The Only Way I’ve Found to True Wealth, True Purpose + True Fulfillment ❤️

I am coming into a new paradigm of being that I have never experienced before. It is new, it is fresh, and to be honest, it is EXTREMELY uncomfortable.

I am excited for the possibilities and it feels as if I’ve been cracked wide open, vulnerable, raw and exposed.

But this is the way with life… as we travel the road of expansion, of growth, of evolution.

My life is taking yet again another GIANT leap forward.

It is based on my decision and my commitment to becoming my greatest self, and always challenging myself to BE more of who I really am.

No longer does it come from that place of wanting or needing approval. Seeking safety. Or desperately trying to fit in. Or having to do it right.

It comes from a place deep within my heart, my soul. This place within me that calls me forward into my greatest expression, my deepest truth.

I am here to open up the space and show the way for others, to discover their own unique calling.

To learn more about who they are and why they are here.

For me, this has everything to do with being a living breathing essence of spiritual entrepreneurship.

To show people how they can use this amazing business building journey as the ULTIMATE spiritual path.

Because the truth is, that being an entrepreneur, being a coach, being a leader is hard work and it’s the deepest transformational work you will EVER do on yourself.

It’s not about the money. It’s not about the material things or what you are trying to create.

Rather, for me it is all about two things: Identity and Impact.

Identity has to do with who I am, and who I am called to be.

Impact has to do with what I am called to do and how many people I can help.

Now, don’t get me wrong, the identity piece is not about what others think, or being vain, or thinking that I’m the shit… what it DOES come down to are these simple yet powerful questions:

Who am I in the eyes of God?

Who was I created to be?

Who is the woman I am meant to become?

My Higher Self calls me forward into greater and greater levels of being self-expressed, and this is what I mean about IDENTITY…

Because when you really step into your SOUL’S CALLING…

What you are really saying to yourself is that I AM READY to BE MY TRUE AUTHENTIC SELF.

(***Sidenote: Truth is, you already ARE, and it is WITHIN YOU ALREADY… the journey is more to do with peeling back the layers and letting go of all the barriers within you that block your conscious awareness of your true self and your deep inner truth…. anyways, I digress.. 😉 )

It’s about OWNING and becoming READY to step into the person that I always knew I was born to be.

It is about stepping into a Higher Version of yourself — the Divine You.

The Divine You was put here to tap into your soul’s calling and true purpose, and birth that out into the world.

The second piece has to do with this question about WHAT:

What is it that you feel called to create?

Who do you feel called to help and serve in this world?

In what ways do you want to give back and create an impact in the world?

The reason I put both of these together is that they are integral pieces of you embodying your destiny and following your soul’s calling. This is the only way I’ve found to true wealth, true purpose, true freedom and fulfillment. And THIS is exactly the work that I do with spiritual entrepreneurs.

This is the ENERGY and TRUE ESSENCE of the work, and must be solidified before we ever talk about business structure, pricing, programs, etc. All that is secondary to the TRUE NATURE of the work.

Because IF you want to become a greater version of yourself, fulfill your purpose and live your passion— you will need to get crystal clear on (or at least start focusing on) the answers to these bigger questions.

AND if you desire to do this in a business capacity— these are the questions to start asking yourself, which when you start living the answers…. This is the way that will bring you unlimited wealth, financial abundance, freedom and fulfillment beyond your wildest dreams.

It’s a law of the Universe that the more you give, the more you can receive. What you sow, you reap. The more you can receive, the greater the impact you can have in the world as a spiritual entrepreneur, leader and change-maker.

I believe this is the ONLY way to TRUE wealth, TRUE abundance, TRUE fulfillment on a deeper level.

By following your soul’s calling.

By asking yourself WHO IS IT that I am meant to become?

What is it that I FEEL CALLED to create in this world?

What is my purpose?

And how can I SERVE?

These are the questions that I’ve been asking myself for many years now, and have become primary drivers in my life.

What would happen if you started to live into these questions?

Do you think you would be able to begin to access deeper purpose and meaning in your everyday life?

When you show up in this way, I can guarantee you that your life WILL change.

Living this way is sometimes scary, definitely vulnerable and it requires you to be COURAGEOUS.

It takes courage to stand up for what you believe in. To do things that others are unwilling to do. To do this deeper work on yourself in order to really step into your true calling and purpose.

For me, this is the only way I am able to find happiness. Inner peace. Freedom on so many levels.

This is what I’m here for, and what I am stepping into in my business and life right now.

This is what I was made for and I couldn’t be more excited!!

This is exactly why I am launching something completely new…

Do you desire to explore these possibilities for growth in your own life?

Are you ready to step into the next level in your own life?

Are you ready to play BIGGER in your life, feel more self-expressed, and tap into who you really are?

Would you like to go deep within yourself and discover what your true purpose is?

If you’re excited about what I am sharing here today, then join me in my newest (and FREE!!) 30 day challenge, SOUL CALLING!!

We will be creating a sacred container for you to open yourself up to play with the possibilities that exist for you, to learn more about what your unique calling, your purpose, your passion is, and how to tap into that!!

We will be going in depth around this topic of TRUE PURPOSE, of SOUL CALLING— and what that actually means!!

We will dive deep into HOW to tap into it, and how to harness it for your greatest growth and soul’s evolution.

We will talk about how to share your true gifts with the world, and how to receive an abundant income doing what you love.

You will get all your questions answered as we dive into the trainings each day and you get to have an experience of purpose, of passion, of flow— as we move forward together each day in the course.

The reason I’m doing this is because I feel truly called to do this!! Hahah I was laughing with my new friend this morning because I was going back and forth on if I was going to actually deliver this free training, and I shared with her that YES I DO FEEL CALLED to offer this training SOUL CALLING!!

It is truly in my heart to share with you how to live this life where you feel so deeply connected to your heart and in alignment with your soul. 🙏

You don’t have to have a business to join, but if you are considering following your purpose or want to learn more about what it takes to create a soul-aligned business based on your true message, then you are in the right place!!

I can’t wait to dive in with you and guide you along this path towards finding your own SOUL CALLING…🔥

Of discovering what that means to you ❤️

Of learning more about yourself and how you want to show up 👑

Of uncovering what you feel called to create and how you want to serve ⭐️

Because this is what life is really about!!

This to me is the only way to true happiness, joy and soul fulfillment. 😍

Join us now, we start next week!!! Link in comments to join!!

Message me if you have any questions 😄

Can’t wait to see you in this course beautiful soul!!!

Soooo much love to you.

Xo Lauren Love

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