What’s Really Holding You Back as You Live Into Your Purpose as a Coach & Leader

You ever get to that place in your life where you feel like you’re just fucking DONE?

Not that you want to give up— actually it’s just the OPPOSITE.

The desire, the yearning, the adrenaline pumping through your veins for… what?

The searching, the seeking, the want for more, to be more, to have more, to DO more, to make a bigger impact, to be a more fully embodied expression of YOU

And you know what the fuck is holding you back?

You know why you’re stuck and feel as if you’re not able to move forward?

It’s because of YOU

YOU are the reason why you can’t move forward, why you feel stuck and stagnant and unable to move forward

You see, the only reason I know this is that I’ve experienced this MYSELF

I know all too well the stuck-ness, the indifference, the complacency, the procrastination and all the fucking TRICKS my mind used to play on me that kept me from showing up FULLY

Well all that shit ends for you TODAY if you are ready to hear this

If you are open, willing and ready to PLAY BIG

Then sit down and shut up and put all your excuses aside

Because that’s what it’s really about right?

You have too many fucking excuses.

WHY IS IT that you DON’T have the life that you want yet?

WHY IS IT that you are still in the same place that you’ve been for YEARS?

How long are you going to sit back and wait for your life to begin?

How long are you going to be stuck in fear, self doubt and insecurity?

Because I’m here to share the cold hard truth with you, and it might hurt a little bit.

The truth is, that you are waiting for something to happen that is actually going to change the way you FEEL — so that you finally FEEL READY.


You’re waiting until the day when you WAKE UP and feel ON FIRE, and READY to SHOW THE FUCK UP as the person that you WANT TO BE.

You’re waiting to BE READY, to FEEL READY, to finally KNOW FOR SURE with CERTAINTY EXACTLY WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE SUPPOSED to be doing in this life, in this world.

You WANT your purpose to be spoon fed to you— served up on a silver platter where it’s all pretty and packaged up and looks great!! And you also want someone to GIVE YOU exactly the steps you need to follow in order to be successful

Follow this PLAN! Do this FIRST, second, third… follow this fucking 7 step unstoppable plan for 7 figures— and then you can just sit back and sip mai-tais on the beach somewhere while you relax while the money and abundance flows in

Is that your imagined dream that you’re hoping magically will drop out of the sky one day?

Hahah I laugh not at you, but only at myself because that is really what I thought would happen one day.

I sat back and didn’t take action on my dreams for all of these reasons and more.

I thought it would just happen one day for me.

I thought I would just wake up and be all of a sudden living my dream life.

Well— that never fucking happened.

What DID happen was sliding deeper into depression, addiction and oblivion while I watched as my life slowly began to slip away…

I’m not ashamed that I’ve had to face my demons.

I’ve been through hell and back and yes, I’ve embraced my shadow to the depths that I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy.

But I’ll tell you what— through those experiences of staring death straight in the face— I’ve had to make some really important choices in my life.

I began to ask myself— how LONG am I going to sit back and let my life just pass me by??

How LONG am I going to wait to start to live the life of my dreams??

And the truth is that the life of my dreams is RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW as I write this letter to you, eyes welling up with tears

Because as I write you this, I forget how hard it was. Some days I wake up and I take for granted this life that I have been given.

I GET to be here with you, breathing deep the breath fills my lungs as I allow these words to spill onto the page to you…

As I allow the message to come through as clearly as I can to communicate to you — that life is SHORT..

We only have so much time on this planet and most people WASTE THEIR LIFE AWAY.

99.99% of people on this planet will NOT do anything great with their life.

They will just wake up and do the same shit over and over again, trying to make meaning for the bland and boring life that they’re living.

Maybe that sounds harsh, but from where I’m sitting, what the fuck is the point of life if you’re not living into your fullest potential and activating your purpose?!

What is the point if you’re just sitting in your self-created prison of limitations, fear, self doubt and insecurity, procrastinating on your dreams?


The time is NOW.

There is nothing that you need to do to get READY to live your dreams

We must embrace and understand that all we have is right now

So that thing that you’ve been putting off— what is it that you are waiting for?

Because you’ll never feel ready.

You’ll never really know for sure.

You’ll continue to have fear, self doubt and anxiety about it.

That’s a given.

