This Spiritual Journey That I’m On

Have you ever come to a place in your life where you can see how your decision CAN and WILL change the entire trajectory of your life?

I came to this crossroads yet again in my life… where the path was very clearly marked, with one path taking me in one direction and the other, provided I chose it, would catapult my life in an entirely different trajectory. I’m sure you’ve heard the poem by Robert Frost? The road less traveled… well, that’s exactly the one that I decided to take. How could you expect any less of me?!

I chose the path that isn’t clearly marked. The road less traveled, the one in which there is far more uncertainty, more decisions to make and things to “figure out”… however it is the one that makes me feel much more ALIVE.

I find this to be something that I’ve been getting better and better at over time… is making those decisions that are in alignment with my heart and for the highest good for all. Not making the choice that is the “easiest” or “safest” choice, or the comfortable route.

Truly going within and asking myself— in what ways am I being called to grow, to expand and to evolve? How can I best serve and be of service to the world, to my clients, to my community? Putting aside my own ego, my own fears and insecurities, and offering myself in service along my journey in the highest and best way possible?

In this space lies a great responsibility. It requires me to really step up into the next highest version of myself, one in which I resist sometimes…

What I’ve found over the years of coaching hundreds of women, is that when there is a higher calling, something we are meant to do— for example, pursue our purpose and passion, leave a toxic relationship, take care of our health and fitness, stop drinking/smoking/other addictive behavior, change career paths, etc.— is that the more we resist that thing, the longer we put it off, the WORSE OFF things become for us.

It becomes harder for us to take action, our emotional resistance to the situation increases greatly. We begin to doubt ourselves, we go back on our word, we don’t do what we say we are going to do and what happens?

We break that connection with ourselves, we lose touch with who we are and we stop being authentic.

We stop trusting ourselves. When we stop being able to keep our word to ourselves, we start to doubt those things that we wanted anyways. We start to settle.

We then have all those limiting beliefs and old emotional wounds come up around it— which have us start to believe things like, “I don’t deserve it anyways.”

“Maybe it’s not meant for me after all.”

“What I have is good enough, who am I to want more?”

“I am not good enough to have it.”

“I should just be happy with what I have.”

How many times have you had this happen to you? When your limiting stories get in the way of you truly having what you want?

When you said, “YES! I’m going to begin to pursue my passion, my calling, go after my dreams, get in shape, stop this addictive behavior, leave this relationship I know isn’t right for me, and really take care of myself!” or whatever that thing is for you— what happened?

I mean, come on, if you are being really honest with yourself… you might have taken action for a few days, maximum a week. You might have tried to have that hard conversation, or put yourself out there in a new way.

But let’s face it… your resistance came up, your limiting stories and shit got in the way, and you’re right in that same place you started at.

You tell yourself that’s what you really want! Or that’s what you really deserve! Yet, months or even years have gone by only to have you find those dreams left behind in the dust.


And I began to wonder… what is it that makes the difference? What is the thing that makes the difference between people who DO pursue their higher calling, dreams and purpose and those that DON’T, that stay stuck and hold themselves back from having what they truly want?

What I’ve found to make the difference is very simple… it is COMMITMENT.

That’s all it is.

Those who succeed— who go after their dreams, their highest good, purpose and passion in this world— these people simply COMMITTED. No. Matter. What.

It seems so simple, yet its something that I’m sure you can agree with — if you think about anything you’ve done in your life that you succeeded at, what made the difference for you? It’s simply because you made the DECISION and you fucking COMMITTED to making that happen in your life.

That goes for all successful people living into their highest calling as well. The only difference between those who are living their purpose and those who are not is commitment— they simply made a decision and committed to what they wanted to accomplish and step into. They committed to stepping up and taking massive aligned action towards what they want and what they feel called to create.

You might be thinking, “Yeah that’s great and all but what about FEAR? I’m fucking scared and I don’t know if I can do it…

What if I make a mistake?

What if something bad happens?

What if I don’t know if it’s possible?

What about my major self-esteem and self-worth issues, what about my traumas and emotional wounds I think I need to sort out before I get started???

But Lauren, I need to have more time, or more money, or more certifications before I get started!!! TRULY!”



All that stuff actually doesn’t matter.

Because the most successful people in life act DESPITE having more than one or ALL of those limitations.

They act in spite of fear.

They act even when they don’t feel good enough about themselves.

They act even when they doubt themselves.

They act despite major emotional shit coming up, no matter how they feel.

They act even when they don’t have the money, time, resources or even a clue in the world about what they are doing or HOW they are going to do it.

