On My Path And Waking Up

My life has completely transformed yet again.

I feel like an entirely new person.

In truth, I am.

I cannot even begin to express to you the magnitude of which I feel now.

It is so much different than before. The heavens opened up and poured their blessings down upon me.

My awareness has expanded exponentially.

My insights and realizations have been compounding and increasing in depth and intensity.

I don’t even know if you will understand what I am sharing here.

I feel massively transformed.

I have been through so much.

What do I have to teach you through this?

I want you to know that if you have a dream in your heart that you must follow it.

That is the path to your soul’s fulfillment and is a required road that we must walk in this journey of life.

It is not for the faint of heart, or for those who don’t want to complete the journey.

It’s okay if you are afraid.

It’s okay if you don’t know what you are doing.

It’s even okay if you get lost for a while.

The path will be waiting for you. It beckons and it is up to you to answer the call.

It will continue to call you until you answer.

Until you finally decide that you cannot engage in whatever soul-sucking or self-sacrificing things that you are doing in the name of money, convenience, or some perverted and overinflated need to gain others approval and acceptance.

Wanting to follow the “mold”, the system, the structure for how “they” said it should be… is the road to soul – crushing death, destruction of the infinite self and falling asleep.

So many people are sleeping and don’t even realize it.

They have not pierced the veil of awareness and began to truly wake up.

Stuck in a nightmare of your own creation.

But truthfully, you don’t even realize that you created it… and when you do it becomes a great key to your evolution.

To realize that life doesn’t just HAPPEN to you.

There are no accidents.

That you are a creator and that everything you have experienced in your life has happened for a reason.

There is great power in your soul and unfortunately we are being programmed to be and act from a place of dis-empowerment, fear and illusion.

It is all an illusion.

The fact that you are here means there is something within your soul that wants you to hear this today.

I’m not even sure what the point of this entire writing is today.

I just know that I have been through something HUGE.

My evolution and my spiritual evolution has EXPLODED.

I have been on this spiritual journey for quite some time.

Spiritual, not religious.

There is a huge difference between the two.

Spiritual literally means “having to do with spirit”.

I remember when I first woke up. I was 18, I was sitting on the lawn on my college campus reading a book I had found at a used bookstore that literally called my name— “Awakening the Buddha Within.”

Sitting there on campus that day, time literally stopped. I remember being so aware and so aware of the infinite nature of the Universe in that immediate moment… how everything around me felt like it was in slow motion.

In an instant, I could sense and feel and hear everything and gained access to a storehouse of knowledge that I didn’t know before existed. I realized why I was here and what I was doing, and what my part in it all is. I realized that I had a bigger purpose and there was a greater plan for my life. I just didn’t know what that was back then. I could see how I was a part of this grand plan and how everything literally was happening because of me.

And so it began…

I began to fall apart. My identity began to collapse on itself.

I began to break down, my outer shell of “who I thought I was” began to crack.

I couldn’t understand how everyone around me didn’t feel the same.

I didn’t see how they didn’t see or understand the things I understood.

I started to make radical changes, and they didn’t understand ME.

I fell into a deep depression that became my first dark night of the soul.

That was 14 years ago.

My spiritual journey has taken many twists and turns and interesting detours over the years.

Since then I have put my spiritual and energetic development at the forefront.

I knew how important it was to do this deeper work on myself.

No one around me seemed to understand.

This deeper, wider and more expansive mindset and awareness also provided me access to questions that many teens and twenty-something young adults don’t even fathom contemplating…

What is the meaning of life?

What is my purpose here?

What am I here for?

What is the point of living?

These were central to my focus and work on myself, and at the same time it was a dominating cause for my deep depression, addictions and mental illnesses I struggled with back then.

On one hand I was obviously very spiritually advanced, and yet I struggled and battled with the very things I was bringing up within my consciousness.

I felt like such a weirdo, an outcast, like I didn’t fit in.

NO ONE back then was talking about or doing anything like I was doing.

I kept my studying, my research, my work on myself and got to points where the darkness permeated my soul more than the light.

Those were the times where I did seek out professional help.

Unfortunately in our society when we admit that we are having these phenomena in our life, we get labeled all sorts of things by the medical community.

I got labels slapped on me left and right:

Depression. Anxiety. PTSD. Anorexia. Bulimia. Bipolar disorder.

Holy fuck!!

I heard what they are saying, and yes in many cases I fit the DSM “box” for these categorizations of disorders.

HOWEVER— what I have found through my experience, my research and also working with literally hundreds of women and thousands of hours doing healing work and coaching sessions with them—

Is that these disorders happen as a TRANSITION.

YES, that’s right.

These things are only a TEMPORARY CONDITION.

They are not “real” in the sense that they are concrete, static and unchanging.

Rather they are just a way to take a SNAPSHOT of where someone is at in a given point in time.

It does NOT mean that that person has to STAY there.

But that is exactly what happens!!

Someone receives a label and suddenly that becomes part of their identity, it becomes locked in their consciousness as “this is who I am” and get attached to it and then the problem persists.

They are even TOLD that they will ALWAYS struggle with it.

That is NOT true.