We are human beings and anything that creates an expansion in your life WILL come with resistance

This might be the most EVIL and sneakiest way that this resistance can ruin your life..

When it masquerades itself by convincing you with its lies and stories about why you can’t live into your dreams NOW

The resistance will pull out every trick in the book to get you to procrastinate on your dreams

It will have you BUYING INTO its STORIES that you begin to believe is the TRUTH about why you can’t start now..

Which is complete bullshit.

If you really want to empower yourself, you must first understand that you can either have REASONS or RESULTS.

There is no in between.

Why don’t you have what you want in your life yet?

You are either buying into the stories as to why you don’t have it— or you’re actively moving forward towards creating results in your life.

In life— we’re either growing and expanding — OR we’re stuck or moving backwards.

There’s no in between.

It’s the nature of growth that all of life is continuously growing, all the time. Or it’s dying and being reborn.

Where are you in your evolution?

Maybe there are some parts of you that need to die and be reborn into the ashes of who you thought you were, in order to become who you know you can be.

Are you ready to STAND for your own life?

Because NO ONE is coming to save you.

NO ONE out there has the ANSWER you are looking for.

All of your answers are within.

Everything you are seeking and reaching outside of you — is IN you.

Your source, your soul, your connection to Higher Self is available for you in each and every moment to help guide you every step along the way.

The problem is that you are so disconnected to your true nature that you might not even recognize the guidance when it presents itself.

When you buy into your own bullshit about why you’re not living into your purpose, you’re actually denying yourself the spiritual nourishment that you crave.

For me personally, I need to stay plugged into this source every single day so that I can stay connected to my purpose, my passion, and my reason for being on this planet.

Living into my dreams means that I show up fully each and every day. Align to my Soul. Perform at my highest energetic capacity as a channel for others transformation. Create the ideal circumstances for dropping into FLOW as an artist, badass coach and powerful leader.

In order to do this— and is the nature of ALL ENDEAVORS that contribute to our Soul’s growth and evolution— we have to push ourselves beyond the small ego self’s self-imposed limitations that only exist to keep us safe, small and protected.

This safety mechanism is like malware to your hard drive and acts in massive resistance when you begin to pursue your purpose!!

It only holds us back from living into our dreams each and every day.

The breakthrough happens when you recognize that the resistance is NOT going to go away.

The practice then, is to identify when it IS resistance, and learn how to take action in the FACE of it.

One of those SLY ways that the resistance shows up is in all the planning and all the thinking about what you want to be doing — because this overthinking and overanalyzing is stopping you from ACTUALLY TAKING ACTION.

The truth is that all those plans you are making for yourself are BULLSHIT.

They are just more reasons for you to procrastinate and NOT show up to do the REAL WORK.

And the real work honey? Is just YOU BEING YOU, showing up as YOU each and every day without censoring yourself or holding yourself back.

What is it that you truly dream of?


Well then— fucking act like it.

You staying safe and small is NOT serving ANYONE.

You staying safe and small is really fucking SELFISH.

You thinking that you need to wait before putting your gifts and message out there in the world is really just being self-indulgent and is depriving the people you are here to help from being able to receive your soul’s medicine.

Who the FUCK do you think you are to NOT put your shit out into the world?

You want to help other people?

You have to OWN who you are and your gifts FIRST.

There is NO ONE who can do that but YOU.

No one is going to give you permission to be yourself.

That’s something only YOU can give yourself.

And it’s about time you stand the fuck UP for yourself, already!!!

What are you waiting for?

It’s time NOW to step into your gifts, OWN who you are, and LET GO of all the bullshit that has been holding you back.

Because you’re never going to feel ready, so you might as well embrace it… and get down to work.

Your dreams aren’t just going to drop into your lap one day. It’s up to YOU to create it.

So get the fuck out there, put yourself out there, and take action now to create your dream life!!

Because you are SOOOOO worth it.

And when you consistently challenge yourself to go beyond your resistance and limitations and fear, day in and day out—

This is when you can finally sit back and say at the end of your life—

That I truly lived.

Each and every day. To the FULLEST EXTENT possible.

Defined by me.

Exactly the way God designed it to be.

Fully embodied, fully present, and truly alive.

Let go of what is holding you back— get out of your HEAD and into your LIFE!!!

