It is amazing to me how one small decision can change the entire trajectory of our life.
I am incredibly grateful for those moments, which seem to be happening in greater frequency and with greater impact in my life lately.
It reminds me that our entire life can change in an instant. ✨
That one minute we can be feeling so low, or alone, or in the dark and confused about what to do… and then the moment comes that makes all the difference in the world.
In those moments is when I choose to SURRENDER.🙏🏻
It is in those moments when I’m not thinking or doubting or second guessing my decision out of fear or rational logical trying to “figure it out”…
Rather it is those moments when I choose to simply TRUST. 💛
To BELIEVE so deeply and so completely that what I’m about to do is for my HIGHEST GOOD, and is in alignment… even if it is HARD, or PAINFUL, or SCARY.
I feel like I’m in one of those times right now… where I am just in the FLOW, trusting and allowing whatever is meant to be, whatever is meant to show up in my life right now.
It’s amazing to me how powerful my intentions are. It’s like I put them out into the Universe and when I put energy into them and detach, everything comes to me easily and effortlessly.
When my clients tell me what they want, I always ask them, “ARE YOU SURE?”😂
Lol the reason I say this is because sometimes we can ask for what we want and then freak out when we actually get it.
Almost like, “be careful what you wish for,” but in a very positive way. When you get what you actually want, sometimes it can come along with radical and massive changes in your life, and sometimes we aren’t properly equipped to be able to navigate those changes if we aren’t internally prepared to handle it.
This is what I remember one of my long time mentors and coaches, Ali Brown sharing the example of “building the airplane as you’re taking off on the runway, putting the pieces together on your way up.” ✈️
That we don’t have to have everything figured out, that all we have to do is set our intentions, detach from the outcome and take massive aligned actions toward our goals.
In that process, for me it’s about trusting, being in the flow and then allowing whatever shows up. Allowing it to shape me and teach me if need be. Learning my lessons so that I can grow, learn, evolve.💛
I have such a deep deep FAITH in the way this unfolds and reveals each next step in my journey, each new layer to peel back, each new level of growth to step into that I very rarely find myself worrying anymore.
That is an entirely new revelation for me over this past year– that no matter what, I trust wholeheartedly with every cell of my being that it will always work out perfectly. I remain in state of being centered, grounded and allowing in FLOW, purposefully knowing that if I start worrying out of fear that it will actually push away the thing I really want.
It is an entirely new way of orienting to life. Loving what is, always, whatever shows up. Greeting it with presence, and love, and surrendering to those desires that flow forth from my soul.
It’s not always easy but I do believe it is worth it.
This year I have made some radical and painful choices in my life that have absolutely changed the entire direction of my life. I am incredibly grateful for those people who have showed up and helped facilitate those changes for me. I wouldn’t be here were it not for you.***
I will never forget those conversations and how powerful it was for me to show up completely authentically, naked raw and vulnerable, and allowing you to be in inquiry with me. All the while receiving through those interactions the knowings, the knowledge, realizations and wisdom required to take the next right step in my life.
I can only hope to serve as a similar catalyst in your life as well. To serve you so powerfully that you never forget our conversation the rest of your life.
That when I show up in that space, what comes through me in those moments can be such a revelation that it changes EVERYTHING.
Each day I show up in my business I strive to cultivate these moments.
Just yesterday I spent an hour and 45 minutes with a client talking, teaching, coaching about the shadow, female empowerment, sexual healing and liberation, noticing her body language the entire time. Her eyes were big as saucers as every question, every inquiry was stepping into her edge, leaning into what is scary and unknown but also that was an invitation into awakening a yearning for that which is sooo deeply desired in her life.
I had a conversation with another women who led into coaching around how she just hated herself and didn’t see the point in life. She’s had multiple suicide attempts, been hospitalized countless times and felt unsafe like she was going to hurt herself.
It was such a profound experience to sit with her and hold space for her to show up authentically, and also have her grow and expand through our conversation … as she began to be impacted by our conversation, she had some powerful realizations that will absolutely change EVERYTHING for her.
If she chooses it.
If she TRUSTS and ALLOWS this realization to impact her, as I know and believe that every woman who comes to me was brought to me for a reason.
Sometimes it is simply to have 1 conversation with someone that changes everything.
And other times it opens the door to a deep, trusting and long term relationship where you are free to grow and expand over time, stepping into that higher version of yourself.
Either way, it’s just perfect.
I trust that all who need me will find me.
I trust all who are meant to be in my life will come and stay and have an impact on me, just as I have an impact on them.
I believe that what I offer is a great gift to people, and I strive to allow my life to be my greatest example.
To show people what is possible, and that they can do it too.
To surrender in those moments to TRUTH… allowing and trusting that even with these new changes, that everything will be ok.
That you are loved, you are supported, you are DIVINE. 😇
Everything can change in a moment, if you are ready to surrender yourself to Life, trusting and allowing that you are exactly where you are meant to be right now.
Stepping fully into the flow.
Being with whatever arises.
Staying the path, even if it is scary or terrifying, embracing fully the new truths you are embodying and integrating into your being.
THIS is what makes us feel most ALIVE.
“Being fully present isn’t something that happens once and then you have achieved it; it’s being awake to the ebb and flow and movement and creation of life, being alive to the process of life itself.”
~Pema Chodron
THIS is the way. I invite you to join me along the path.
💛What is it that you are desiring to trust and allow and step into today?
Sending sooooo much love and healing energy your way beautiful soul xoxox
In light + love,