How to Show Up And Live Life to The Fullest

What if just for a moment you imagined what it would be like to show up and live life to the FULLEST?

What would that mean to you?

How would your life be different?

As I sit here today, drinking my tea and contemplating the mysteries of life, I am considering what that means in my own life, opening to new possibilities and desiring to play even more FULL OUT in my own life.

How different I would be.

What actions I would be taking.

Who I choose to surround myself with.

I choose to believe that this can become a possibility.

It has been a long time in my own life that I have really truly allowed myself to dream, without limits.

I believe that we as human beings have an unlimited potential, and that each of us can tap into it at any time— it’s just that most of us won’t.

Not because its impossible but maybe because it is too daunting. Too difficult. Too painful.

People tell you it can’t be done, that there is no room for your silly and stupid dreams..

I am blessed enough to be in a community and have amazing relationships with people that love and support me and believe in my dreams. Sometimes even before I believe it myself.

It is refreshing to me to know that I don’t have to have all the answers. I don’t need to know exactly where I’m going, or what the journey has in store for me.

All I have to do is keep dreaming. Keep showing up.

Continue to follow my heart along this path of alignment.

Getting back to the truth and the core of who I really am underneath it all.

Revealing the true essence of the woman that I am and claiming what she is here to do in the world.

I can allow the process to unfold in its own time.

I don’t need to rush it or force it, however impatient I may get sometimes.

I am learning how to have radical trust— so much more than ever before.

I am learning how to step into a place of radical and unshakeable faith in the unknown.

And as uncomfortable as it is, I continue to choose to show up.

I believe in myself and my dreams.

I am excited that FINALLY I have new dreams that are being birthed beyond the horizon.

For the first time in a long time, I feel myself waking up once again.

I want to live life to the FULLEST, to APPRECIATE, to LOVE, to be in so much JOY that my heart is bursting from the depths and lit up and ENERGIZED for what I am called to create in this life…

I am happy today. Some days are harder than others. There have been massive waves coming through me and I choose to go with the storm. To feel it coming through me and choosing to continue to take action anyways.

I am mining the great lessons of where I have been and transmuting it into the path I am forging now and what I am stepping into.

I am coming alive again and attuning to my higher potential, and I am so grateful for the opportunities and for what is to come.

And I think the most important thing of all, is that I have HOPE.

She who has hope has everything.

Beyond all odds, I will rise.

Beyond all odds, I will overcome.

I am aligning to living that life where every day I wake up yet again and am on PURPOSE, ALIGNED, in FLOW and living my FUCK YES LIFE.

I want that for myself and will settle for nothing less.

I am ready for the journey ahead.

There is so much goodness and love coming your way!!

We are along this journey together– and you can have it too.

Want to know the secret?

All you have to do is commit, be willing to show up and do the work.

Surrender to the great dreams and future that you know is yours.

What you feel inside is real— you can trust it. Follow it wherever it leads you.

And never ever ever give up.

You got this!! xo

In truth and light and love,

Lauren Love

P.S. I am opening up 3 spots in my highest level Private Mentoring Breakthrough to Transform 6 Week Program for December!! It has helped so many women DREAM THEIR BIGGEST DREAM and RELEASE all that has been holding them back from really transforming their lives in a huge way, and now you can too.

I know you want to feel happy, feel FREE, JOYFUL, LOVING and EMPOWERED on every level.

I know it might seem difficult right now, or damn near impossible to get to where you know you know you deserve.

And you probably don’t feel ready, and want to wait until that perfect moment to finally be READY to move forward in your life.

The truth is, you will NEVER FEEL 100% READY to take the leap.

I’ve never felt truly ready for any of the massive changes and shifts I’ve created in my life. All I’ve had to do was simply just MAKE A DECISION to do it, and commit.

You have to understand that and then take the leap BEFORE you are ready.

This is the only thing that will really propel your journey forward.

Are you ready to take that leap? Are you ready to change your life in a HUGE way and let go of everything that has been holding you back in your relationship with yourself, your health, your career, your relationships, and step into your power and light as a happy, free empowered woman?

Comment below or Message me right away and I’ll get back to you about how we can begin to do this work together.

Your dreams won’t go away until you start to take action on them.

Leap. Commit. Let’s go on this amazing journey together— to create whatever it is that you desire in your life— an AMAZING life of FREEDOM, EMPOWERMENT and LIVING INTO YOUR DREAMS.

Because you deserve that. You are worthy of it.

Believe in yourself and that you can create ANYTHING you want.

You just have to be bold enough to go after it.

I believe in you!!

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