My Million Dollar Decision

I remember the day when I woke up to my true purpose.

I don’t remember in particular what made this day so special.

I do remember the significance of the epiphany that I had that day, because it became the catalyst that changed the entire trajectory of my life.

It was the moment of waking up to my true soul’s calling and what I was meant to be doing in this world.

About 8 years ago, I recovered from my eating disorder and I volunteered at a nonprofit organization mentoring women in recovery.

As I started mentoring and coaching these women an amazing thing happened…

Their lives began to magically transform before my eyes, just as a result of working with me.

We would do weekly calls and communicate throughout the week via text and email. As we built a strong relationship and deep connection through this process, I watched in awe as these women began to transform from the inside out.

As I witnessed their awakening, I began to guide them through the process of waking up, learning to love themselves, and learning to trust life.

They had much to let go of. Old destructive patterns of behavior, toxic emotional baggage and trauma, limiting decisions, and their entire old belief structure needed to be released in order to create the space for a new life to be born.

Our time together became a sacred container for them to express themselves honestly and authentically, so that they could finally leave their past behind and begin to awaken to a greater vision for their life.

These brave souls came to me to learn how to open to life, how to face their fears, and to begin to walk their soul’s path.

To become their True Authentic Self.

This entire process began to help them realize what their true purpose was and who they really are underneath it all.

Being able to have this opportunity where I spent a year volunteering as a mentor absolutely changed my life.

Not only did those women’s lives transform— but mine did as well!!

I stepped into the woman I was always meant to become.

I fell in love with service.

I would look forward to our calls and being able to share my experience, wisdom and knowledge with them.

Time would just STOP! I would feel SO lit up and energized through these conversations, and they would sometimes go on for HOURS. Literally.

Totally in my flow, baby!!

One time in particular I remember a woman had asked me a very profound question and it helped create a huge shift in how I saw myself and what transpired next in discovering my purpose for my life.

She said to me, “Lauren, do you REALLY love yourself? I mean, is that REALLY possible?!”

I paused for a moment.

This was the core of EVERYTHING for me.

The ONLY reason I had gotten to the point where I had overcome my eating disorder, depression, anxiety, addiction, and PTSD was because I learned to love myself.

Of course there was much other work to be done, but at the core of the work— LOVING THE SELF was the thing that made the difference for me.

It became the cornerstone from which my entire philosophy was created— that in every situation and in every moment of your life you have a choice to CHOOSE LOVE or FEAR.

You can either live your life in a LOVE + FAITH based reality or in the energy of FEAR. Most of us are wired with a fear-based operating system, which keeps people stuck in the energy of lack, scarcity, doubt, competition, and victim mentality, which holds us back and keeps us stuck (both individually and collectively).

Personal development and spirituality helps to empower people with the tools they need to transcend their old patterns and begin to wake up to their true nature, purpose, and truth– which is what I was doing in those early days on the phone mentoring and coaching.

So when this woman asked me this question, I was overjoyed and ecstatic as I blurted out, “OF COURSE I DO!! It IS possible, and YOU CAN TOO.”

I went on to share my journey on how I transformed my life by choosing love.

After this conversation, I began to contemplate the deeper meaning and purpose for my life.

I realized WHAT A GIFT it was that I got to share my experience with another human being!!!

WHAT A GIFT it was that she was asking me these powerful questions that sparked this passion deep inside the core of my being.

I realized that through sharing my story I could have a massive impact in someone else’s life.

All of sudden, it dawned on me.




I realized why I was here on this planet.

I woke up to the fact that there was a purpose for why I was here, and everything I had been through in my life, trauma and all, had happened for a reason.

I suddenly realized that all my education, my life, and my mentoring experience had led me up to that exact moment when I realized what I had to do.

My soul was calling me into my next evolution and next level of being.

I decided I was going to start a business around it.

I decided I was going to start a business based on my purpose and my passion!

I didn’t know WHAT was going to happen and I didn’t know HOW I was going to do it.

ALL I KNEW is that I HAD to do it.

I couldn’t NOT do it.

I had NO IDEA how I was going to make it work.

But I made the decision and I took the leap!!

That was over 7 years ago.

Fast forward to today and I continue to evolve and grow along this entrepreneurial journey as I live into my purpose and passion for helping others!!

It is my great honor and deepest purpose on this planet to help others wake up to their true purpose, guide them through this process, and teach them the skills they need in order to be successful so that they can create a sustainable business and abundant lifestyle through living into their soul’s calling.

I am here to show you what is possible.

I am here to show you how to Create a 6 Figure Business From Soul.

If I can do it, you can do it too.

I’m no different or more special.

I was just a girl with a dream, who tapped into a deeper well of meaning and purpose in life that fueled everything else.

When you are connected to your soul, and you let that guide you— ANYTHING is possible.

