Soul Calling

Over the last few years, I have heard from hundreds of women in my programs and online community ONE BIG QUESTION that I intend to address today, and that is…


It comes in many different forms…

👉Who am I?

👉What am I REALLY here for?

👉What am I designed to do?

👉How am I meant to help and serve?

👉What am I truly passionate about?

👉What would give my life meaning and purpose?

👉What is it going to take for me to FINALLY feel fulfilled?

If you’ve been asking yourself these questions lately, then you’re in the right place…

I remember how confusing it was for me when I lived a life that was out of alignment with my true purpose and soul calling.

It was as if I was always searching, always seeking, yet never finding.

I searched for the answer to these questions everywhere outside of myself.

At first, it manifested in trying to find this purpose outside of myself, in all my external pursuits and things I did to try to gain approval and please others.

It is so easy to do what is expected of us, what we are told to do, what is “normal” by societal and familial standards.

What was difficult for me, was that what I was feeling inside was NOT matching up to what those external standards were.

I didn’t want to just go to college, get a “good” job, work a bajillion hours being all stressed out, only to get to retirement one day to… what? It just didn’t feel like that was the life plan that I wanted to sign up for.

I took many detours on my way to true purpose and soul calling, my life was very chaotic and all areas of my life were out of balance and very unhealthy until I finally got INTO ALIGNMENT WITH MY SOUL CALLING.

It was as if finding my purpose was the THING that I needed to finally be able to heal all the parts in my life that were unhealed.

Finding my purpose was finally the THING that I needed in order to finally be happy and fulfilled.

When I found what that was for me, it was like my life could finally begin. Before that, I don’t feel like I had been living at all.

I was able to become my true authentic self and share that with the world.

It made so much sense to me, that all I needed to do was to tune in and listen for the answers.

Everything you need is already inside of you.

When it comes to true purpose though, most people need a guide in order to help point them in the direction in which to go.

For me, I had many teachers that didn’t quite give me the answers— they helped me look within and guide me to find my own answers — but I needed to know where to look!

I feel like for some people finding your true purpose and soul calling is somewhat of an elusive thing… as if it is this white dragon that you are constantly chasing and never will find…. And I will tell you that this is absolutely not true.

There IS a reason WHY you are here.

It is unique to you.

💎YOU are the only one who can do what you came here to do.

💎YOU are the only one who can deliver your unique soul purpose and calling to this planet.

💎NO ONE can do this better than YOU!

💎You have a unique gift, a one-of-a-kind calling that is within you, just waiting to be discovered…

And when you do, what I’ve found is that following this path is the only TRUE PATH TO RICHES.

You want to be more fulfilled, be happy, live a simple life?

You want to follow your purpose, your passion, and discover who you truly are?

You want to break free from the limitations that have been holding you back and create a life of abundance, freedom, happiness, and fulfillment beyond your wildest dreams?

Then following your TRUE PURPOSE and SOUL CALLING is the ONLY way to get there.

You can’t create TRUE WEALTH from a place of being out of alignment with your soul.

Sure, you can create lots of money being out of alignment.

I know you probably already have achieved a lot of success, have a lot of material things in your life you are proud of, and you probably also have some really great relationships in your life.

And…. There’s something missing.

That feeling you get deep inside is your soul’s calling.

It will never go away until you tap into it.

Trust me, I have tried!!

For many years, I tried to stuff down and numb out that voice… I tried to do many other things OTHER than my soul’s calling… and you know what? Some of those things made me happy for a time, but NONE of those things were able to provide me with what I was ACTUALLY wanting, which was…

SOUL FULFILLMENT. Peace. Happiness. Freedom.

Which at the end of the day, this is what everyone wants anyways, isn’t it?

The ONLY way to discovering these things in your life is to begin to tap into and follow your SOUL CALLING.

It is the way to finding your TRUTH. Discovering your MESSAGE. Finding your VOICE. Creating a LEGACY.

Based on YOU and who you are inside.

Everything you need to be successful and create the business and life of your dreams is already inside.

And I am here to help you tap into that.

Join me for my newest free 30 day challenge, SOUL CALLING!!!

Imagine what would happen if you spent the next 30 days getting deeply connected to your SOUL and WHY you are here on this planet.

