren’t dropped into FLOW and FUN and JOY and EASE— then WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT??

If you really want to live your greatest life and step into the Highest Version of yourself, and live your purpose and passion— then shouldn’t THAT be the most EXCITING and EXHILARATING RIDE of your life???

This is what dropping into FLOW is all about.

There is nothing here that needs to be figured out.

It just IS.


Sitting with yourself and your SOUL here in the NOW.

Arriving fully present, letting everything else GO…

Except this time for yourself.

Where you can truly express yourself, and be ONE with the UNITY of the Universe.

Do you know how loved you are?

Do you know how special and gifted you are at your core?

You are here for such a greater purpose, and it is up to you to show up each and every day.

Your message and impact is THAT IMPORTANT.

You are that important.


What you have to say to this world, is your greatest contribution and will ultimately help HEAL THE WORLD.

This will only come when you set all of the BULLSHIT aside…

When you take time to truly go within and ask yourself, what is REALLY going on?

When you feel stuck, when you feel paralyzed, when you don’t know what to do… what this really means is that you’ve stepped OUTSIDE the flow. You have stopped TRUSTING in yourself and the Universe to support you, FULLY 100%.

The only thing to do when you are in that space, is to STOP trying to hard.

Be gentler and easier on yourself — and yet, still show up for yourself.

Being gentle and easy on yourself doesn’t mean to quit or to give up. It literally just means to give yourself a break. Take a deep breath. Relax and LET GO into the present moment.

Drop everything that you’re trying to ‘figure out.’ Trust that the PERFECT answer will be shown to you. But it WON’T come when we try to FORCE it or CONTROL it into coming out of us.

That is NOT the way INTUITION works.

When you are fully connected and listening to your intuition, you can live your entire life from a place of FLOW.

That doesn’t mean you won’t hear the voice of criticism or self doubt or judgment every once and a while. Because that really is a part of being human. But what won’t happen is that you won’t be DERAILED by them anymore.

You fully understand that the FEAR and STUCK-NESS and PARALYZING thoughts are really just there as a DEFENSE mechanism. They come up in times of great transition and growth, when you are evolving along your spiritual path.

They are indications that you are well along the journey, and that you are right on track!!

So when you do feel stuck, and you feel paralyzed, and you don’t know what to do…

What I want you to do is simple.

SMILE, and acknowledge that you are doing the very best you can.

Relax and take a deep breath.

Know that there is something that is happening within you that is threatening the status-quo, the old way of being, the parts of you that would rather stay comfortable and hidden away… and that you are about to take GIANT LEAP in CONSCIOUSNESS, and so of COURSE this old fear-based shit is going to come up.

In actuality, it is coming up to be RELEASED.

It is letting you know that you are in a process of growth and that it is actually SAFE now to let those parts of you GO, now.

You CAN let go of the old programming, fears, and beliefs that it has to be a certain way, or that you have to have everything figured out.

The answer is actually very quite simple…

It is to let go and allow yourself to TRUST, wholly and completely.

TRUST that the new way, although scary and uncertain, promises a new life and a more fulfilling way of doing things.

TRUST that the new way, although unknown, is the only path that has been carved out for you in the infinity of life.

TRUST that you will always have the inner resources for the journey.

TRUST that everything you need is already within you.

TRUST that you always make the right decision, the one that is most aligned with your SOUL.

Because that truly is the gift and the blessing that is doing this work on yourself— to become fully in alignment with your Higher Self and step into the Highest Version of Who You Really Are.

It is safe for you to drop into remembrance of who you really are.

You have great gifts and talents that are untapped and just waiting to be unleashed.

Are you ready?

Are you willing to do whatever it takes?

Are you open to experiencing and embracing the wildest, most fulfilling and thrilling ride of your LIFE?

Then keep on keeping on, beautiful soul.

Keep showing up each and every day for yourself, for your tribe, for the WORLD.

For every time you show up for yourself, and share from the heart, that is one step closer to healing the world.

Your impact matters.

You matter.

You are who you are, and you deserve to believe in yourself and be completely fulfilled in all that you do.

The way of the SOUL is not an easy path to follow.

It will challenge you to the core.

You are such an evolved soul already, that when you are out of alignment, you will know— and such is simply a call for you to slow down.

Take a breath.

And step back into flow.

It is time for you to wake up and LIVE.

Believe in yourself and all that you are.

I love you from my soul to yours.

In love and light,

Lauren Love

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