My Mind Wants Strategy, My Soul Wants Freedom!

Isn’t it interesting how our minds are so cunning and sly that they are always trying to “figure it out”?!?

This is seriously an EPIDEMIC.

How many times in your life have you completely fucking paralyzed yourself after THINKING ABOUT IT TOO MUCH?!

I honestly think that sometimes strategy is such bullshit.

(I say this even though I teach strategy. And I use strategy. And strategy is really fucking important).

Yet at the exact same time… strategy can only take us so far.

Strategy, trying to figure it all out, thinking about the answer… sometimes can actually can take us AWAY from our Soul.

This morning I was thinking about my marketing strategy for example, and planning out what I’ll be creating in December to promote my January launch of Create a 6 Figure Business From Soul Blueprint.

As I was sitting there trying to “figure it out” I realized that actually much of what I was doing, was a HUGE waste of time.

Sitting there trying to figure out my strategy is ANTI-SOUL.

My Soul Craves Freedom.

My Mind Wants Strategy.

No, you know what it actually wants?

My mind wants CONTROL.

Ah, yes!

This is the difference that makes the difference between helpful STRATEGY to help move you forward and grow your business …

As compared to the PARALYZATION of your soul through CONTROL and trying to FIGURE IT OUT ahead of time.

TRUTH IS, that your SOUL actually CAN BE strategy!!

And that is NOT predictable.

Soul is NOT control-able.

Soul strategy is literally just following FLOW.

What if you dropped all strategy and simply just tuned into your soul??

How would that change the way you grow your business?

It actually can be an extremely helpful strategy if you feel stuck, stagnant, or are not having the business growth that you want.

FUCK the strategy.


There are no rules.

The only rules there are, are the ones you made up in your head about how it “has” to be.

There is NO cookie cutter strategy to marketing and growing your business.

There is NO formula and one-size-fits-all method to creating a business from your soul… because everyone’s soul is different.

We are all different and unique spiritual beings having this human experience.

Some of us were put here to be the light workers, the change-makers, the disruptors, and the thought leaders to open the doors and pave the way into the future.

We are here to do what has not been done before.

There is no roadmap for that!!

There is no “strategy” to create what hasn’t been created yet!!

Our MINDS want to look to the past and see what has worked, put it into a pretty formula in order to PREDICT what is going to happen in the future.

AND I will say, that this ALSO WORKS.

Haha do I contradict myself?

Yes, what a paradox this is because I DO BELIEVE in strategy.

I am the creator of the Create a 6 Figure Business From Soul Blueprint, which is my 6 step formula that teaches coaches the strategy and skills they need to hit their first 6 figures online.

In this training program, I teach exactly what I did and it is based on the exact step-by-step process that I used to Create a 6 Figure Business From Soul over the last 7 years of building my business.

If we’re talking about strategy, then— following a blueprint and a guideline for how others have been successful doing what you want to do can be EXTREMELY HELPFUL.

And at the same time, when you learn those strategies, you do have to take them and make them your OWN based on your SOUL.

For example, I see strategy being similar to the bumpers on the side of a bowling alley lane. You know those things that they put on some lanes that prevent the ball from rolling off the edge of the lane and into the gutter? This is exactly what strategy in business is designed to do.

Strategy should only be used to keep you in the freaking lane.

The rest of it?

SOUL, baby.

No one else is going to be able to make you roll the ball.

No one else is going to be able to hit a STRIKE except for YOU.

You can be shown exactly how to hold the bowling ball and how to step and roll the damn thing, but the rest? That is based on you. Your Soul. The unique-ness you bring to the lane, to the game.

No one can control how that ball rolls, or which way it goes as it is propelling itself down the lane.

You can have all the perfect strategies in the world, and if you don’t show up and actually DO THE WORK and FOLLOW YOUR SOUL — nothing will happen.

I don’t even know where I got this bowling analogy (I haven’t been bowling in FOREVER!)— but you know exactly what I mean.

Strategy is just those bumper plates that you can use as a guide, and beyond that the strategy is simply to follow your soul.

Follow your flow.

Follow what makes you feel good.

Follow what sounds fun and exciting to you.

Follow what you would do if there we NO RULES.

How would you show up?

How much more success do you think you can create if you just show up and have fun with it??

THAT to me is the best strategy.

To simply just TRUST YOURSELF.

To simply just BE YOURSELF.

To simply HAVE FUN with it (otherwise, what would be the point!??!).

To simply just ALLOW SUCCESS to flow to you as a natural extension of being who you are and doing what you love.

Your MIND will want to control and plan and strategize it ALL, and when that happens it is up to you to REMIND yourself:

Strategy will only take you so far!

Don’t let your mind take control and paralyze your flow.

Use strategy if it serves you (and helps you avoid your ball from going into the gutter)… but remember that all the best strategy in the world won’t get you where you want to be if you IGNORE YOUR SOUL.

The best strategy?

Follow your Soul.

It knows what to do.

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