Imagine what would happen if you took the time every day to actually discover what it is you are really here for. Who you are underneath it all. And what is going to give your life a deeper meaning and purpose for you.

This and so much more, is exactly what we are going to be talking about in SOUL CALLING.

We will take a deep dive into purpose, passion and flow. You will discover things about yourself that you never knew! You will come away with a KNOWING and a complete crystal clear understanding of WHO YOU ARE AND WHY YOU ARE HERE ON THIS PLANET.

You will discover just what your unique SOUL CALLING is, and how to harness that to make the biggest impact in the world.

This course is for you if:

👉You want to feel deeply connected, heard, and understood

👉You want to discover what your true purpose and passion is

👉You know there is a greater reason why you are here on this planet and you want to begin to discover what that is

👉You are in a place where you feel uncertain about your work, career and money situation

👉You want to understand what makes you unique, and learn more about how to use your soul gifts to create financial abundance

👉You are frustrated with your job, and desire to do something different in your life

👉You want to connect with other like-minded souls who are on a similar journey of soul purpose as you are

👉You feel as if there is something missing in your life and you desire so deeply to discover what it is that will fill that void and give you a sense of meaning and purpose

👉You want to wake up every day excited for your life and what you are creating

👉You want to learn more about what it takes to live a creative, intuitive, inspired life of soul purpose and passion

👉You are a people-pleaser, you care too much about what other people think, and want to learn how to live more in alignment with your truth and what feels good to YOU, rather than feel held back by other people’s opinions and expectations

👉You are ready to break the mold and bust out of the NORM to discover what will ACTUALLY make you happy in your life

👉You feel unfulfilled, lonely, afraid, and are ready to take a new direction in your life and receive guidance on how to follow your soul calling, now

If you feel like you fit into one (or ALL!!) of these categories, then this is the course for YOU.

I too struggled with all of these things above for many years and am here to tell you that you DON’T HAVE TO LIVE THAT WAY ANYMORE.

You don’t have to hold yourself back

You don’t have to do what you think you should do

You don’t have to allow the fear, self-doubt, and itty-bitty-shitty-committee in your head win any longer!!




If you resonate with what I am sharing with you today and you feel deep inside that this is ABSOLUTELY something that you are ready to do, here is how we can do this together!!

30 Days to Discover Your Soul Calling and Create an Abundant Income From Your Soul Gifts so that You Can Become Happier, Fulfilled, More Self-Expressed and Free!💎

Every day for the next 30 days I will be giving you short live video trainings, action steps, exercises, and journaling prompts for you to dive deep on exactly the steps you need to take in your own life in order to go from feeling unclear, stuck and stagnant to discovering more about who you are and what your unique soul purpose is in the world.💎

At the end of this course, you will have a clear understanding of how you can utilize what you’ve learned so that you can continue your path of True Purpose and creating a life of abundance from your Soul Calling.

Work With Me For 30 Days And Go From Confused, Stuck and Stagnant, to Finally Crystal Clear On Your True Purpose, and Know Exactly How To Share Your True Gifts With The World Without Being Paralyzed By Fear, Worry, Self-doubt or Indecision

Are you in??

I thought so, I am SO excited for you!!

We start Monday, December 3!!!

All you have to do is show up for 20 minutes a day for 30 days — and watch your life magically transform as a result of doing this amazing soul work.

And you want to know the best part, beautiful soul??

I am offering this course to you ABSOLUTELY FREE.

Yep, that’s right.

I am GIVING this course to you, as my gift. 🙂

It is my desire that you have this information and content so that you can become the best, highest and most radiant version of yourself.

It has helped me go from being depressed, anxiety-ridden, unhappy and unfulfilled to creating a life I love that is full of abundance, joy, fulfillment and true purpose.

I love what I do each and every day.

I get to live my dreams, and I want you to have access to the exact process that I used in order to create it.

SO join me today, and I can’t wait to guide you on this amazing journey towards your own personal SOUL CALLING!!! ❤️

Sign up in comments below 👇

Don’t wait!! This offer won’t be around long, as we will be offering it as a paid course at the end of the 30 days.

Get in now while you still can and join an amazing community of like-minded souls who are ready and willing to discover their soul calling and live their true purpose in the world.

So excited for you!!


See you on the other side 😉

Xo Lauren Love

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