This is what I was told— that I would ALWAYS struggle with those things, that there is something wrong with me and that I should take medication to NUMB myself and DUMB myself down to their level so that they could control me.


I knew better, my soul knew better, and I vowed to myself back then to FIGURE THIS SHIT OUT.

Our society and the system is so locked into this type of thinking— whereas if we had a more fluid and flexible mindset when it comes to these types of disorders, millions and millions of people would be so much better off.

It is just a snapshot of where you are— taking account of all your symptoms and how the disorder presents at that moment in time.

It can ALWAYS be changed, transformed, and transmuted into GOLD.

This is what I looked at back then and instead of treating the root cause the doctors wanted to just treat my symptoms—

They wanted to give me drugs (and they did) and numb me out (which happened for a short time) and then gave me “emotional coping techniques” and “relapse prevention” so that I could “manage” my disorders in the long term. Which of course, I would have for the rest of my life.


I knew in my gut that this was just not true. I knew what I was going through was bigger and deeper than that…

SO what I did INSTEAD was I began to dig for the deeper root cause. My SPIRITUAL REASON for experiencing those things in the first place.

If your CHECK ENGINE light came on in your car, you wouldn’t just go get a car wash would you? You wouldn’t start pulling the electrical wires out of the dashboard just to get the light to go off would you?

NO!! You would pop open the hood and look for the PROBLEM— of what CAUSED the light to come on in the first place.

THAT is what healing and transformation and spiritual evolution is all about.
It’s going deeper than the surface and external stuff.

It’s what I have been doing intensely for the last 10 or so years of my life.

I have dedicated myself to this craft, the healing arts.  Spiritual transformation and EVOLUTION of my SOUL.

I told the doctors who told me I was “chronic” to fuck off, and I used it as fuel to find my answer.

And I did.

And I don’t have all the answers, either and I know theres so much that I don’t know. Yet this path has taken many twists and turns and yet I did ultimately get to a place where I fully recovered from those disorders.

I no longer “have” depression, anxiety, PTSD, or an eating disorder.

It was all a part of my spiritual transformation.

I needed to EXPERIENCE all of those things in order to use them as a CATALYST for personal growth.

That is what most people don’t realize.

They get slapped with a label and think that they need to medicate, numb or cut off their connection to their body, thinking it is bad, and stop feeling the symptoms they are experiencing.

What you’re going through can HELP you. You can USE it if you are willing to discover what is underneath.

Trust me— if you’re experiencing a deep depression or debilitating anxiety— you have got some MAJOR root cause internal shit going on and the WORST thing you can do is think that a pill is going to solve your problems.

Been there, done that. Legal and illegal, and sorry it just does NOT work.

Now I am not saying that I don’t believe in medication or medical science as a whole— I DO believe that it has its place and that some people DO need medication for certain things. I thank God for the treatment centers because I would be DEAD had it not been for those services.

HOWEVER I DO believe that we must use it as a BRIDGE— to bridge the gap between where you are to where you want to be, as those drugs are not designed for you to be on them forever.

It is much healthier for your mind, body and soul to utilize those things for a short time if you have to, while also doing your exploration into the greater unknown, the storehouse of your SOUL to discover the root cause and why you’re actually struggling to begin with.

This is the great JOURNEY — of growth, of evolution, of spiritual TRANSFORMATION.

Its diving deep into your PURPOSE, into exploring WHO YOU ARE at your core and WHY exactly you are here on this earth.

Not everyone is going to resonate with this, and I totally get that.

Not everyone is meant to do this work.

It’s not in every person’s life path at this time.

But there are increasingly more and more people on this planet at this time that are starting to WAKE UP.

I was blessed to begin this work early on in my life, as I was put here for a REASON.

I am here to help you wake the fuck UP to your true nature.

To go beyond what you thought possible for your life, to SHATTER perceptions of who you thought you were.

To go deep into your consciousness and clear out all the baggage that has been holding you back, maybe for many years, maybe your entire life or that has been passed down for generations.

Everything that is holding you back is WITHIN you.

There are no LIMITATIONS except the ones we create within ourselves.

The answer is ALWAYS inside.

No matter what you’ve been through, what has happened to you, where you’re at in your life… there is never been a better time than NOW to take care of yourself.

It’s never too late.

If you feel the call then you are one of us!!

It is time for you to wake up.

It is time for you to claim your true power in this world.

It is time for you to stop blaming others, pointing fingers at everything in your life that is causing your problems, and start taking responsibility for changing YOU.

Because THAT my friend, is the answer.

It is YOU.

It is always YOU.

YOU hold the key within you, and it is just waiting to be discovered.

It’s your job to stand up, take control of yourself and surrender to all that wants to come through you.

You have what it takes.

I believe in you.

I know you are here for a greater reason, and the time is NOW.

I am here to help guide you along this journey, and if this post resonated with you please write me a comment or send me a message to let me know what really touched you and what you realized through reading this.

I have SO much more to share, and I’ll leave you with this message for now.

Thank you so much for being here and for being on this journey with me.

I love you!!

Sending SOOO much love and healing energy your way beautiful soul!!

In light + love,

Lauren Love

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