Life is Meant to be Lived and Loved

If you’re not waking up each and every day feeling SO EXCITED and you can’t WAIT to attack your day, why not?

What would have to happen in order for you to really fall in LOVE with your life?

Do you remember when you fell in love for the first time?

Can you remember a time when you were head-over-heels in love?

Can you remember a specific MOMENT— when you suddenly felt that feeling wash over you, when you suddenly had that realization, when you suddenly looked around and knew with every fiber of your being that you were IN LOVE?

I want you to go back to that time and tap into that feeling.

I want you to remember how GOOD that felt?

I want you to remember how that LOVE colored everything else in your life.

Didn’t you seem to just wake up feeling so warm and radiant inside?

I could imagine everything else in your life just seemed to be colored by those rose-colored glasses, as it seemed that nothing else mattered, other than the love that you were experiencing.

It was all encompassing.

Life became exciting again.

You began to look forward to and get excited for the future. Super excited to see that person again, to talk to that person again, imagining and thinking about all of things you want to see and do and share with that person.

Your entire life became FUN and EASY and FLOW-BASED.

Literally, think back to that time, and although you still may have faced challenges or even ‘negative’ things that happened at that time… Remember how different it was in the way you handled those things.

It’s not that they didn’t matter, or that they weren’t hard.

It was that it wasn’t AS important. You were seeing life from this entirely new vantage point.

This perspective of seeing everything through the eyes of LOVE.

Seeing everything as a BLESSING, as a great gift and filtered through this energy that you had inside of you, the energy of LOVE.

What happened to that love?

The love that was inside of you at that time — when you fell in love, when that energy was most available to you and you BASKED in it, RADIATED in it, and allowed it to soak into and affect every other area of your life..

Or maybe it’s STILL with you now.

What if you could have that love available to you at any time?

What if I told you that falling in love with your life is exactly the same?

What if I told you that you could have this energy, this feeling, this amazing love-filled perspective was available to you right here, right now?

You may never have thought about this concept.

You may have never conceptualized the idea that you can fall in love with your LIFE. Fall in love with YOURSELF so deeply and completely that this energy, this feeling is all encompassing.

It is something that you can have access to, if you choose it.

That’s the thing… is that most of us are looking for the LOVE outside of us.

Just here today, I asked you to think of a time when you fell in love with someone OUTSIDE of you.

As it is with life— we tend to have this idea that the love that we are seeking is OUTSIDE of us…

And that if we just meet the right person, find the RIGHT and perfect THING, that we will then suddenly be transported onto the LOVE PLANET, right at that INSTANT.

Sure, you can fall in love with other people, it happens. I believe in love. I am in love with my partner, I am in love with my children, when I first met and brought those humans into my life, it became overwhelming how the LOVE just exploded and multiplied and expanded out infinitely more in capacity than I thought I had at the time…

But over time, that intensity of love waxes and wanes. We are human, we have human interactions, we take people for granted, sometimes we are not always tuned into the love that is ever-present, even in those relationships.

Then we might feel a lack or loss or void of that intense loving emotion and energy.

You might go seeking for another person that will give you that ‘high’ again.

You might not even realize it, but you might go seeking to find that love in food, sex, drugs, gambling, shopping, whatever that is.

It feels like there is a void or something that you are trying to fill.

I see people each and every day that are in this constant SEARCH, seeking, trying to chase… what? They don’t even seem to KNOW what it is they are wanting, they just feel like something is MISSING.

Then the human urge is to seek it and try to find it OUTSIDE.

The external pursuit of happiness.

Thinking that maybe if I am more successful, get in shape, attain more money, be more successful, buy a nice house and cars, try to get it ‘all’ that then, I will suddenly be HAPPY. I will have what I want, that void will be FILLED.

But the truth is that this rarely works for people.

Sure it feels good in the short term.

I am NOT one to sit here and say to not go after those things. In fact I LOVE having those things, and enjoy the goal attainment process, pushing myself beyond my boundaries and going after what it is i want.

However— it never comes from this place of LACK.

It never comes from this place of VOID, of NOT-ENOUGH-NESS, of SCARCITY and DISCONNECTION that most people come from when they are doing the seeking.

They think that by attaining and achieving those things that they will suddenly be HAPPY.

That going after those things will increase somehow their chances for LOVE.

Because then they will finally be ‘worthy’ of those things.

Some people will spend their ENTIRE LIVES WAITING for it to be the right time.

Until they finally feel like they are ENOUGH… and yet this is the type of mindset and approach that will actually block the very thing that they are seeking and wanting… and that is



Because that’s what life is all about, isn’t it?

What I’ve found is that harnessing this power of love in our lives can be the single one most POWERFUL thing that can MAKE or BREAK your life.

