The Words You Speak, Create

I AM are two of the most powerful words in the Universe.

How do you express yourself through these words?

You are always creating… the words you SAY are essentially the paintbrush through which you are painting a masterpiece on the canvas of your life.

Creating your future.

Your vision, your language, the words which you speak themselves CREATE and ITSELF DETERMINE the realization.

I’m going to say that again.

“The vision always precedes and itself determines the realization.” ~Charles F. Haanel

The words you speak, the energy you vibrate at, the visions you hold inside your mind— come BEFORE and themselves DETERMINE the realization, the OUTCOME, the manifestation of your dreams and what happens in your life.

You are a powerful creator.

So when you choose to put your energy into statements such as, “I AM broke, I AM unhappy, I AM never going to change, I AM fat, I AM disgusting, I AM a bad person, I AM unworthy, I AM not enough, I AM stuck” you are choosing to affirm that those statements are true… and as a result, will continue to bring more things to you to CONFIRM your beliefs.

No matter if these are CONSCIOUS OR UNCONSCIOUS beliefs.

You are still creating.

What you say matters.

The way in which you talk to yourself matters.

Besides, having this type of negative relationship with yourself and having your inner self talk be dominated by these types of negative statements is just a recipe for an UNHAPPY and MISERABLE life.

That definitely doesn’t feel good.

AND it’s not ultimately in alignment with your Highest Good. You deserve to FEEL GOOD, speak to yourself and to others in a way that is LOVING, SUPPORTIVE, EXPANSIVE and POSITIVE.

Ask yourself now— what is the dominating CONTENT of your mind?

How are you speaking to yourself on a daily basis?

How are you speaking about yourself to others — what I AM statements are affirming your problem, issue or whatever it is that is keeping you stuck?

The first step is really just to become AWARE of the patterns, the stories, the STATEMENTS that are present inside of you now.

What are you thinking and saying to yourself that is affirming the PROBLEM?

And I don’t mean to IGNORE what’s really happening, either. Sometimes these statements ARE founded in truths from the PAST or OLD SHIT that has happened to us that caused us to believe it. The thing is, the LONGER you continue to tell yourself that story and IDENTIFY with it… the harder it will be to change and release it.

So question becomes — what do you want to create in the NOW and the FUTURE?

Once you identify what those things are— you can begin to write a new story.

You can begin to talk and speak about yourself in a whole new loving and powerful way!!

I AM choosing to feel abundant and grateful for what I have, now!

I AM learning to be happy with where I’m at right now.

I AM capable of change!

I AM beautiful, perfect, whole and complete exactly as I am.

I AM in love with myself.

I AM a good person and I deserve all the good things that life has to offer!

I AM willing to do what it takes to change my life!

I AM worthy of feeling good and taking care of myself no matter what!

I AM a powerful being.

I AM enough.

I AM light.

I AM love.

I AM grateful.


You have within you the power to create new worlds, new perspectives, and CREATE an entirely new LIFE for yourself… and it starts with YOU.

Every moment that we have is an opportunity for you to re-name and CLAIM who you are, the energy at which you are vibrating, and what you’re wanting for yourself and your life.

Where you choose to channel your energy itself through your words and what you SAY is what will grow and expand for you.

Today— what is one thing YOU are ready to AFFIRM and CLAIM for yourself that you are ready to step into?!?

Comment “I AM…” below and fill in the blank!!

It is time to begin to write a new story… and it all starts with how you see yourself.

All change comes from within. 

I AM grateful for your presence here beautiful soul!!

Sending SOOOO much love and healing energy to you!!

In light + love,

Lauren Love

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