True Path

I feel really happy that you are here right now.

I heard that you’re struggling with some things?

Can we see what we can do about that, together?

I know things are hard right now.

Life is feeding you challenges on top of challenges.

I understand you might want to give up.

You might feel confused or unsure about which mode of action to take.

Your mind is trying to ‘figure things out’ and find the best, most logical and rational decision to make.

However yet in that process you feel even more confused, like a ball of chaos and uncertainty and doubt and anxiety.

Feeling fearful of making the wrong decision.

Wanting to get it ‘right.’

Not wanting to make a mistake.

Wanting to be accepted, not rejected and for sure you don’t want people to judge you, mock you, ridicule you or move away from you.

Because that would be the worst thing… even though your battle cry is “I don’t care what other people think” — you still worry. You actually do, more than you think. Because if you truly didn’t— you would have done it by now.

What really blocks you from taking action on that thing? Do you know what it is?

What might you be afraid of? How does that fear disguise itself?

It has all sorts of costumes it hides inside of… even procrastination is one of its most powerful guises!

You might be trying to figure things out… for years.

How long have you been sitting here in this place?

What more do you need to know?

The thing with TRUE PATH is… that you actually don’t KNOW.

You CAN’T know HOW.

It feels awkward and scary and uncertain.

You most definitely will doubt yourself.

You will feel fear.

AND those are all signs that you are actually on the right path.

Just. Keep. Going.

Make the decision that is hard and scary to do.

What would you do right now if you were fully in ALIGNMENT with your true authentic self and true path?

I can probably guarantee that it would be very different than how you are doing things right now.

How would that change your life?

You might have to start small… shifting your daily habits in each area… and there may be MANY areas that you want to grow and shift and change in.

All in good time.

If you’re just starting along this path, there will be many changes along the way.

You must embrace them with your whole heart.

Changes in diet, changes in relationship, changes in environment, changes in career… these are all good signs that you are being called to fulfill something higher.

There is a greater plan for your life.

There is a plan that corresponds with your Highest Good on this planet, in this lifetime, at this time.

It is YOUR JOB to discover what that is, and when you do— your job is to follow it with your whole heart.

However, some may not actually take this suggestion, or rather this invitation onto their true path.

Humans do have free will, the choice of whether of not they choose to self-actualize. To manifest into being their Highest Calling and Greatest Destiny and Potential.
We have this choice and there will be many that abort the mission.

It typically comes at a time when you are at a crossroads and you get to choose which way to go.

There will be a couple of different points in your life that you will encounter these what we would call ‘exit points’… and they are there to help you and guide you and show you the way back.. home.

To your true path.

To your true authentic self.

Where you came from, and to which you will return.

It is the path of soul, the road less traveled, yet the one that is much more fulfilling when you actually do walk it.

Many will say they are…. only few actually do.

It is not something to be boastful or prideful about.. rather something that you take great clarity and peace within to accept the path.

Even when it is hard and scary to do so.

Even when no one outside of you understands what you are doing.

In fact, people will totally call you crazy, a lunatic, they can’t make sense of why you are choosing to do what you are doing, and they will say that you are making the wrong choice, its dumb and stupid and doesn’t make sense.

That is totally okay. That is those people trying to make sense of themselves not fully stepping into their light.
We all have a choice as to which path we choose.

We all have this light and darkness inside of us.

The light and dark are not good or bad, they just are.

It is up to us to decide which one we want to play with.

Your true path is one that helps you get to a place where you can finally wake up.

Your awakening is what we have been waiting for.
If you are ready this, that is a good sign… you are well along your way.

Keep going along your path! You have much more to discover.

Your strength and power within yourself grows, like a muscle, every time you choose the path that is aligned with soul.

Every time you choose your true path, you will be rewarded.

The inner game of alignment shall be yours.

Aligning with your soul is the way to give back your greatest gifts and talents into this world.

We need you!

Cast aside all thoughts of fear, self-doubt, uncertainty and indecision.

Your greatest decision will be the one to decide to follow your TRUE PATH.

Do you have what it takes?

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