I personally have found that when I lacked love, I lacked everything else in my life. I was unhappy, miserable, depressed, broke and unhealthy.

It was only after I began to focus on LOVE that my life began to magically transform before my eyes!!

And surprisingly enough— it WASN’T love from the outside.

All the LOVE you NEED comes from WITHIN.

Did you know that??

That you can seek and search and try to find and experience experiences, circumstances and people outside of you to try and ‘get’ love, ‘get’ happiness, ‘gain’ approval and acceptance, in an attempt to fill the void within that lacks love…

OR you can first GO WITHIN and realize that ALL THE LOVE YOU NEED COMES FROM INSIDE.

There is NO external source of love that lasts.

Sure, your partner might say they love you unconditionally, and I believe that they TRULY do MEAN it— but that’s not a guarantee.

What if something happens to them?  What if they change their mind?  What if they die tomorrow?  You have NO IDEA what’s going to happen— and placing your source of LOVE outside of you DOESN’T work, it isn’t a long term solution.

Because then what you’ll do is constantly go around trying to please this person, trying to make sure that they are happy so that they will keep giving you the LOVE that you are lacking inside of yourself.  This is co-dependent, needy and does NOT provide you with a feeling of stability, security and safety within yourself.  You will most likely feel anxious, scared, and unstable most of the time if you are constantly seeking love externally.

The love also ISN’T found in drugs or alcohol, or food or exercise.  These are things that again give us that TEMPORARY HIGH or feeling of LOVE, relief, release, relaxation, letting go— however you classify and label this feeling inside your head doesn’t matter— what does matter is the problem that you are using these things as substitutions for LOVE.

Where else might you be seeking love outside of you? If you go in and examine your life— where else might you be trying to fill the hole within you with something outside of you?  Do you feel like there’s something missing?  And theres a belief that I need to get that certification, go back to school, gain more credentials, lose more weight, make more money, etc— that I will finally be happy, I’ll finally love myself and my life and everything will be different.

I want you to realize NOW that this is a FANTASY!!  It is NOT TRUE, and isn’t going to happen!!!


It will leave you in a place of constant WORRY, INSECURITY, ANXIETY and DEPRESSION, among other things.

Where are you seeking outside of you to be fulfilled? Where in your life do you feel like you’re missing something?

Its important to know that by virtue of the lack— it will actually bring more lack TO you as a result.

By result of being in this vibration of NOT LOVE— you will just bring more NOT LOVE to you.

So what is the ANSWER?  What is it that you need to do in order to finally feel that LOVE that you felt back during that time that you fell in LOVE?  How can you finally fall in love with your LIFE and YOURSELF so that it is unshakeable, deep, powerful and infinite??

The ANSWER is simple.

All you have to do is find it INSIDE.

All you have to do is tap into that LOVE and begin to CHOOSE IT.

Choosing LOVE for ourselves is the single most powerful thing you can do to begin to turn around your life.

What does that even mean?

I simply just CHOOSE LOVE for myself every moment, of every day.


I choose love, even when its hard.

I choose LOVE for myself, even when it’s the most illogical, seemingly selfish and most difficult thing that I could possibly do— I choose love.

I choose love so that I can be IN LOVE with my life.

Why would I do anything in my life that I WASN’T in LOVE WITH??

That seems ridiculous to me!!

I ONLY do what I love.

I ONLY choose things on a daily basis that enhance and AMPLIFY the love I already feel for myself.

I am in LOVE with my life— because I choose to do things that I LOVE.

“WELL LAUREN!!” You might say— “I CAN’T choose love. I am STUCK going to a job I hate, I’m in a marriage that I feel trapped in, I hate where I live, my kids make me feel CRAZY and I just CAN’T CHOOSE LOVE because I HAVE TO do things I don’t LOVE!!”

Well what the fuck are you going to do about that, now? You got yourself into that situation, and now its your job to USE LOVE to TRANSFORM it.

You can’t transform DARKNESS with DARKNESS.

You can only TRANSFORM it with LIGHT and LOVE.

You want a better career or job situation, or you want to begin to pursue your purpose, passion or do something you LOVE?  Today, begin to CHOOSE LOVE to start to move you FORWARD towards that desire.  You can start to DREAM on what that new career path would look like, how much money you want to make, what you want that life to look like.

The hard part is then to begin to CHOOSE LOVE— in this case it would be PRIORITIZING focusing on it. Working on it a little bit each and every day, coming from this place of LOVE. You get to CHOOSE what your life looks like, what you DO each day, and how you FEEL about it.

Today, choosing love might mean setting aside 30 minutes to do research, make phone calls, and take action towards creating your new career or business.

Make sense?

THAT is choosing love.

