Unleash, Rest, Recharge, Repeat.

On a daily basis, your requirements are as follows:

Unleash. Rest. Recharge. Repeat.

Do you want to escape the burnout, the fatigue, the hamster wheel of doing-ness and getting caught up in doing shit that drains you and takes you all day to complete, only to get to the end of the day to feel as if you’ve accomplished nothing?

If you didn’t do anything else but the above instructions, this and only this would be enough.

You don’t have to run around all day like a chicken with your head cut off trying to do-do-do everything and responding to every little thing that the world throws at you.

This is a recipe for disaster for one reason and one reason only:

You’re not leaving enough room for your soul work. If you’re even leaving any room at all.

UNLEASHING your true message and your true art— now THIS is what your entire business is based around, yet it is sad to think how many people this is not the case.

They are wasting their time and energy doing things that just don’t move the needle when it comes to their business.

Sure, emails need to get responded to, clients need taken care of, sales need to be made, tasks need completing in your business each and every day. However, none of these things will continue to exist if you STOP DOING THE ACTUAL WORK and the message and the unleash-ment that needs to happen that CREATES all of that in the first place.

Get what I’m saying?

You are so powerful you have no idea. Up until this point you have even gotten away with being inconsistent in doing your soul work, and you know it. Somehow, in some way though, your clients have found you, been magnetized to you, and completely have fallen in LOVE with you — just through the simple work that you have put out in the world.

What would happen if you actually showed up each and every day?

What would happen if you actually committed to putting this work FIRST?

What would happen if you stopped reacting to your business and you started creating MAGIC by ignoring the rest of the world until you have fully unleashed what needed to come through you each day?

Because the truth is that the magic and the flow comes through most consistently and powerfully when you just commit to showing up each day.

Not “when you feel like it.” Not “when inspiration strikes.” Not “when I have more time, or energy, or space to create.”

The message needs to come through DAILY.

The message needs time and space every single DAY.

When you want to improve something you do just need to give it a bit of attention each day. What we focus on expands. What we place our attention on grows.

That’s why if you truly desire to be the writer and the speaker and the leader that you say you want to be, you need to give it room to practice and develop those muscles each day.

It’s like saying you want to be a fit and ripped person and then you only lift weights once a week. That will never happen! You can’t build the body of your dreams by lifting weights less than once per week, you just can’t.

Exactly the same as you saying you want to build an entire business based on being you and sharing your message, when you only show up to share your message 1-2x per week or month or whatever.

If you only put a bit of effort and energy in— this is precisely what you will get out. A bit of success and abundance.

You want a lot of success and abundance?

PRIORITIZE doing the work each day.

Now this does not mean that you need to be amazing and always on point and always having the best most enlightening and earth-shattering things to share.

It just means that you made space for the work each day — even if it’s just 25 minutes per day.

Seems like not that much, but added up over time? That’s how you develop the discipline to create an empire.

Now once you create the space for your 25 minute daily practice for messaging, do you think you will stop there?

Probably not. I know that once I commit to just sitting down and allowing the message to flow through me, I feel alive and juiced up and ready to conquer the world!!

Many times after just committing to completing 25 minutes of writing, it suddenly turns into hours of flow work as it was exactly what I needed to drop into my Soul and the minutes turned into hours without me even realizing what was happening.

Can you remember a time when you were that dropped in, immersed in the flow and moving from one activity to the next in total alignment, feeling energized and inspired and not even thinking at all about what you’re doing, you’re simply just doing and BEING in it?

These days feel amazing to me when I’m just in my zone. Creating, unleashing, working on my creative projects and feeling like a total badass.

Everything else in my business and life can wait until I’m complete. Until I feel ready to come back down to earth and handle my business. But by then I’ve already completed so much that the rest of the work feels easy and effortless.

There definitely are also the times when the flow doesn’t flow all that well. I’m tired, exhausted, fatigued really. Maybe I didn’t sleep all that great last night, or the kids are really testing my patience, or I just don’t *feel* like creating. At all. No inspiration, feeling flat, don’t want to be bothered and I just want to go back to sleep, curl up under the covers and hide from the world.

Not gonna lie, I have done that more times than I can count. I have allowed myself the luxury of just resting, allowing myself to curl up and hide away from the world, coddling myself and telling myself that I’ll *feel* like doing it tomorrow but today? Everybody and everything can just fuck off.

However what I’ve found is that this kind of a mindset can be really damaging over time.

It sends a message to the unconscious that the message can be put off, that it is more important to feel comfort and safety over growth and expansion.

You do this too many times and what happens? It becomes harder and harder for the message to flow through.

It’s like the gutters on your house. If it rains and the water flows through unobstructed, there’s no problem. But what happens if the leaves fall and the gunk builds up in those gutters? It clogs up the flow. If it hasn’t rained in a while and there’s a bunch of gunk in there, the water is simply going to back up and splooge over the edge, or worse cause a problem to your roof or home over time.

Then you’ve got to hire a specialist to come over and fix up the problem. Clear that shit out. Or maybe you have to get up there on a fucking ladder and scrape it out yourself.

Either way, it takes extra time, money, and energy to clear the block. You’re stressed out. You don’t want to deal with it. You tell yourself this will never happen again! Until next season comes around and your fucking gutters are blocked up with that same nasty leaf gunk again.

Eventually you realize if you just put up a freaking leaf guard to allow the water to flow through unobstructed each day, you wouldn’t have to clean it out ever again.

You get what I’m saying here?

Showing up every day to share the message is in essence your way of keeping your gutters clean and clear.

If you stop, then things start building up that can block the flow.

This doesn’t have to take up a whole lot of time in your life either. If you’re not feeling it one day, so what?

Use your messaging as an opportunity to move THROUGH it, not try to escape it by not showing up.

I used to do this ALL THE TIME and really what it reveals about a person – if they can’t show up no matter what – is not that there is anything wrong with them, but simply that they haven’t reached professional status yet.

Amateurs are the ones who just show up when they feel like it. Amateurs are not professionals, they don’t do this as a profession, a calling, an income-producing activity. They just do it when they feel like doing it, when it’s convenient, easy and fun.

Professionals on the other hand show up no matter what.

They know what’s at stake.

They condition themselves to show up and in that way the flow also bends to their intention and shows up accordingly.

Some days are easier than others.

Some days all you can do is simply just show up. Unleash. Rest. Recharge. And get ready to repeat it all again tomorrow.

Your job isn’t to remember to do all the things that need doing in your business. Eventually – all of that will be taken care of as long as you keep showing up.

Your job is just to sit yourself in the chair everyday, show up and let the message out.

It’s totally selfish and 100% in your best interest to do so, because this is what keeps your energy humming, it keeps you healthy, happy, awake, and free.

It’s also totally NOT ABOUT YOU AT ALL, as the message is the message for your people, and you don’t get to decide what that message is or how it’s delivered, you simply just show up and share.

You are the messenger and showing up selflessly is your DAMN JOB so get over your feelings about it.

What you share has nothing to do with you and everything to do with you.

When you think about what a fucking glorious contradiction that is, and how much of a WIN-WIN it is for everyone around you and for the world at large— you’re going to never NOT show up ever again.

It just simply becomes who you are and what you do.

Get it?


Now go out there and get your fucking ass in gear.

And if all you do today is spend 25 minutes unleashing your message? Then that is absolutely good enough in my book.

Rest. Recharge. And make sure you damn well get up and fucking REPEAT it again tomorrow.

In joy & massive success,

Xo Lauren

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