I Have a Confession to Make…

It’s not one that is easy to share.

Truth is, that I have been hiding.

Not showing up.

There have been SO many things that I have been wanting to share with you. But the time has just not felt quite *right.* Until now.

The time has come to reveal the truth…

I want to connect with you on a deeper level and open the floodgates of my heart to express what has been happening in my world these past few months.

Have you been feeling it too?

There is so much intense energy, so much moving and shaking on an energetic level this year. It has caused so much chaos in so many people’s lives this year.

2017 truly has been a year of growth, of massive disruption, and from the ashes of what has been cleared out and burned to the ground, has opened the doorway for TRUE TRANSFORMATION, GROWTH, EVOLUTION and CHANGE.

Personally, I have been experiencing a massive inner spiritual rebirth + transformation period, like the caterpillar in the cocoon that goes inside before entering into the world as a beautiful butterfly…

My soul is just BURSTING to share with you what I’ve been experiencing!!

And the truth is, that you might not be aligned with it, and that’s okay.

But if you’re a part of my TRUE TRIBE, then I just KNOW that this is going to resonate with you on a deeper soul level.

Things are going to be changing BIG TIME around here, and I’M EXCITED!!!

Continue reading for more details…


I know one thing, that I started this journey of entrepreneurship with Healing for Eating Disorders being completely aligned and on fire and absolutely 100% aligned with what my soul needed to express at the time.

I needed to share my story.

I needed to practice being seen.

I opened up and allowed myself to be vulnerable with the deepest parts of me, that I had previously never been able to share, let alone allow those parts to be accepted and loved.

I would show up and it would be as if time would just stop— I could do this FOREVER, I remember thinking.

It was as if I stumbled upon a magical gold mine.

I was in flow, tuned in, tapped in, and felt SO aligned with my calling.

Now that doesn’t mean that it was EASY all the time. Sure, it was HARD FUCKING work sometimes.

I was completely challenged, I had things come up along the way that I had to figure out, and most of all— I had to develop an unshakeable and deep inner TRUST in my ability and capability to surrender to outcome and just follow my SOUL.

I had NO evidence that it would work out.

I didn’t actually KNOW whether or not I would fail— but it didn’t matter.

I had an inner knowing that if I just showed up and followed what I felt and knew inside, that everything would be okay.

I remember being DEAD BROKE, bank account negative, NO MONEY for food or diapers or toilet paper— and STILL having faith.

I remember there was SO MUCH evidence to the contrary— people PUSHED BACK, they criticized what I was doing, and yet— I STILL had MASSIVE faith.

I believed in myself and my ability beyond all odds.

I remember my first launch.

I spent months and months writing an in-depth e-course, with hundreds of pages and hours of videos to accompany. I wrote up a sales email, even did a webinar offering tons of free content and value, and then?

You guessed it.

NO ONE signed up.

Not one person that time!!

But I didn’t let that stop me.

I kept going.

I believed in myself and my soul’s calling.

I had FAITH that I was doing exactly what I was supposed to be doing, and that my faith and belief in the unseen was exactly what I needed to succeed.

I surrendered to the plan, did the work and kept showing up.

And you know what happened?

Things started to magically transform before my eyes.

It was AMAZING— I remember having TONS of money blocks around receiving money for my services, and each time I would consciously RELEASE a belief— POOF! Money would all of a sudden flow in.

I remember how hard it felt back then, sometimes I forget my humble beginnings as a stay at home mom, broke as a joke, nursing my kids and just having such an intense desire to SERVE WOMEN and help them break FREE from their inner demons and eating disorder, just as I had.

I LOVED it for SO many years.

And then something shifted inside of me.

It didn’t mean that I wasn’t living my purpose, or that I wasn’t loving what I was doing– because trust me I DO and I AM — however… I started to have MASSIVE REALIZATIONS about the TRUTH of this work on a deeper SOUL level.

I suppose it is a part of evolution, of our growth along this path— and I started to see how my message and what I had to share with the world was more UNIVERSAL in nature.

What I had to share wasn’t just limited to women with eating disorders.

Women, men, people all over the world were struggling with these same things:

Low self-esteem. No confidence or belief in self. Disconnection from Self. Disconnection to a Higher Power. Heavy burdens of emotional baggage. Fear, worry, anxiety, insecurity and indecision. Not loving or hating the Self. Anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt, shame, overwhelm, frustration. Massive perfectionism and self-criticism. Extreme negativity.

How many of these would you say you struggle with? I would imagine ALL or MOST of them, I mean isn’t that why you are here??

