Why are you here, anyways?
Why aren’t you doing what REALLY matters?
That’s the thing— maybe you don’t actually know.
Maybe you’ve been so conditioned to believe that what you’re doing is REQUIRED
So you don’t actually know what you REALLY WANT
Because that is why we’re here, isn’t it?
Because you don’t really know what you want, and you want to know
You want to know because the way you’ve been doing things hasn’t made you happy
In fact, it has made you downright MISERABLE
And so the reason why we’re here is for you to give yourself 100% permission to have it exactly the way you want it
How would you like it to be?
The happiest of people aren’t those that do what they want all the time necessarily
The happiest of people are those who do what is in alignment with them, who accept the challenges and cards they’ve been dealt in this life with grace and purpose
Those who can turn gold out of anything
I have to say that I am becoming one of those people
Who accept the circumstances of my life perfectly long enough to be happy
To feel fulfilled and grateful for the challenges
Because what I’ve found is that the challenges are what make me happy
They are what give my life meaning
Even when I’ve failed… miserably
I haven’t done this life perfectly, not at all, not even a little bit.
Truth is, I fucked up big time.
But that level of fuck-up-ery has made me into the woman I am today
And I would not trade that for the world
I would not want it to be any different than it is right now for one reason and one reason only– because this moment is perfect
The life that we have now is the only one that truly matters
I love doing this work on myself because it reveals a deeper level of truth and that is, that you can do this too
That your soul is just waiting for you to wake up.
Wake up to the truth of who you are.
But in order to do that, you must be willing to get super fucking honest with yourself.
You are not happy doing what you’re doing… but is that discomfort great enough for you to do something about it?
Is your pain powerful enough to push you into making a change?
Sometimes the bravest of people are not those who are forced to take courageous action… It is those who recognize that nothing is going to change until they take responsibility for making a change in their life.
Why not do what makes you happy?
Why not make the decision to just let go?
What if you didn’t have to have it all figured out all the time?
What if you just gave yourself permission to leap and trust that the net will appear?
Maybe this makes no sense to you
Or maybe it makes complete sense
Either way I hope you realize
That you are here for a reason — your purpose — your mission on this earth is much greater than you realize
It is here to reveal to you who you truly are
You are meant to find yourself through your suffering
I know it is not easy to feel the pain
But I promise you— nothing will change until you do
Nothing will change until you embrace the suck, feel the pain and sorrow of the past that has made you into the person you are today
There is beauty in the breakdown
All breakthroughs happen once the pain, the struggle, the hardships have passed, because they always will
And when they do, they leave you stronger, wiser and a more aware human being
So instead of cursing the past, the hardships, the pain…
Why not go full on into it?
Why not embody the radical honestly that is required for you to come out of denial and into the place where you can finally let go and forgive?
Offer that grace to yourself now when you still can.
Don’t let that shit fester inside, otherwise accumulating as toxic residue and baggage that you need not hold on to, unless you want to
It is all a choice.
You have complete choice when it comes to being happy.
Truth is— what will you choose?
Will you make room for your soul work and do what truly makes you feel alive?
Will you honor yourself enough to do what really matters to you?
Would you dare?