Ready, Set, Go!

I feel like so much is happening in my life right now I can hardly keep up.

I’m on fire, lit up and headed straight for where I’m going, enjoying every moment of it. It’s enlivening, exciting, and I feel unstoppable.

There is so much in this space that I dream about.

I dream so big it almost hurts sometimes. I have such a burning desire that it is starting to keep me up at night, which feels really fucking good.

I know that for so long I surpassed this drive, this desire within me that just has wanted to be unleashed.

Its almost as if there had been a dam up in my soul, pooling water behind it and slowly over time it has been cracking. The foundation breaking down that has been cemented over through time, and yet the pressure of the massive amount of water that is behind it only creates one thing…

A FLOODGATE, a RUSH of it ALL flowing through me NOW…

It’s SO overwhelming at times.

I think to myself on one hand, I can’t BELIEVE I feel this GOOD, this ALIVE, this on FIRE for what my soul and heart and mind knows is complete and utter alignment … and then again, I knew that it was there the entire time.

I felt like there was something wrong with me that I had this within me.

What I’m realizing now is that there is nothing wrong with me in this department.

What WAS wrong was me DENYING myself my fullest expression.

The truth is— I’m a mad CREATOR, an ARTIST, a WRITER and a VISIONARY that is truly here to change the world!!

I’ve known this for years… and I’ve been showing up in a space in a limited capacity that has allowed me to truly master these skills, to hone in on my true gifts and to SHINE my light BRIGHT into the world, into the lives of those I have served over the years.

It has been TRULY a gift to do that and I’ve LOVED every single moment of it…

And yet… it’s amazing what happens when the dream expands. When the calling explodes. When you finally feel the pull into something greater.

There is a bit of fear attached to it… the wanting to stay safe, stay comfortable, to hold back and to do what is known, what is comfortable and ‘normal.’

And the truth is that I am no longer playing this smaller game anymore! I felt like a big fish in a small pond… and now I’m stepping into the big leagues and wanting to play at such a higher level!! A small fish in a big pond again..

That is TOTALLY okay with me now. I have held myself back for long enough!

It’s time to unleash!!

I operate best when I light a fire under my ass and get myself in gear, motivated from WITHIN.

I don’t need anyone else to tell me what I ‘should’ be doing or what they ‘recommend’ for me— unless they are mentoring me and I put my trust in them to help me get to the next level.

I have gone ALL IN with this shit and I am ready for the next level!!

I suppose this is what the entire point of me writing this today is…

Is that there comes a time where there’s no more INTERNAL work to be done…

There’s nothing else that needs to shift, no blocks to release, nothing else going on ….

When you have to step up and call BULLSHIT on yourself as to what has really been going on…

That you haven’t been stepping up into your fullest potential..

That you haven’t been doing what you said you were going to do… what you WANT to do…

That you’ve been distracting yourself with dumb shit to put off taking action and doing the ‘real’ work.

Cause let’s face it— achieving goals, changing your life, building a business, stepping into your power and really upleveling your life— is HARD WORK.

It’s really FUCKING hard. And most people are NOT cut out for this life, this way of being.
I used to shame myself for not WANTING what other people wanted. Past relationships of mine have FAILED because of my desire for MORE, to CREATE, to go after my big DREAMS, they just didn’t ‘get’ it, they didn’t accept me for who I was, and I went along with it and denied myself the fullest expression of who I was because I took on their stuff and thought that there was something wrong with ME.

That I would rather be doing MY thing.

Working on my business.

Creating an empire.

Serving others at a high level.

Doing my deep soul work.

Fulfilling my purpose in this world.

Cause that’s the shit that LIGHTS ME UP!!!

THIS is the shit that LIFE is REALLY about.

I never wanted to sit around and watch TV, drinking and hanging out, doing the ‘normal’ thing, pretending I was ‘happy’, doing mindless activities, etc.

It felt like a huge waste of my time, in fact when I look back I can identify so many thing I used to engage in that were just great big giant time SUCKERS and that I would be SO much further along had I realized it at the time.

Nowadays, I’m super careful as to how I spend my time. What it is that I am doing on a daily basis, how I’m spending or wasting my time, and WHO it is that I choose to be around, where I put my energy.

Because what happens is that the PEOPLE we are around, the ENVIRONMENTS we put ourselves in, and WHAT we choose to focus on DAILY— is what CREATES your entire life.

