The Secret to Success

Many people think that in order to be success you have to drive and push and force and make yourself do things that seem hard, difficult, and maybe even seem impossible to accomplish.

There is so much out there that says… you just need to ‘do THIS!

Buy THIS system!

Follow my PROCESS!

Just invest your life savings into this coaching program, this proven SYSTEM, this STRATEGY that is GUARAN-FUCKING-TEED to get you EXACTLY the results you want!!

Just follow my simple 16 step process! Or 3,928 steps to success, now! Easily and effortlessly

Oh and by the way, we can’t guarantee that it will actually work for you…” LOL.

I’ll be honest… there’s so much JUNK out there.

There’s so much NOISE, so much that is being put out there that is SUBPAR.

People teaching stuff they have no business teaching OR charging money for.

There is such a low barrier to entry nowadays with Facebook and the internet that there are these overnight “gurus” popping up… and I gotta say, you gotta be careful.

I’m super cautious about WHO I take my information from, I have a high level of discernment with WHAT I actually invite in and allow in my space, because my mind and my energy is a sacred sanctuary and I don’t want anyone to come in and pollute it with their GARBAGE.

In reality there definitely IS some really good stuff out there. It couldn’t be easier to learn the skills you need to learn to start a business, to pursue your dreams and make money online. There is so much free stuff that we have access to, which is awesome, but…

At some point you have to stop chasing the ANSWER.

What happens is that in this quest to be SUCCESSFUL, at some point along the way you stop believing in yourself and start relying on outside sources to tell you what to DO to BE SUCCESSFUL.

The problem is, that this rarely ever works.

I mean sure, it COULD be successful in the short term. It could help you make rapid cash, improve your funnel, or client conversions, or improve your processes, or whatever…

But the problem is that in all of this seeking and searching and finding those things and systems and processes to help you be more “successful”— is that you LOSE your own internal guidance on what actually is right for you.

What will happen is that you find TEMPORARY SUCCESS with this method… of searching outside of yourself for the “answer”, for the new strategy of making money quick and fast online… and it WON’T last.

Then you need to find ANOTHER thing, ANOTHER way, ANOTHER system or process or “guru” that is going to help you take your business and life to the next level.

Whatever, some of it is actually very helpful, I’m NOT knocking the role of a good system or mentor or coach!

What I AM knocking and what I DO have a problem with, is when you are doing all of this from a place of NOT ENOUGH-NESS and you are MASSIVELY OUT OF ALIGNMENT.

You might make money FAST, or have a rapid influx of cash or customers, but when you are out of ALIGNMENT, it will NOT LAST.

It can’t.

It’s energetically NOT aligned to remain.

You can’t continue forever.

This is WHY your cash flow is going up and down.

Can’t seem to hold on to money?

Can’t seem to be consistent in what you’re doing?

Can’t seem to understand why things just AREN’T WORKING?!?

You don’t need a new STRATEGY or PROCESS that is OUTSIDE of you— what you DO need is a different approach.

An inner approach to what you DO have, which is an ALIGNMENT problem.


When shit is NOT aligned inside of you, your business will NEVER create the kind of wealth, stability and success that you want it to.

Success, therefore, is an INNER GAME.

It’s not about finding what is OUTSIDE of you, what is EXTERNAL…

And sure, the processes are great, I know…

But how many fucking “systems” do you need until you finally realize it has NOTHING to do with what you are doing on the physical plane….

And has EVERYTHING to do with how you FEEL on the inside.

The SECRET to success is NOT having the perfect system.

It is NOT about having the right strategy, or perfect converting offer, or amazing systems in place to handle everything.

It’s actually NOT anything outside of you.

The SECRET to SUCCESS is about being in complete and full ALIGNMENT with what you’re TRULY meant to be doing in the world.

When you are fully and completely aligned, it doesn’t MATTER what your processes are.

When you are fully and completely ALIGNED to your true passion, your true purpose, it doesn’t MATTER what system you have, because your true clients, your true tribe, your true wealth WILL find its way to you.

It is LAW.

It can’t be any other way!!

When you are fully and completely in alignment, the PERFECT SYSTEMS and STRATEGY and MONEY and WEALTH CAN and WILL flow to you, easily and effortlessly!

You don’t have to FIGURE IT ALL OUT ahead of time.

You don’t have to strategize and worry and plan and control to GET people to buy into what you’re doing.

You don’t have to manipulate or trick people into clicking on your links and getting on your list.

You just have to SHOW UP AND BE YOU each and every day, in a way that FEELS GOOD and ALIGNED to you. That’s it.

That’s the SECRET!!

The SECRET to success is to be MASSIVELY ALIGNED in WHO YOU ARE, and share your true MESSAGE into the world… and then INVITE people into working with you and taking the next steps.

It’s NOT that hard.

You don’t need to be an excellent copywriter.

You don’t need to have the perfect sales page. In fact, you don’t even need to have a sales page if it’s not aligned!

You don’t need to know everything before you start.

You don’t need to know how you’re going to make it happen.

You don’t even need to know half the time if you’re going to make money from it.

In fact, the more detached from the outcome you can be, the better.

It’s just your job to show up and SERVE.