In love & massive success,

Lauren Love xo

P.S. I love you SO much and if you are ready to break through your own BULLSHIT and fully CLAIM your purpose as a badass leader and coach— then keep reading… 😉

The CREATE A 6 FIGURE BUSINESS FROM SOUL program starts in a few weeks and I am now taking applications!!

Are you ready to up level and take your life to the next level?

Are you ready to fully embody your message and share your gifts with the world as a powerful coach and leader?

Are you ready to receive massive levels of abundance by learning how to effortlessly enroll your dream clients?

Are you ready to truly OWN who you are and what you came here to do?

Do you want to learn not only the strategy and skills you need to uplevel your coaching business to 6 figures, but also learn how to navigate the inner game that is required as you step into your true calling as a leader, a revolutionary and game-changer in your industry?

I’m so sick and tired of seeing so many really powerful coaches, healers, and experts who absolutely are capable of transforming and changing so many people’s lives — UNDERCHARGING, OVERGIVING, and BURNING THE EFF OUT trying to be everything to everyone.

Running around trying to figure out how to make it all work— all the while being stuck in confusion, overwhelm and paralyzing fear.

I’m so frustrated with seeing my fellow coaches struggle with money because they don’t know how to enroll clients from a place of integrity, love and heart-alignment.

I’m so pissed off that there is so much NOISE and BULLSHIT out there by other coaches telling people that you have to follow this strategy, or this plan, or do it EXACTLY this ONE WAY so that you can be successful.

It’s just not the way it is today online. It’s like the wild Wild West out there with the number of coaches who are coming into the space today, which is totally unregulated and just about anyone can call themselves a “coach.”

That does NOT mean they know what they are doing. In fact it pisses me off and I’m here to take a stand against coaches who are just trying to “get” clients and using cheesy tactics and sales-y formulas in order to enroll into their programs.

Ummm no.

What I am here to do is stand for HEART ALIGNED COACHES who have a message and a purpose — that are here to CHANGE THE WORLD and TRANSFORM the lives of the people they are meant to help in a huge way.

I am here as a seasoned coach who has literally spent thousands of hours coaching on the phone with people from all over the world over the last 7 years — and I want to share with you everything I know on how to create a successful 6 figure coaching business from your SOUL.

A purpose-driven coaching practice that allows you to be YOU

Where your authenticity and connection with people is the most valuable currency.

Where you can feel so in alignment with your purpose that you can just show up and serve— and people will just naturally want to pay you money because they can see how much value you can bring to aid them in transforming their life.

What you have to offer this world is valuable— and it’s time that you OWNED your gifts and learned the internal and external skills and strategy of stepping into your next level as a leader, a revolutionary and a POWERFUL COACH.

If you’ve ever doubted yourself… if you’re ever held yourself back… if you’re ever had those voices in your head that told you you aren’t good enough, that “who am I to be charging money for this?!”…. if you’ve ever had millions of ideas spill onto the page for books, blogs, videos, podcasts, and stopped yourself before taking action because you’re afraid of what other people will think…

This training is for you.

If you’re coaching clients now but finding yourself undercharging and not truly able to support yourself living into your soul’s calling as a coach and a leader… If you’ve experienced massive resistance to living into your purpose as a powerful coach and leader…

This program is for you.

If you feel stuck and just don’t understand why it’s not working… if you wake up each day and doubt yourself… if you’re wondering if you can REALLY create an abundant coaching business from your gifts…

This course is for you.

We’re now accepting applications for the CREATE A 6 FIGURE BUSINESS FROM SOUL program — so if my message resonates with you today, message me to apply.

I’m only taking people into this program who are READY FOR CHANGE.

People who are READY to step into their full leadership and embodiment of their message.

Who are ready to let go of their REASONS to create real RESULTS in their life.

Coaches, healers, consultants, experts, thought leaders who KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that they are playing it SAFE AND SMALL and who are ready to play a BIGGER GAME in business, money and LIFE

If this describes YOU — if you’re truly ready to do whatever it takes to live into your soul’s calling and your dreams each and every day — it’s your time to apply now.


Message me now beautiful !

There’s no time to wait — your LIFE IS WAITING!!

It’s time to WAKE UP and LIVE YOUR DREAMS.

Can’t wait to guide you on this amazing and empowering journey towards freedom, fulfillment and embodying your power as you step into the leader and revolutionary you were always meant to become.


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