WHO are the people you are choosing to surround yourself with? If you think about it, aren’t there those people that you just feel so DRAINED and DRAGGED DOWN after you spend time with them? If thats true, WHYYY are you choosing to continue spending time with them? You can LOVE them from a distance.

If you are really working on yourself and upleveling your life, where are you going, what environments are you in? Are you surrounding yourself in positive uplifting spaces? Are you investing in yourself to put yourself in situations where you can be around people that will help you improve and challenge you to grow? If not, why not? This has been one of the biggest factors that has ALWAYS helped me to up level up my life, and one habit that I continue to do on an ongoing basis.

What things are you putting your attention on? It is true that what you focus on expands, as cliche and as played out the law of attraction shit is, you can’t deny the truth of it. Where you put your energy, GROWS. What is the DOMINATING content of your MIND?? Are you speaking negatively to yourself, about yourself and to others/ DO you spend your time complaining and making excuses as to why you are where you are, or why you can’t change?

Quit that shit. Get around people and invest in programs to help you truly shift your MINDSET to tune yourself into what you are actually wanting to create.

Cause that’s what it really comes down to— YOU CHOOSING what you actually WANT and ALIGNING Yourself to that.

If you don’t know where you are going, you’re never going to get there.

SO many people are so AFRAID to write down their goals and dreams.

WHY THE HELL NOT??? You’ll never get anywhere NEAR them if you don’t first write them down!!

Sure, it might feel scary or awkward and OMG WHAT IF you don’t HIT THEM?? People will hold themselves back in fear for setting their goals too high— but really, this is small thinking. So WHAT if you don’t get near them, yet… are you going to give up? And what if you set a huge goal and get halfway there.. aren’t you further along then, more so than where you were before?

I set the same goal for 7 years in a row.


I didn’t get anywhere CLOSE to it, the first 5 years.

SERIOUSLY!!! That is fucking commitment.

I got up again and again, every failure, every set-back, it fueled me to keep going, to keep standing up and trying again, to continue on so that I could move forward towards my big goal.

Do you have what it takes? Can you persevere against all odds? Can you continue on when every part of you wants to give up and fall down??
This life isn’t for EVERYONE.

It takes HUGE dedication, monumental commitment and going ALL IN energetically.

It’s super fucking exciting to me because I feel like finally I am at a point where I am going ALL IN on my NEW dreams.

It’s so EXCITING and my drive and momentum is building within me to manifest this new goal and dream in my life.

And you know what/?

It might happen tomorrow— OR it might take another 7 years.


If it takes another 7 years to create and bring this new dream and vision into form, so be it.

I’m just gonna be over here doing my thing.

Working hard.

Showing up each and every motherfucking day.

This is my life.

This is what I live for.

This is what it’s truly all about.

I am in love with the drive, the energy, the momentum, the adrenaline that comes along with it.

It’s what makes me feel alive and lit up… and this energy spills out into every other area of my life.

I used to think that going after my dreams and goals was selfish.

Until I realized that it only ENHANCED every other area of my life.

I am a better mother, a better partner, a better coach, leader, mentor and friend— when I am going all IN on my deep soul work.

I am who I am, and I can’t change it.

And for the first time in my life I’m not afraid to admit it.

Fuck yes.

THIS is where unstoppable is born from!!

Yesterday during a 90 minute massage I received this new PROJECT and JOURNEY that I am being called to embark on.

I had this DEEP INTENSE process throughout the hour and a half. I LOVE massages and the pressure the masseus was using was so hard and intense that it really allowed me to clear out and have a major release during it.

What always happens when I get into this place is that— when I let go and release, it opens the doors for the new to flow in.

I received a Divine Download for what is next for me in my life.

It feels SO BIG, SO INTENSE that directly after the massage I told a shower and began crying.

I wept tears of this feeling of being TERRIFIED of this new level, this new direction I am being called to take.

There is this part of me that is a bit scared— however I immediately took a deep breath in and said to myself, THANK GOD!!!

THIS is what I’ve been waiting for.

I’ve been waiting for a sign, a direction for me to go in.

This is it.

I can’t wait to begin to unpack it and get ready to unleash it in the world.

This changes everything.

And it reminds me to keep my attention to what I know— and that is, that you can BE, DO or HAVE anything you want.

You just have to BELIEVE that it’s possible, go all in, and do the fucking work.

And so it begins.

In light + love,
Lauren Love

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