Instead of sitting around complaining and playing a victim as to why you are where you are, finding all the reasons why you’re still stuck and trying to USE all those things in your life to FILL THE VOID as to what is MISSING… all you have to do is begin to CHOOSE LOVE.

USE this as your SUPERPOWER!!

It DOES take DISCIPLINE and taking massive RESPONSIBILITY for your life.

But what would you RATHER do?

Sit back and feel miserable, like something is missing, going around distracting yourself that you are even feeling that way, filling the void with food, alcohol, drugs, excessive TV watching or Facebook scrolling… maybe even getting lost in ‘positive’ activities such as reading, or exercise. I don’t know.

Only YOU know what you’re doing to try and FEEL BETTER on the outside.

So you wanna know the answer?

You wanna know what the SECRET is to CHOOSING LOVE?

The SECRET is that ALL THE LOVE you are seeking— is INSIDE OF YOU ALREADY.

This LOVE, this energy LOVES you unconditionally.

It WANTS you to have the PERFECT career, the PERFECT relationship, the HAPPINESS, ENJOYMENT and FULFILLMENT in EVERY area of your life.

If you don’t have the AMAZING EMPOWERED life in every area yet— it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to CHOOSE LOVE.

Choosing LOVE will bring you everything you desire.

What does that mean to you?

Tapping into that love inside, and choosing love for yourself and your life.

Knowing that the answer to all your problems is inside.

It will guide you into the fulfillment and attainment of all your desires.

It will show you exactly what to do to transform the darkness into light.

But you HAVE TO FIRST tap into it…

You have to first allow yourself to realize that you will NEVER find it outside of you, there is no perfect PILL, perfect PERSON, perfect ANSWER or CIRCUMSTANCE that will SAVE you.

You are your own HERO.

You do this by tapping into that LOVE you have within yourself.

You remember that time that you fell deeply in love?

Where was that love coming from anyways?

It WASN’T from the other person.

It came from WITHIN YOU!!

No matter where you are, how far up or down you are in your life, or what your relationships or circumstances look like right now— you have access to this LOVE each and every moment of every day.

Choosing love means that you allow yourself to tap into this energy to guide you.

It might be surprising to you what choosing love actually means.

It might mean leaving a toxic relationship.

it might mean standing up for yourself, and expressing your true needs and how you feel.

It might mean disciplining your ass to getting your health and fitness back in gear.

It might mean working long and late hours, building the business of your dreams.

I don’t know what it is for you. Only you can decide.

But what I DO know, is that the ANSWER is to fall MADLY IN LOVE — with that.

Fall MADLY IN LOVE with what you CHOOSE to DO with your time, with your life.

Embody and embrace that feeling of LOVE within you, and begin to practice bringing your attention to this love inside of you and using that energy to guide you, guard you, protect you and show you where you need to be putting your attention.

When you begin to let your heart guide your way, you will suddenly find your life TRANSFORMING like MAGIC before your eyes.

Miracles will begin to appear, magically and you won’t believe it.

This type of life is available to ANYONE.

It’s NOT always easy.

In fact, it forces you to go outside your comfort zone, and that is INCREDIBLY uncomfortable.

It might be SCARY.

You might not know what to do, or even if its going to work.

That’s totally okay.

All you have to do is TRUST this LOVE inside of you.

FALL SO MADLY in LOVE with yourself and your life that NOTHING can stop you.

Forge this UNSHAKEABLE BOND of LOVE within yourself, and you will become UNSTOPPABLE.

I know you have this great POWER within you, and remember— it is ONLY WITHIN YOU.

People and external things outside of you are only a reflection, and a fraction, of the massive amounts of love and light you have WITHIN YOU.

SO today— TAP INTO THAT LOVE you have for yourself.

Begin to focus on those things and areas in which you DO LOVE.

Use it, harness it, channel it into your DREAMS.

Follow your heart in each and every moment of the day, and remember — all you have to do is CHOOSE LOVE.

You have everything you need already inside.

You can DO, BE, or HAVE anything you want!!!

And the ONLY way to do this, is through LOVE.

Sending SOOOOO much love and healing energy to you today and every day beautiful soul!!!

In light + love,

Lauren Love

P.S. If you are truly ready to CHOOSE LOVE, to embrace your biggest, boldest and WILDEST dreams, MESSAGE me now by CLICKING HERE!! I am opening up 3 spots to help people just like you in my Intensive Breakthrough Your Bullshit and Transform 6 Week Program!! Program starts next week, message me now ‘I CHOOSE LOVE’ and I’ll send you more information about how we can help you change your life!!!


I believe in you and your BIG DREAMS.

You got this.

Now go out there and CHOOSE LOVE.

Feel it.

Embrace it.

Embody it.

Claim it.

Become it. <3

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