To be in ALIGNMENT with your SOUL, so that you can DO what you are meant to be doing in this life, in the world.

Do you feel like you were born to make a huge impact in the world?

Do you know deep down inside that you were born to change the world?

Do you feel like there is so much inside of you just waiting to be born?

Do you feel like you are ready to UNLEASH your unique voice into the world?

Do you feel this greater CALLING, this YEARNING, this burning DESIRE to shake the WORLD with your message?

Then you are in the right place, beautiful soul!!!

You are exactly where you are meant to be right now!!

The world NEEDS what you have to offer!!

You don’t need to do anything else before you get started.

Because the truth is, is that you have EVERYTHING YOU NEED already inside of you.

You have everything you need to be successful, already.

It’s inside of you.

You have the perfect blueprint for success built into your DNA. It IS there, just waiting for you to tap into it!!

This is the way, the journey back to wholeness, back to oneness with yrosuefl.. by allowing yourself to truly tap into your innate gifts, talents and dreams…

By asking yourself exactly what it is that you WANT right now.

What is it that you are ready to step INTO?

What is it that you are ready to CREATE?

What is it that is ready to be born from WITHIN YOU?

What is it that you are being CALLED to UNLEASHING in this world???

You have permission, NOW, to do just that.

Success isn’t about getting something outside of you, its not about following the rules, and it damn sure isn’t about how much money you are currently making, what you have, or how many followers you have.

Success is just a state of mind. It’s a feeling. It’s an energy that you tap into.

The ONLY way you can tap into the FLOW, the state, the ENERGY of SUCCESS is by getting into ALIGNMENT.

Those external processes and strategies and systems— sure they could help in the short term— but they are doing NOTHING to help you shift into the mindset and the energetic alignment of SUCCESS. Deep, SOULFUL SUCCESS in the LONG TERM.


THAT is the only way to create true WEALTH. True ABUNDANCE. True SUCCESS.

By doing what it is you LOVE and getting OBSESSED with bringing that into the world.

Being obsessed with helping as many people as you can.

Being obsessed with SHARING your story, with SERVING, with CREATING what it is you are truly meant to be sharing and serving and creating.

THAT is the recipe for success.

You will know you are successful when you FEEL successful.

I can guarantee you — in fact I KNOW so many “successful” entrepreneurs that appear that way on the outside… they’ve got the money, the cars, the wealth, the following, the products, etc. that makes them “appear” to be successful on the outside… but on the inside they are MISERABLE, out of ALIGNMENT and SCARED AS FUCK of losing it all…

Things aren’t always as they appear. And to me— this sure as hell ISN’T success.

Well, not the type of success that I want anyways.

I want it ALL— and I’ve committed myself to living this life of SUCCESS in ALL areas— health, wealth, relationships, spirituality, family, and personal development.

I want to feel like I’m a success on the INSIDE.

I want to feel ALIGNED and on PURPOSE with everything that I”m doing.

THAT to me is success.

THAT to me is actually what I have, and I am damn proud and grateful to actually be able to say that.

Because it doesn’t matter what “success” looks like on the outside, if it doesn’t truly match or reflect on the inside.

Your business can be a beautiful extension of your FEELING of success.

Your business can be a reflection of how ALIGNED you are on the inside… and trust me on this.. people WILL feel it.

They will know if and when you are on PURPOSE, and when you are NOT.

They will feel it, and you will attract to you the very people that match how you are on the inside.
So if you’re doing this from a place of fear, scarcity and feeling like you don’t have enough… guess what? You’ll attract to you clients that reflect that, that have the same problems.

If you’re truly doing business from a place of massive ALIGNMENT and are vibrating at the frequency of SUCCESS, your SOUL is totally aligned and engaged in what you’re doing and offering into the world… you will attract to you clients that are ALSO on that SAME PATH.

That to me, is the ONLY way to do business.

That to me, is the definition of SOULFUL SUCCESS.

Want to empower yourself to change the world?

Get in alignment with your SOUL.

Your SOUL knows what to do.

You have the perfect BLUEPRINT for your own SOULFUL SUCCESS inside of you already.

It’s NOT something that you can purchase.

It’s NOT something that you’ll find in a book.

It’s NOT something that someone can teach you.

It is something that you have to give yourself PERMISSION to do.

All you have to do is TAP into it.

Inquire within yourself— what is it that I TRULY want to be doing on a daily basis?

What would feel good deep down in my SOUL?

What is calling me, now?

In what areas and in what ways does it feel right in my heart to serve, to share, to give back around?

Because truly… you have all of the answers to have a thriving, successful, wealthy business inside of you already.

Give yourself permission to take back your power and align yourself to your TRUE gifts.

The answers are NOT outside of you.

The answer is YOU.

You can do this.

No matter how scary, or vulnerable, or terrified you might be…

I know that you know deep down in your heart and mind and soul that I am right.

That you don’t need anything other than YOU to get started, to make an impact, to help a TON of people, have loads of FUN, and make an abundance of money while doing it.

It IS possible to have a business born out of your SOUL.

And in fact, how could it be any other way?

Allow it to be so, beautiful soul.

Claim it. Own it. Become it.

To yours in soulful success and empowerment.

In light + love,

Lauren Love

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