I Am Lauren Love, The One, The Only, The Legend, The Blissful Soul That I Am

And I am also Lauren Marsh, the little girl who grew up scared and feeling unworthy AF

How did I become who I am today?

I made a decision.

I made a decision and a CHOICE to change my life.

It did NOT happen overnight.

I also actually did not DO anything.

Technically when it comes to transformation, it is not something we DO — it is actually something we are CALLED INTO

God guided me and showed me all the areas of my life that were OUT OF ALIGNMENT with my soul

And then invited me to change them.

I didn’t have to

But I couldn’t NOT.

I had to follow the path of my heart because otherwise?

I would rather die.

I would rather leave this physical plane than live a life that is even 1% out of alignment with my soul.

If that’s even a thing… as one of my mentors always says, you’re either in alignment, or you’re not

You’re either ALL IN, or you’re out

You can’t be half way in on your dreams, otherwise they will never come true

You can’t manifest with uncertainty

You can’t create from a place of doubt

You can only be who you are meant to be and call forth from within you the magic you were always born to create

Because isn’t that why you were put here on this earth?

We are the crazy ones, the dreamers, the visionaries, the believers in magic and all things manifestation

The things that others don’t dare allow themselves to believe in

For fear of losing control, letting go, and having to completely re-define who they are and what they do

Because of some silly limitations they place on themselves as to why they can’t

Or why they won’t

Or why its too hard

Or whatever reason is holding them back from the past

I’ve got news for you

We’ve all got a story

We’ve all got reasons why it won’t work

We all have excuses and bullshit and things going on inside of us that come up as MASSIVE RESISTANCE and fear and self doubt that just want to block and sabotage us from doing our GREAT DIVINE WORK in this world.

We who believe are here to shake shit up

You are here to share that message from your soul!!

What is it that you stand for?

What is it that you believe in so strongly that you would risk everything just to put that message out into the world!?

If you could only share that ONE THING, what would it be?

For me?

That one thing is:

Living in alignment with your soul



You were put here to live out your dream life, your divine destiny through the essence of your soul

You are a divine being in this human skin – suit

You are a light being capable of creating a life beyond your wildest dreams

If you dare

Are you courageous enough to let yourself DREAM?

Are you bold enough to put yourself out there?

How bad do you want it?

What shit are you making up in your head about why you CANT HAVE IT!?

It’s time to put down your excuses and start LIVING


Your soul desires to be FREE

To live a life of beauty, of joy, of happiness and contentment beyond what you can even imagine

But first?

You’ve gotta get real with yourself about the shit that is holding you back.

Radical honesty is a concept that has changed my life.

When I share truly and authentically from the heart, that is when the magic happens.

What would happen if you started to speak your truth?

What would happen if you actually started to live in alignment with who you were truly meant to be in this world?

You too can make a choice.

It all comes back to the decisions that you make, on what is most important to you, and what you are no longer willing and available to tolerate in your life.

What if that one decision, that once choice could change your life?

What are you so afraid of?

Don’t let your stories be bigger than your dreams.

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