Magic and Miracles: What is Even Possible for You?

This morning I have been pondering the possibilities for my life— my goals, dreams, and grand vision that I have for myself.

It is quite spectacular and I have so much faith and belief that not only is it POSSIBLE, that is is actually completely 100% reasonable, and in fact EXPECTED for me to bring this into manifestation.

What is your dream? What is it that you are looking to create in your life?

See, the problem is that most people can’t see far outside their little worlds as they keep looking through the microscope at the microcosm of problems in their life.

The problem with that is that the more you focus on your problems, the more “stuck” they become.

You can’t SOLVE a problem by focusing on it.

The only way you SOLVE a problem is by focusing on the SOLUTION.

Even if you don’t know what that solution actually is.

How do you focus on it if you don’t know what it is?

This is a well-kept secret of life that is becoming more well known, however most people don’t know how to apply it.

That is… that you don’t have to know the HOW.

If you know what you want, you can simply just focus on WHAT you want. Ironically when you release the HOW, that is the only way that the HOW is shown to you.

Is this making sense to you?

In other words, if you want to experience magic and miracles in your life, the first step is to allow yourself to dream of and explore all the potentials for your life.

There are INFINITE possibilities available to you at any moment in time.

The next step is to CHOOSE what it is you desire.

Sometimes this step trips people up. Why? Because there are SO MANY infinite possibilities and potentials, they have trouble just CHOOSING.

But the magic is in the choice— because once you decide, the Universe conspires to bring you exactly what it is you want.

And that’s not because you’re magical and everything bows down at your feet and just shows up—

This is simply a fact of life. An operating principle. A natural law.

What you focus on becomes true for you.

There is a part in your brain that is activated when you CHOOSE what it is you want.

By focusing and thinking about it every day and often— the brain becomes wired to look for and attract those things that you want.

Let’s even just start with a positive attitude. Think about a day when you have started off the day with a negative thought. Didn’t the whole day just go downhill from there?

Alternatively think about a day when you felt on top of the world. That positive thought and feeling carried you through the day, attracting to you positive experiences, people, and things that amplify that feeling you are feeling.

This is just the basics of how your mind works.

If you want to create something in your life — you must CHOOSE.

Then you must focus on the thing that you want.

One of the easiest ways to create and manifest magic and miracles in your life is to BECOME the person who already has the thing that you want.

This is precisely how to step into your next level life.

What is it you truly desire?

I am here to help you entrepreneurs, leaders, healers, and creatives step into your big vision and realize that YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL in your business and life, on your terms.

What does that mean?

You deserve to have it all exactly in the way you desire.

You want to make a million dollars?

You want to attract to you the partner of your dreams?

You want to have your dream body, slim lean and sexy?

You want to sleep in late, create art and unleash your message exactly in the ways that work for you, and get paid for sharing your art with the world?

It is ALL available to you. Right now.

There is no need to wait. There is no need to earn the right to have these things.

These things are only limited to the degree that your belief in having them is limited.

In other words, if you BELIEVE you can have them, you CAN.

The more limitations you have in your mind, the harder your life will be.

The secret is to learn to release and unblock all those stuck places within you — that stew in their doubt, worry, anxiety, and concern.

These are the REAL enemies to your happiness, health, wealth, rich relationships and perfect self-expression.

Because isn’t that what you truly want?

As human beings, we are all wired to grow, to self-actualize, and to expand towards the fulfillment of our desires.

The reason you’ve felt stuck and stagnant, uninspired and depressed is because of a LACK of growth — healthy growth.

Are you ready to step into your desires and realize the magical potentials for your life and business?

How BIG can you dream?

Did you know that it doesn’t take any more energy to dream a BIG dream as it does a SMALL one?

If that is true— it is time to give yourself PERMISSION TO DREAM.

When you actually *allow* your mind to go freely into the Infinite Creative Consciousness within you, you will discover there are infinite possibilities for your life.

I believe that everything you see inside of you is meant FOR YOU.

Why else would we be given these dreams and goals that are as unique to you individually as a snowflake? — None are exactly the same!

When will you finally realize that you are ENOUGH and that you can achieve anything you put your mind to?

Your will is truly impressive and I know you have exactly what it takes to create whatever it is that you desire in your life and business.

Health, wealth, happiness, rich relationships, and perfect self-expression.

It is ALL available to you know.

If you are ready to step into it, it is time to go within and commit to yourself that no matter what happens, no matter what self-sabotaging and limiting thoughts and beliefs arise for you — that you will stay committed to your dreams.

Promise me you will stay true to you?

Every single day.

Every single hour.

For the rest of your life.

Not only is it of utmost importance — your life DEPENDS on it.

Believe and affirm:

If it is up to be, it is up to me.

I can create my life and business any way I desire, on my terms!

I am so grateful for my amazing life of health, wealth, happiness, rich relationships, and perfect self-expression.

Everything is always working out for me.

My life is only limited by my BELIEFS, and I BELIEVE in the power of my dreams!

I am now ready to believe in the magical possibilities and potential for my life.

And so it is. And so it shall be!

In love & light,

Lauren Love xo

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