This is the place from which fulfillment, joy, happiness, and true abundance is born.

It is not always easy.

I don’t always understand WHY I do some of the things I do.

But when spirit is leading?

There is no logical answer.

Following your soul’s calling will never make sense to your logical, rational brain.

That is why most people won’t do it.

But the special ones?

The ones that are crazy enough to follow their dreams?

Those are my people.

Those are the souls that I call into my life every day.

Because these are the people who not only change the lives of others, but in doing so, they change the world.

What would happen if you let your purpose and passion guide your life?

Your entire life might change.

It’s definitely not for the faint of heart.

It takes an incredible amount of faith and trust in yourself, in God, and in Life itself.

But what I’ve found is that THIS is the only way to live.

This is what makes it WORTH IT.

I am so grateful for what I’ve been through because it is what has gotten me to where I am now, and making the choice to follow my soul’s purpose has been the single biggest thing that has changed my life for the better.

SO… that brings us to my million dollar questions:

👉What are YOU here for?


👉How do you choose to matter?

This is the way to Creating a 6 Figure Business From Soul and creating a business and life you LOVE. ❤️

I’m here when you’re ready to change your life and step into your next level of impact, income, and contribution in business, success, and life. 🔥

In love + to your soulful success,

Lauren Love xo

P.S. Everything you need to be successful and create the business and life of your dreams is already inside.

And I am here to help you tap into that.

Join me for my newest free 30 day challenge, SOUL CALLING!!!

Imagine what would happen if you spent the next 30 days getting deeply connected to your SOUL and WHY you are here on this planet.

Imagine what would happen if you took the time every day to actually discover what it is you are really here for. Who you are underneath it all. And what is going to give your life a deeper meaning and purpose for you.

This and so much more, is exactly what we are going to be talking about in SOUL CALLING.

We will take a deep dive into purpose, passion and flow. You will discover things about yourself that you never knew! You will come away with a KNOWING and a complete crystal clear understanding of WHO YOU ARE AND WHY YOU ARE HERE ON THIS PLANET.

You will discover just what your unique SOUL CALLING is, and how to harness that to make the biggest impact in the world.

This course is for you if:

👉You want to feel deeply connected, heard, and understood

👉You want to discover what your true purpose and passion is

👉You know there is a greater reason why you are here on this planet and you want to begin to discover what that is

👉You are in a place where you feel uncertain about your work, career and money situation

👉You want to understand what makes you unique, and learn more about how to use your soul gifts to create financial abundance

👉You are frustrated with your job, and desire to do something different in your life

👉You want to connect with other like-minded souls who are on a similar journey of soul purpose as you are

👉You feel as if there is something missing in your life and you desire so deeply to discover what it is that will fill that void and give you a sense of meaning and purpose

👉You want to wake up every day excited for your life and what you are creating

👉You want to learn more about what it takes to live a creative, intuitive, inspired life of soul purpose and passion

👉You are a people-pleaser, you care too much about what other people think, and want to learn how to live more in alignment with your truth and what feels good to YOU, rather than feel held back by other people’s opinions and expectations

👉You are ready to break the mold and bust out of the NORM to discover what will ACTUALLY make you happy in your life

👉You feel unfulfilled, lonely, afraid, and are ready to take a new direction in your life and receive guidance on how to follow your soul calling, now

If you feel like you fit into one (or ALL!!) of these categories, then this is the course for YOU.

I too struggled with all of these things above for many years and am here to tell you that you DON’T HAVE TO LIVE THAT WAY ANYMORE.

You don’t have to hold yourself back

You don’t have to do what you think you should do

You don’t have to allow the fear, self-doubt, and itty-bitty-shitty-committee in your head win any longer!!




If you resonate with what I am sharing with you today and you feel deep inside that this is ABSOLUTELY something that you are ready to do, here is how we can do this together!!

30 Days to Discover Your Soul Calling and Create an Abundant Income From Your Soul Gifts so that You Can Become Happier, Fulfilled, More Self-Expressed and Free!💎

Every day for the next 30 days I will be giving you short live video trainings, action steps, exercises, and journaling prompts for you to dive deep on exactly the steps you need to take in your own life in order to go from feeling unclear, stuck and stagnant to discovering more about who you are and what your unique soul purpose is in the world.💎

At the end of this course, you will have a clear understanding of how you can utilize what you’ve learned so that you can continue your path of True Purpose and creating a life of abundance from your Soul Calling.

Work With Me For 30 Days And Go From Confused, Stuck and Stagnant, to Finally Crystal Clear On Your True Purpose, and Know Exactly How To Share Your True Gifts With The World Without Being Paralyzed By Fear, Worry, Self-doubt or Indecision

Are you in??

I thought so, I am SO excited for you!!

Click the link in comments below to join👇

YAYYY come join our amazing Soul Calling community 😊

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