What No One Tells You About How to Change Your Life, Fast

Did you know that the future you desire, is desiring you now?

Everything you have ever dreamed of, desires you to bring it into existence.

What do you dream of anyways?

There are worlds beyond worlds in our imaginations and most people don’t give this a second thought.

The only way to bring something into creation, into this world of form is by imagining it first.

Einstein said, “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”

Even he knew, that the way to create is through the creative faculty of the imagination.

I have known this for a long time and its one way that so many things have come into my life so quickly.

If you really want to change your life, and change it quickly, then you have to be able to imagine it first in your mind!

What most people will do is imagine all the BAD THINGS that they DON’T want to happen— this is called ANXIETY!

Anxiety is just imagining that bad things are going to happen in the future.

When you are worried, tense, anxious, concerned— what are you imagining inside your mind?

It’s a powerful question to ask yourself when it comes up, because it really is just a symbol and a powerful cue from your unconscious mind to FOCUS ON WHAT YOU WANT.

So many people go around focusing on all the damn things that they don’t want that it totally derails their progress.
When I ask people for the first time what they want, they will tell me—

“Well, Lauren, I DON’T want to be depressed. I don’t want to feel anxious or have anxiety, I just don’t want to struggle anymore, I don’t want to be broke, unhappy and unfulfilled. I don’t want to be alone anymore, I don’t want to be in this toxic relationship, I don’t want to be in debt, I don’t want to keep living this life that I hate, doing this job I despise, I don’t want to not like myself anymore…”

And on and on.

They are so focused on what they don’t want— that what they don’t realize is that when they are focusing on it, they are creating more of what they don’t want.

It is the law of attraction, but it is deeper than that.

You see, it is so much easier for most people to share about what they don’t want, they will spend all day complaining about what went wrong, how bad the traffic is, or politics, or the condition of the world today… which yes could all be valid and true..

However what happens when I ask people what they DO want? Well— they have a bit of trouble with it!!

It’s fun to see people stumble and stutter their way through answering this question when I ask them boldly and outright and say to them— “no, no, no, I asked you actually what you DO want?!?”

They will most of the time sit in it for a few minutes, stumbling around and saying, “well.. uhh, I’m not actually sure. I never THOUGHT about it.”


How many times have you sat there talking about what you don’t like about your partner, complaining about your job, your body, your family members or whatever it is that is happening in your life?

What would happen if you shifted your focus and began to actually think about what you DO want?

Some people are willing to do this— but this is where it gets tricky.

Because to REALLY shift your focus onto what you DO want, it comes along with taking RESPONSIBILITY for your life and the results that you get.

It means that you have to wake up to these greater possibilities for your life.

Where you start to realize, that underneath it all, beyond just attracting what you want in your life by the nature of your thoughts and your vibration, is this deep universal truth that you are a CREATOR.

You can create your life any way you want it.

There is so much that goes into becoming a conscious co-creator of your own life, and this scares many people to know that they can create whatever they want in their life.

When they start to actually SAY and NAME and CLAIM what
it is they DO want, then the space opens up for them to actually receive it and create it in their life.

And this scares the shit out of people sometimes!! If you don’t believe me, it is true! Most people are not only afraid of failure, but DEEPLY afraid of SUCCESS and having everything they want! In fact, this was such an upper limit that I hit myself this year— that I couldn’t actually believe that life could be THIS GOOD.

It is amazing to realize that you can take responsibility for turning around any situation in your life, now, through your mindset and how you choose to manage your energy around it.

You can begin to choose your thoughts consciously and wisely, and use your mind as a tool to create anything you choose in your life.

Of course, as you begin to step into this new reality, there is much that you will need to let go of. There is so much inside of you that no longer serves you, and it all must be cleansed and released in order for you to step into this new reality you are creating for yourself.

Hence comes the work. It is not easy at times to train your mind. It is not easy to stay disciplined to stay the course, when your normal, automatic default ‘program’ is one of lack, negativity, fear, insecurity and doubt.

Most people will give up. They won’t believe that they can ACTUALLY change it.

They will say, ‘that’s just the way it is. That’s just the way I AM.’

And that’s fine, because that is the nature of the reality they are living in, and they are creating it with their thoughts and reinforcing it with deeply held beliefs.

You can absolutely create ANYTHING you want in your life. You can HAVE, DO, or BECOME anything you want if you are willing to do the work.

The work is to release any and everything that is holding you back from receiving it.

The work is to take action— you can’t just sit around expecting things to just drop into your lap. It is called CO-creation for a reason, that you work WITH the laws of the Universe to create and attract all that you desire.

And finally, the work is to steadfastly and consciously continue to focus on what you want. When shit comes up— because it will—you must stay committed and focused on exactly what you desire.

Only in this way will you be able to create all that it is you desire.

It sounds easy and simple, and it can be once you get used to this process. And the most important thing to do, once you know exactly what it is you want, is that you MUST release the HOW and detach from the outcome.

This is where so many people get stuck— and can become the KEY to your success is creating this new life for yourself— to learn to completely LET GO.

Once you do that, it is only a matter of time before what you say you WANT is able to flow to you easily and effortlessly.
You have the power to create anything you want inside your mind, and know and believe that it is absolutely possible for you to have it. Do it. Be it.

I know that learning these principles have completely transformed my life and beyond.

What would happen if you allowed yourself to finally dream?

What would happen if you finally gave yourself permission to unlock the secrets of your heart and go after what you TRULY desire?

Imagine a life of health, wealth, happiness and perfect self-expression… Abundance, gratitude, love, joy, wisdom, empowerment and anything your heart desires…

It all is available to you NOW.

Now’s the time— to wake UP and LIVE!

And create the amazing life of your dreams.

What are you waiting for?

In love and light,

Lauren Love

P.S. I’m opening up 3 spots for private mentoring in my 6 Week Program, Breakthrough to Transform starting this week! If you feel called to dreaming your biggest DREAM, doing the deep inner RELEASE work to BREAKTHROUGH everything that is holding you back and create a massive TRANSFORMATION in your life, send me a PM and let me know what your BIGGEST DREAM is and that you are READY to TRANSFORM!!

If you’re serious about taking your life to the next level, you won’t want to miss out.

Can’t wait to help facilitate this massive transformation in your life!!

Sending so much love and healing energy your way beautiful soul xo

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