What to Do When You Have “Who Am I to Be Charging That Much?!” Syndrome

I have been feeling so called to share on this lately — because I see SOOOOO many women struggling to create enough income to be able to support themselves in their coaching business!!

When I challenge my clients to charge MORE for their offering, they share with me their fears, their blocks and worries around not being sure that other people are going to pay “that much” money for their gifts and services, saying “WHO AM I to be charging that much?!”

Babe, who are you NOT to?!

A huge reason why you might not be making the money you truly desire, is simply because you DON’T BELIEVE IN THE VALUE OF YOUR GIFTS.

Are you still discounting, discrediting, and de-valuing your offering, feeling guilty charging more and are scared to raise your prices for fear of no one buying?

I know this was true for me years ago, and it really held me back and kept me stuck living in scarcity, barely able to pay my bills.

I didn’t believe that I could TRULY make a lot of money doing what I loved.

I didn’t believe in the value of my gifts.

I didn’t believe that what I had to offer was REALLY worth the money I needed to support myself abundantly and still do what I loved— which was simply to help people.

This resulted in me over-giving, undercharging, burning myself out, and then getting SUPER FRUSTRATED after enrollment conversations because people keep telling me “YES your program sounds great…but…I can’t afford it.”

Sound familiar?

Don’t you realize the reason that people are showing up saying they can’t afford it is simply because you don’t believe in the value of your offer?

And because you don’t believe in the value of your gifts, you aren’t able to articulate the value and transformation that you are able to provide in a way that lands in the heart of your potential client.

If you don’t value your gifts, no one else will.

If you REALLY want to explode your business and receive more abundance in your coaching practice, you MUST get clear on the value you have to offer.

You have to begin to BELIEVE in yourself!!

People are NOT going to show up and throw money at you just because you have a pretty website or because you posted a few great pieces of content on Facebook.

The real magic happens when you get real and get honest with people.

The real magic happens when you believe wholeheartedly in your gifts, show up powerfully from this place, and help your clients TRANSFORM their lives.

The real magic happens when you offer your gifts at a price point that HONORS YOU and the ENERGY output it takes to deliver on that result.

Your clients GET to invest in their own transformation THROUGH YOU.

They are paying for the OUTCOME, the EXPERIENCE, the TRANSFORMATION you can help them to achieve.

For me the most powerful way to build my business has simply been through my RELATIONSHIPS with people and BELIEVING in the insane amount of value that I can provide in their life, as I help support and guide them to get from where they are to where they want to be.

The PROBLEM for many coaches starting out, or even in the first few years of coaching, is that when they start talking to a potential client, they still massively DOUBT themselves, their gifts and what they have to offer.

What would happen if you finally BELIEVED that what you have to offer is the MOST VALUABLE THING IN THE WORLD?

When I learned how to show up in my full power, my full potential, completely owning my gifts and what I have to offer, I began enrolling my ideal clients with EASE.

What would happen if you showed up in alignment with your TRUTH, completely owning your gifts and valuing your services at a higher price point?

Do you think you would be a more powerful coach?

That would be the BEST way to serve your clients, right?!

You owe it to your clients to OWN YOUR GIFTS FULLY.

When you play small, you do NOT serve the world.

When you don’t value your gifts, you discredit yourself and you aren’t able to be the catalyst and powerful leader that you are meant to be for your clients.

If you don’t believe in the value of your gifts, no one else will.

You DESERVE to create an abundant income doing what you LOVE.

It is much easier than you think it is.

Darling, it’s time for you to fucking OWN IT!!

Get clear on the value of your gifts.

Believe in yourself.

Develop the skills you need to show up CONFIDENTLY, in full embodiment of the belief that your program is going to help them receive the amazing result you are promising to deliver on.

THEN when you raise your prices and ACTUALLY start CHARGING WHAT YOU’RE WORTH, because you are in congruence with this deeper truth— your ideal clients will start showing up and THANKING YOU for allowing them to pay you. 🙏

When you can OWN your value, clearly communicate your offer with CONVICTION in alignment with your true self, you will become UNSTOPPABLE. 🔥

Your potential to receive UNLIMITED INCOME suddenly becomes available to you. 💎

You can FINALLY REALIZE the dream that has been calling you forward— as you begin to witness your amazing life of FREEDOM and FULFILLMENT manifest before your very eyes. ❤️

You can do this!!

I believe in you.

In love and to your massive success,

Lauren Love

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