The Only Way to Change Is This

You ever feel like you’re just sick and tired of your own bullshit?

There comes a time when you just get so FRUSTRATED and FED UP with the way things are.

You are telling yourself a story that is no longer serving you.

Of course, maybe at one time it did.

The story was created for some purpose.

We act most of the time from our unconscious habits.

Our unconscious mind is programmed to always take the easiest route to action.

It doesn’t like it when we try to go outside that mold.  In fact, it will resist it very much.

It will feel uncomfortable.

It will feel awkward.

You will forget even some days what you were even doing!

Isn’t that weird how some days we can be so committed to something— to changing our life, to developing new healthier habits, to improving our relationships or finances or going after a new dream or goal— and then other days we seem to completely lose track and veer down a different path?

It’s something I see happen a lot.

In fact— that’s pretty much why I have a business!

Because people need support, accountability and guidance when it comes to changing their life!

It seldom happens when they are on their own.

When going after new dreams and goals— we need a new strategy.

We need to install new habits.

We need to upgrade our belief system to support our new life.

And finally— and probably the most important thing— is the release work that we need to do to let go of the emotional baggage that is in the way of accomplishing the goal.

These are all things that my clients need help with, and for good reason!

It requires an entire overhaul on your life!

This is not a light undertaking.

And most of the time it begins with a turning point.

A pivot point.

A point in time when that person wakes the FUCK UP and realizes…

What I’m doing isn’t working

I can’t do this alone

I am stuck in my old self destructive habits

They are weighing me down

Keeping me stuck

No matter what I try or do, nothing seems to work

I can’t seem to get myself to change

I can make changes for a few days

And then something happens

And I go back to doing the old behaviors again…

Maybe it’s getting sucked into obsessive Netflix watching (or porn for some, lets be honest) to feel good temporarily

Maybe it’s getting obsessed with weight loss and food or exercise to distract

Maybe it’s overdoing it with alcohol and drugs to numb out

Maybe it’s being addicted to the drama in your life

Which all create one big fucking DISTRACTION

Which takes you away from

What your true self actually wants to be doing.

This is CLASSIC self-sabotage at best!
Most people say they want to change, don’t you?

Isn’t there at least one or two things right now that you’d like to change?

Maybe you’d like to improve your health and fitness

Maybe you’d like to feel closer to your partner, or have more connected relationships

Maybe you’d like to pursue your purpose and passion and become abundant in all areas

Maybe you just want to be HAPPY and FULFILLED on a deeper soul level

Most people want to change or improve their life in some way shape or form

Don’t you ever wonder why so few people do then?

For one reason.

Change is hard.

Getting out of old stuck habits is hard

Starting new habits is hard

Getting out of your comfort zone is hard

And yet

This is where the magic happens!!

But most people don’t realize that it is beyond what they see that is what creates the biggest levels of fulfillment

What people don’t see is that in the struggle is what creates GREATNESS
It is the people who don’t ever fucking GIVE UP that are the happiest over time

It is the people who CHALLENGE themselves to the core, who pursue excellence that are the most fulfilled in the long term

Because you can say that you are happy with the way things are

You can say that you are fulfilled with what you’re doing

AND there can still be more out there for you

Aren’t you curious as to what your human potential is?

They say we use, what, less than 10% of our brain power?

I have only an inkling of to what my full potential is, and it is humbling to even think how much more power and potential is available to us

If only we tap into it

And truly— it starts with you getting sick and tired with your own bullshit.

Fed up and frustrated with the way things are.

I’m sure you’ve heard the cliche

That after the BREAKDOWN


And I find there to be a lot of truth in that

Because for real… many people will not have the impetus to change without getting FRUSTRATED with themselves

Otherwise we eek on in this mediocre existence

Settling for how things are right now

What would happen if you decided that you were sick and tired of your own bullshit?

Got frustrated with where you were at?

And not in a self-criticizing way, because if you are only beating yourself up for not being good enough, then that isn’t going to create change

But rather allowing yourself to get truly HONEST with where you’re at

To take stock of where you’re at and what’s REALLY going on

And allowing it to be your PIVOT POINT

The marker in the road of your life that says



I am NOT going to continue to live this way ANYMORE!!

I WILL allow this moment to create the biggest and most momentous change in my life!