There are countless examples of successful people who have had all of these common denominators in resistance when it comes to success and pursuing purpose and passion, and have OVERCOME, myself included.

The only difference that makes the difference is really that they are COMMITTED.

They decided to go truly ALL IN on their dreams.

They didn’t give themselves an out.

When I decided to go all in on my business a few years back, and truly COMMIT myself to it, it was amazing and magical what happened.

I began to enroll client after client.

I was spreading my message and fulfilling my purpose each and every day.

The money started to pour in.

And most importantly— I felt HAPPY, ALIGNED, ALIVE and on FIRE for what I was doing!! I went to bed each and every night feeling like I had truly LIVED that day. 

I crave that again.

I crave to feel that feeling of ALIVENESS in my soul, in my being, of truly having COMMITTED to creating something MASSIVE in my life and going after it with my whole HEART.

I haven’t felt like that in some time.

I suppose I knew it when it was happening, and I tried to ignore it.

I was being called to something GREATER, that HIGHER CALLING… and I totally resisted it.

I went back on my word to myself.

I tried to re-commit to old things, and it just wasn’t doing it for me.

It’s not that I didn’t love doing those things, it’s just that it didn’t feel super ALIVE for me, it didn’t feel 100% super aligned and as a result my energy isn’t in it 100%.

And quite frankly, things have gotten majorly WORSE by me NOT accepting the call over the last year or so! I’ve even developed some pretty gnarly health issues as a result of it, as our energetic bodies (spiritual, mental and emotional) will ALWAYS filter down your blocks and reflect your imbalances in your physical body if you’re neglecting what you need to take care of.

Have you ever been in that place where you just KNEW you needed to do something but you’ve put it OFF at all costs?

Where it has been THE THING that you’ve thought about the MOST, you’ve dreamed about it, put so much energy and time and attention into it.. but for whatever reason you just HAVE NOT MANAGED to TAKE ACTION towards it?


Your dream and passion and purpose is calling. 

It’s not going anywhere. And the more you ignore it, the more you deny it, the more you stuff it down and distract yourself from the thing you know you need to take care of the most— the more PAINFUL it’s going to be when you DO do it.

Because you can’t NOT do it. It’s YOURS for goodness sake!��It’s not going anywhere, and it will wait for you until you are good and ready.

SO when are you going to decide that this is for you? That finally it is time to DO that thing that you have been putting off for so long?

What is calling to your soul— what is that thing that you know you’re meant to do and have been putting off? For your highest good, are you ready to embrace and step into this next version of your life?

I know I am.

I’ve put it off long enough.

It took me getting super fucking frustrated with myself before anything could change.

And now is the time. There is no other time other than right now.

It is time for you to step up into that next highest version of yourself, whatever that means to you.

To begin to re-discover your dreams, and who you are underneath it all.

To reconnect with your heart and claim what you know inherently that you desire and deserve.

You are worth so much more than this, beautiful soul.

You don’t have to settle for less than what you deserve.

I know it might be scary.

I know you might not know exactly HOW you’re going to do it— and really, this is where the fun lies.

I know you might not even believe that it is even possible!!

Or it might feel really a painful thing to put yourself through it…

But really there is no other way.

We must take action from a place that is ALIGNED with the OUTCOME that we are wanting to create.

Do you get that?

What is the outcome you desire? Who is the woman you are ready to become?

And then we begin to act from that place. When we see it from this perspective, anything is possible, right now.

Because you suddenly begin to realize that you have everything that you need to complete the task, already inside.

You have everything you need within!! You just have to tap into your inner resources, that are rich and abundant when you allow yourself to TRUST.

Trust the plan, trust yourself, trust that the Universe is on your side and that once you COMMIT to taking action towards whatever it is that is calling you— that the Universe will show up to deliver to you the exact STEPS and PLAN that you need in order to fulfill it.

It is law! It is energetic law that when you make that decision, when you COMMIT and go FULL IN and ASK for what you WANT— that as long as you take the ACTION you need to align to receive that outcome… that it is no longer a matter of IF, it’s only a matter of WHEN… 

And as long as you BELIEVE wholeheartedly in what you’re doing, as long as you COMMIT and decide to play big in your life with whatever area of life you’re deciding to step into your Highest Good… then you suddenly realize–

�That you can HAVE, DO or BE anything you want.


Commit to it and know that anything is possible.

I sure am. See you on the other side!!

Sending soooo much love and healing energy your way beautiful soul xo

In light + love,

Lauren Love

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