These are NOT symptoms of eating disorders alone— these are Universal.
Everyone on this planet struggles with some of these, at some point, throughout their entire life. It’s called BEING HUMAN.

So I found a new DESIRE being born out of my heart…

I desire to just GIVE BACK and SERVE HUMANITY at large, to share my message and have a greater impact in this world.

I want to let people know that NO MATTER WHAT they are going through, they CAN overcome.

That everything you have been through and are going through in your life has been for a REASON— and you are not meant to struggle with it your entire life.

You are meant to RISE ABOVE.

You are destined to have an AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL and MIRACULOUS life— if ONLY you CHOOSE it.

I realize that what I am really here to help people with is to help them WAKE THE FUCK UP.

SO many people are walking zombies in this life, numbing themselves and going around life sleeping and not truly LIVING LIFE.

I believe and know with every fiber of my being that this is NOT what we were put on this planet to do.

We are meant to CREATE, to live in JOY, ABUNDANCE, in an EMPOWERED state that allows us to pursue our Higher Calling and step into our more Divine Selves as the Highest Version of ourselves.

I realized that no matter what I was teaching women with eating disorders, that it ALWAYS came down to this fundamental truth about this Universe.

Which is to realize that YOU ARE A CREATOR.

You are here to create and manifest an AMAZING life for yourself.

A life of purpose, passion, flow, ease, grace and unconditional love for yourself, your life, your loved ones and the world around you.

I truly believe that it is my mission to help people to step into their divine purpose and passion for their lives.

You are a unique soul and your DREAMS that you have inside of you are REAL.

Why else do you think you have them?

They are not here to be some pie-in-the-sky dream that you never accomplish or achieve in this life.

They are here so that you can make MANIFEST them and create them into physical reality.

To create your own personal version of heaven on earth.

How many times have you wanted to just do what you LOVE in this life?

How deeply do you desire to follow your heart and pursue your passion and purpose on this earth?

What you feel inside of you is REAL. You can trust your intuition and your gut that is screaming at you, ‘YES! I am sick and TIRED of living the way I have been living! I want to wake up and LIVE!’

There is so much inside of you just waiting to be discovered. What do you dream of beautiful soul?

Do you dream of starting your dream business and making a huge impact in this world?

Do you dream of going back to school and pursuing a career that is more in alignment with who you want to be and what you want to do?

Do dream of perfect health, stepping into the version of you who wakes up happy, joyful and grateful to be alive?

Do you desire to be FREE of your addictions, your programmed need to avoid your feelings, your emotional baggage, taking you away from the present moment and into self-soothing, self-loathing, and drowning yourself in food, alcohol, sex, shopping, whatever external pursuit of filling the void entails for you?

Do you desire to have deeply fulfilling and satisfying relationships, discovering the love of your life and have the family or partner or love and sex life that you have always dreamed of?

Or do you just want to be happy? I know for so many struggling, there can be just a simple desire to be HAPPY. To be FREE of the inner critic, the baggage and resentments, to finally LET GO and just ENJOY life.

Do you just want to love yourself? Be happy with who you are?

I know for me— all I’ve wanted this past year and a half is to just be MYSELF. To truly just give myself permission to show up and be ME.

I’ve felt so held back — I’ve held myself back— put myself in a box with the expectations I’ve placed on myself around who I’m supposed to be and what I’m supposed to be doing in this world.

Truth is, that I don’t *just* want to help and serve women with eating disorders anymore.

I am here to serve the WORLD.

I want to give back and share my wisdom, knowledge and message with the world.

I am here to make a bigger impact in the lives of millions of people all over the world.

I don’t want to hold myself back anymore or dim my light because of a duty or obligation to continue to do what I’ve done for so many years.

I refuse to put myself in a box and I declare this to be true— that I will NO LONGER APOLOGIZE for WHO I AM.

I am a DEEPLY SPIRITUAL woman. I have a deep and old SOUL. I have been chosen by the realms above to fulfill a higher mission in my life, and I am surrendering myself to this greater plan for my life.

I am who I am.

I am a Divine Feminine Radiant Goddess of light and love. I am also a fucking badass boss babe who is here to fucking show up and SHAKE YOUR SOUL so that you wake the FUCK UP to your inner potential and divine REMEMBRANCE of WHO YOU REALLY ARE.

You deserve to attune yourself to the higher realms and receive the downloads that I will continually be streaming to you from now on, live from my Facebook page and also in the downloads that I have been receiving daily in the form of words.

I am just a channel to allow what flows through me to be expressed.