I don’t have to go any further down this path to make a change

I’ve been here long enough

Fed up, frustrated and sick of doing it this same way over and over again

Expecting different results while doing that same thing over and over again is the definition of insanity, says Einstein

So let’s learn from the greatest

And let’s use it to propel us forward into great heights

To where we didn’t even know our greatest potential

But allowed ourselves to go deep down inside of ourselves
When the frustration became so large

When we allowed ourselves to get super fucking honest with ourselves

Bringing the issues and problems into the full light of day

That which is in the darkness we cannot change

It is only by exposing it to the light that we have access to our power to transform it

THIS becomes our power, our strength, our greatest gift.

What if you allowed your biggest bullshit in your life to transform into your greatest teacher?

There’s something to be said for those who don’t settle for less than they know they are capable of

And I’ll be honest with you…

There’s this part of you in every single one of us

That knows when we are in ALIGNMENT with what we are meant to be doing

And it will show up in our lives in different ways

But when we really slow down and give ourselves permission to express it

It can help enlighten and unpack what can help us create a magnificent life for ourselves.

I’ve seen this time and time again with myself and also with my clients

The times when we are most motivated are when we just get so FED UP

And this energy that is created in those moments can be used in one of two ways…

We can either use it to get pissed off at ourselves, we can turn into a victim and point fingers at everything in our life

We can blame our past, our parents, what has happened to us, the economy, past lovers, children, circumstances, anything in our life that we don’t like, we can point our fingers at anything in our life and make EXCUSES as to why we can’t change, or why we don’t have what we want

OR we can USE THAT ENERGY to help FUEL US.

THIS is the choice that we have.

You either have REASONS or RESULTS.

There is no other way.

You can take responsibility for your life and use this frustration as fuel, or you can let this energy stew and fester inside of you like rotting garbage and of course it will begin to cause a STINK within you.

It’s your choice.

You get to CHOOSE— do you want to RESPOND to the situation coming from a place of LOVE and use the frustration as fuel to spark the flames of your inner fire to make a positive change in your life?

Or do you want to REACT out of FEAR, blaming everything in your life, taking no responsibility for the way things are, buying into an old story of limitation and lack which only creates the bars that trap you in the cage of your own creation?

It’s your choice.

Many people tend to fall back into the fear-based patterns, for one reason… it’s easier.

It’s definitely the harder choice to CHOOSE LOVE.

This then, becomes the journey.

Of turning towards LOVE, of taking responsibility for your life.

Every moment in your life is a chance to turn it all around.

It’s never too late to change.

It’s never too late to CHOOSE LOVE.

Things can shift and change in an instant.

And in fact, sometimes this is the only way they do.

When you get sick and tired of the bullshit you’ve been buying into

And finally become willing to change.

This becomes the access point for your new life.

This becomes the pivot point.

If you look forward one year, two years, 5 years from now— what’s that story that you want to be telling about this moment right now?

Do you want to live to tell the story of how you created a new life for yourself?

How the moment arose when you decided that you were sick and tired of your own bullshit… and in that moment you make the difficult choice to STEP UP and CHANGE YOUR LIFE?

Isn’t that empowering to think about?

What would your future self say to you right now?

When you come from this place, you can begin to take responsibility for what you are creating and ALIGN to the OUTCOME that you’re wanting to manifest.

For this is the most powerful and rapid way to change your life…

To act from the OUTCOME and the RESULT you are wanting in your life, coming from a place of love for yourself.

Sometimes the frustration HAS to happen.

I know there are many people who don’t WANT to feel it.

OH LAUREN, I’m TOO NICE for that.  I’m TOO SPIRITUAL.  I LOVE MYSELF too much to get frustrated with myself.

Fuck that, I’m spiritual AF and sometimes I need a good kick in the ass to get my shit going.

Sometimes I need to wake the fuck up to what I’m doing, get frustrated with myself so that I can propel myself into making a new decision.

How could it be any other way?

We are creatures of habit.

We like to be comfortable and safe and secure in where we are at.

And yet, the same habits and safety mechanisms we develop over time, eventually are the things that bind and trap us.

The only way to get out is to really FACE YOURSELF.

Get honest with yourself about where you’re at, and what you want to change in your life.

COMMIT to that thing— whatever it is.

What do you need to do to make that happen?

Take responsibility for your life.

You are a creator of your own Universe.

You get what you focus on.
Wouldn’t it feel good to look back one year from now and remember— THIS is the moment that made ALL the difference in the world?

Because you are WORTH IT, and I know you can do it.

You can HAVE, DO or BE ANYTHING you want.

You are an unlimited being.

I’m just here to help you to tap into your limitless potential.

To your own innate power, light and greatness,

In light + love,

Lauren Love

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