Is It Allowed to be This Good?

Have you ever gotten to a place where everything is going really awesome…

You start feeling really really good, things seem to really flow, they are going really great…

Maybe for a day, or a week, or even a few weeks!!

And then you find yourself thinking…

That little voice in your head starts creeping in..

You start to think…

How long is this going to last?

When’s the shoe going to drop?

Something has GOT to go wrong!

It can’t be THIS good.

This can’t possibly LAST!

If you entertain that voice, and really tune into it, you then might also find yourself thinking things like…

Do I even deserve this??

Who am I to have THIS MUCH?

I am not sure if I am even WORTHY of having it be this good.

Whether you are thinking these things CONSCIOUSLY or UNCONSCIOUSLY, they are there.

Whether you know it or not… what happens is that…

These voices, this unconscious trigger sets in, and you find yourself going back into the old…

You start self-sabotaging a bit.

You go back into old patterns.

You might get hurt.

You might start a fight or engage in some type of drama.

You might start overdoing it with food or shopping or just finding yourself going back into old dysfunctional patterns that take away from the goodness of the moment.

You know what I’m talking about, don’t you?

We all have these patterns — these upper limits inside of us.

We all have these thresholds within us that kick in when we are having things show up in our life that overwhelm our THRESHOLD for BLESSINGS, for AMAZING-NESS, to allow the GOODNESS inside.

Think about it… it happens to people who win the lottery.. they didn’t have the MINDSET for abundance, they receive the money and then less than a few years later what happens? The money is gone, and there are many studies that show the misfortunes that have happened to many lottery winners…. why do you think that is?  Receiving in abundance pushed that person’s upper limits and they bumped up against their inner limits of having everything they wanted and sabotaged to the finest.

You can also find this in celebrities and athletes who hit it big… how many stories have you heard in the media about them overindulging in women, drugs, sex, drugs, and gambling? How about politicians that engage in scandals and affairs?  These are examples of how receiving in abundance is something that actually can cause the downfall of these individuals… because of their inner resistance to actually having it all, and succumbing to the negative forces within.

These are of course extreme examples.  There are definitely more subtle ones that happen in our lives each and every day. I see this all the time with my clients.  They have beliefs that it can’t be “THIS GOOD” and so they fall back into old patterns to fuck up their good streak of having abstinence with addictive behaviors.

I am actually encountering upper limits in my own life right now!!

I have been bumping up against my upper limits of —“How could it actually be this GOOD?”

My dear— how could it NOT be??

If we are ever to overcome these patterns then we really need to look at one thing underneath, and that is—

To start believing that it is actually POSSIBLE!!

There is also the question of worth that comes in.

Many people as a result of these beliefs— can’t fathom actually being WORTHY and DESERVING of having everything they want.

They have beliefs that come up about feeling unworthy and not feeling good enough to actually have all their dreams come true.

You can relate to that, can’t you?

A lot of times that is EXACTLY the reason why people won’t even allow themselves to set goals and dream at ALL!!

Because they can’t even fathom being worthy and feeling good enough to have those things.

What if you did start to believe that?

  What if you did allow yourself to actually believe that it was not only POSSIBLE, but that you actually DESERVED IT??

And that as a result of you finally FEELING GOOD ENOUGH— that you would finally see that this is actually the ONLY way to create those things in your life??  

I hope I am making sense here.

Personally for me I don’t know so much if it’s a matter of feeling worthy.  I know that I am worthy and deserving simply because I exist. I’ve worked on this stuff.  I know who I am and what I am here to do.

Rather for me— I think what I’ve been bumping up against myself is this upper limit of— is it even POSSIBLE?!?
  Can I even handle it getting even BETTER??  Allowing more and more goodness into my life?

Which is kind of funny, because I feel like I DO have everything I want right now.

I am exactly where I want to be, doing exactly what I want to be doing.  I am working towards creating and manifesting everything I want in my life and I am exactly where I am meant to be right now.  I keep moving forward each and every day towards my goals. And it feels really FUCKING GOOD!!

What feels difficult sometimes is actually ALLOWING it to be this good!!!

AAllowing it to be AMAZING without thinking that something has to go wrong.

Allowing it to be AMAZING without looking for things to fuck it up.

I’m sure you can relate to me here— this is much harder than I thought it would be!!

But what feels amazing is to recognize that this is actually happening!!

I am allowing the floodgates of amazingness to flow into my life and choosing to allow it without blocking the flow!!

  To give myself permission to continue feeling amazing and allow the abundance to flow freely into my life, in all areas— business, relationships, health/fitness, spirituality, my family and personal development. Literally each and every one of these areas in my life is exactly how I want it to be and I’ve set it up that way!!

I can’t believe how happy I am these days, and I am so grateful to be able to say that.

I just want to keep sharing my awesome-ness with the world, and to let you know as well…

That you CAN have it all.

That you are absolutely worthy and deserving of having it.

That I know it might feel hard and scary and difficult to allow yourself to feel the GOODNESS of all that is…

But that each and every second that you do, you are that much better off.

When you can allow it, you elevate yourself into higher and higher levels of consciousness.

You can invite in more and more levels of happiness, love, abundance, joy, wisdom, beauty and empowerment.

You can really have everything you want in every area.

And that starts with YOU and your capacity to ALLOW it.

Open yourself up to receive — and know that you CAN be, do or have ANYTHING you want!!

It is there for the taking, if only you reach out and go after it for yourself.

It’s much harder to allow the GOODNESS than it is to stay stuck in the struggle.

So today, allow yourself to OWN that you DESERVE an ABUNDANCE of love, wealth, prosperity, joy and whatever else it is that you are wanting to call into your life!!

You deserve it, and ANYTHING is possible.

Sending SOOOO much love and healing energy your way beautiful soul!!

In light + love,

Lauren Love

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