My muse has spoken.

I am a beacon of light and a channel for the divine to speak through me.

This is what I’m TRULY here for.

This is my TRUE WORK in the world.

To follow the inspiration, the spirit, and allow it to guide me and show me which way to go.

I have an unshakeable FAITH and BELIEF that I am doing the right thing.

I know deep down inside of me that this is what I’m TRULY meant to be doing.

I am here to inspire you, to empower you and to guide you into living your TRUTH, to waking up along your spiritual path, and challenging you to step into the Highest Version of yourself.

Are you ready?

Are you willing to answer the call?

She is coming and she is here now, to let you know that if you are reading this, you are here for a reason.

Remember— what you feel inside of you is REAL. You can TRUST the inner voice inside that whispers and let you know what you are really here for, and gently speaks the truth of who you really are underneath it all.

You are here to live your life in ALIGNMENT with your SOUL.

You will know when you are off the path, and it is your job to continue to come back to this path, to choose it again and again, the path of your SOUL if you so choose.

It is not for the faint of heart, for it will challenge you to grow all the parts of you that are undeveloped.

It is your destiny to EVOLVE and become a CONSCIOUS CO-CREATOR of your own life.

From the eating disorder and BEYOND.

THIS is your destiny.

THIS is your true calling.

To discover, acknowledge and WALK your own unique spiritual and evolutionary journey in this life.

You owe that to yourself.

You can create any life you choose from here.

There are NO LIMITS to what you can accomplish.

You can have, do or BE anything you desire!!

It’s up to you to CHOOSE what you want and go after it with all your heart.

You will not be led astray if only you BELIEVE in your dreams and all that you could become.

What are you ready to step into?

What dreams in your heart are just calling you to burst forth into this life?

I want you to know that things WILL be changing around here, and changing for the better. I feel so much more ALIGNED with my soul in making this decision– and I would be completely HONORED and OVERJOYED for you to continue to walk this path WITH ME.

There is so much that is just waiting to be released and unleashed from within me, without restraint or expectations of having it have to be a certain way.

That feels REALLY REALLY good to me.

I want to show you what it means to completely let go of everything that has been holding you back… and help you step into complete ALIGNMENT with your SOUL. To step into the FLOW of life… To discover WHO YOU REALLY ARE.. and what your PURPOSE and PASSION is in this life.

If you’re with me, then YAY!!! WELCOME TO YOUR NEXT LEVEL LIFE!!

If not, if this new direction doesn’t resonate with you, you’re welcome to go ahead and hit ‘Unsubscribe.’ I ONLY want people who are my TRUE TRIBE and TRULY OPEN, READY and WILLING to walk this next step in our collective evolutionary journey together, who are ready to step up and into their best life!!!

Honestly, it’s not much different than before.

The biggest difference is that I’ve simply just given myself PERMISSION to BE ME– ALL OF ME, completely, madly, and deeply– to show the world who I really am, and to reveal to you what’s POSSIBLE if you only BELIEVE.

Excited and looking forward to this new journey that awaits us!!!

It’s only going to continue to get better and better. 🙂

Yours in truth and light and massive amounts of love,

Lauren Love xo

How Will These New Changes Benefit Me? And What Do I Need To Do?

1. First of all, there’s nothing you need to do! If you’re on board and resonate with what you’ve read today, then AWESOME! You are exactly where you are meant to be and we are grateful to have you continue in our soul tribe family.

2. You will begin to receive TONS more free content. You will be receiving my daily blog, videos, podcasts and so much deep soul goodness I can hardly stand it!

3. Be open to receiving the messages and wisdom you need through these daily emails. All you need to do is show up to RECEIVE the downloads and unique messages, inspiration and empowerment that your SOUL is craving each and every day.

4. I will be creating and launching TONS of NEW PROGRAMS over this next year– online AND in person! Get ready to invest in yourself for deep SOUL ALIGNMENT, radical TRANSFORMATION and GROWTH in every area of your life and on every level. (If there’s something you specifically would like to see us offer or teach on, please shoot us an email and let us know!!)

That’s it! Just you and me, baby. Soul to soul. Alignment and Flow. Freedom and Joy. Filling yourself up from the inside out, and learning how to fall madly in love with yourself and your life in the process.

I can’t wait to get to know you better.

We’ll be rolling out everything new over the next few weeks and months, so get ready and be open to RECEIVE!

You deserve it.

You are worth it.

Thank you for being here.

You are AMAZING!!

Sending SOOOOO much love and gratitude to you today and every day beautiful soul!!! xo

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