My Biggest Fear as a Coach Trying to Grow My Business to 6 Figures

Do you want to know my BIGGEST FEAR as a coach trying to grow my business to 6 figures many years ago?

It’s something that MOST COACHES struggle with, whether or not they will admit it.

Especially if you’re sharing your story, being vulnerable, and committed to putting yourself out there as the most self expressed, authentic version of yourself.

Do you want to know what it is?

My biggest fear?  

👉What are other people going to think?!

I know you can relate.

When I was first starting out, I would go to such lengths to make sure that no one would even see my content, I was that afraid! How silly is that.

I started a blog and a YouTube channel, and I swear to God, it was the SCARIEST thing I had EVER done in my life.

I didn’t even really start promoting myself on Facebook until about 4 years ago for this very reason.

I just was SO TERRIFIED of what other people would think.

What I found was that I was unconsciously blocking myself from ultimately helping more people because I was getting in my own way.

I stuck to building my email list and developing a strong relationship with people via their inbox.

Which worked.

And still does.

But it just was not creating the kind of impact that I wanted because I was HIDING.

Playing small.

I didn’t realize it until a coach of mine pointed it out to me, thank God.

I’ve come a far way from then, and I have to say that it hasn’t been easy.

Vulnerably putting yourself out there online takes COURAGE.

It takes boldness and a deep trust in who you are.

And I don’t mean posting pretty photos of your food or selfies on Instagram, or sharing the latest hilarious viral post about cats..




All of us, deep down, share this same fear of what other people are going to think.

It comes from a deep core need of wanting to BELONG.

Unconsciously we protect ourselves because we don’t want to do anything that’s going to get us kicked out of the ‘tribe’, or cause others to reject or make fun of us.

I know that was my biggest fear, because in my early years I did get bullied. It was one of the most harmful things I’ve experienced in my life, and I was so terrified that it might happen again.

And I will also say, that it does happen and it is real. I have gotten hate mail, been mocked, criticized, judged, etc.

The haters are always going to hate.

When we DO put ourselves out there online, there are going to be people who do NOT resonate with your message. Who see the world differently. Who vehemently disagree with your teachings, your message, your philosophy.

And it’s up to you to develop the tenacity and the courage to keep putting yourself out there, sharing your message no matter what anyone says or thinks.

Because what you have to say is VALUABLE!

What you have to say MATTERS!

If you’re terrified of what others are going to think if you post something… honestly? THAT’S the kind of stuff we DO want to see from you.

Do you want to know why?

Because people are attracted to people who are HONEST. Who share the TRUTH. Who are authentic about who they are, what they believe in, and what they STAND FOR in the world.

People don’t want to be sold a 78329 step formula to success.

They want to know that you are HUMAN.

They want to know about your imperfections.

They want to know how you spend your time outside of your business.

They want to know how you deal with and navigate life’s challenges.

It’s not about crafting a “perfect” social media strategy to attract the ideal clients.

People are going to want to work with you because of WHO YOU ARE and HOW YOU MAKE THEM FEEL at the end of the day.

End of story.

You can have the most masterfully crafted products, programs, services, and even social media… but if people don’t resonate with you as a HUMAN BEING, NO ONE IS GOING TO BUY.

Or at least stick around in the long term.

Because the only way that I’ve attracted my soulmate clients who stick with me for years and continue to invest in my coaching programs year after year?

Is my being my TRUE AUTHENTIC SELF, and showing up powerfully in service of those who are attracted to my message.

That is all.

There’s nothing else that you need to do.

JUST BE YOU, darling.

The world will adjust.

The mark of true evolution is feeling the fear, knowing that it is there, and choosing to move forward in bold courageous action anyways.

“Getting in the arena,” as Brene Brown says.

No matter what anyone thinks.

No matter what anyone says.

Because all you have is who you are, and what you have to offer is exactly perfect for your ideal clients.❤️

All you have to do is keep showing up, keep sharing your message, keep shining your light, and the right people will find you, fall in love with you, and buy on repeat.✨

What is there to be afraid of?

In love & massive success,

Lauren Love

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