How To Get Unstuck in Life and Business

Have you ever felt like you’re stuck in your life and you’re not sure how to get things moving again in the *right* direction?

Have you felt like something is just *off* and you’re not quite sure what?

Today I”m going to share with you exactly how to get unstuck in life and business.. coming from my own personal experience 🙂

Do you feel like the years are ticking by — and you’re still in the same spot you were years ago?  Even after all those declarations of “I’m going to change” and “things are going to be different” — you STILL haven’t moved forward in the direction of your dreams?

Why is that?

How do we FINALLY face the resistance in our lives and move forward in a direction that will make our heart happy and our soul fulfilled?

This is a question I have wrestled with for the last 3-4 years myself.

Do you want to know what happened?

I got really sick in 2017-2020 and this caused me to question everything I believed in.

I went from self-love to self-hate.

I went from self-trust to self-doubt.

I went from being internally guided to being heavily influenced by the external.

I doubted everything that I taught, coached on, and believed for the past decade.

I blamed myself and played a victim.

I didn’t know what to do.

I felt lost, confused and out of touch with my soul’s purpose.

It took me a looonnnnnggg time to finally process through and heal what happened to me.

You know what I realized?

That everything that has happened to me has been for a reason.

I am grateful for my past because it is exactly what brought me to this place right now.

This is quite a mind-shift, and a helpful re-frame if you’re still struggling with things in the past.

I know this may seem radical, but what if everything, absolutely everything, has happened to bring you to this exact place RIGHT NOW?

What if you were meant to go through it so that you could learn the lessons you needed to learn and develop the skills you now possess?

What if all of it was a part of your destiny?

What if all of it was designed so that you could become who you are truly meant to become?

I know you might be scoffing at me right now, thinking ‘yeah right. It was too painful, too hard,’ or thinking that it was your fault or blaming someone else… thinking that if it didn’t happen then you would be better off.

I can ABSOLUTELY resonate with that kind of thinking… and can tell you with CERTAINTY that this kind of thinking is EXACTLY what kept me stuck in a repetitive loop of misery for years.

You don’t have to believe me, you just have to entertain the thought… what if?

WHAT IF it actually was meant to happen in exactly the way it did?

WHAT IF it helped you grow into exactly the person you needed to become in order to achieve your big goals and dreams in your life?

WHAT IF life was organizing everything in your favor?

WHAT IF you could pull the gems of wisdom out of your pain and finally move on with your life?

WHAT IF right now, this very moment, offers you the exact point of power to be able to make a permanent change in your life?

I can’t tell you with certainty that these things are true… but I will tell you that by believing in them, they will absolutely change your life (spoiler alert: you get to CHOOSE your beliefs).

There are two ways you can look at life: one is a victim perspective and one is an empowered perspective.

A victim perspective means that nothing is your fault and that you blame all your circumstances, mindset, emotional state, and your life on other people. You believe that life owes you something, that things should have been different, and leaves you thinking, “if only those bad things didn’t happen to me then my life would be better/more amazing/different.”

The opposite of this, and what I’m helping you shift into today, is holding an empowered perspective on your life.

An empowered perspective means that you take 100% responsibility for everything that has happened to you. This does NOT mean that it is your fault; rather what it means is that you are honest with yourself. You can see clearly the decisions you made and where you can learn and grow in the future. You are not blaming yourself or others, you are looking at the solutions and how you can operate differently today and in the future.

This empowered state is grounded in your heart and soul. It asks what is in your highest good and helps you make the decisions that are in alignment with it. It is forgiving yourself, being compassionate with yourself and others, and making choices that align with your deepest values.

Do you see the difference?

When we are in a victim mindset we stay stuck.

When we are playing a victim to our life, we are waiting for things to change, so that we can change.

But the truth is that we cannot wait for things outside of us to change in order for us to change.

Things outside of us will not change until we change inside FIRST.

Do you get that?

Which means that if you keep believing that things should have been different and you keep blaming yourself and others— you will continue to stay stuck in your life.

It means that if you keep replaying the same old events over and over again and obsessing over the emotions — of fear, sadness, guilt, shame, regret, anger, etc— that you will continue to be stuck in these lower vibrational emotions.

You can’t evolve your life when you’re stuck in fear, lack, or any other negative emotions.

It seems kind of backwards when you think about it, however the only way to move forward is to forgive yourself and release the negative emotions so that you can tap into a higher level of being.

When you forgive yourself and others
When you let go of the past
When you stop letting fear and lack run your life
When you move out of negative emotional states

You can be free.

When you do this… you free up the emotional energy needed to create a new emotional state, and therefore a new life.

Think about it… you feel stuck? Most likely because you are stuck in a negative emotional feedback loop.

The only way to escape it and create something new is to do something different.

It is the deeper work that is required for transformation and growth.

Yes, it will be difficult to accept that this is the way to personal power and change.

Taking responsibility for your life, your emotions, your thoughts, your actions, and therefore your results — is the only way to change your life.

And the way to start?

Is by being honest with yourself.

>>What have you been going through emotionally?

>>What stories have you been telling yourself to justify why you are where you are in your life?

>>What thoughts have you been thinking that are NOT helping you to grow and move forward?

>>What actions and behaviors have you been allowing that you know are NOT in alignment with your highest good?

>>What would you need to let go of in order to take the first step towards change?

I know this is a lot today, but the first step towards change is becoming aware of all the things that are no longer serving you in your life.

Awareness is the first step.

Have the courage to believe that you can overcome this. You can — but it’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be work. The heavy lifting of doing the internal work required for change.

Once you do the inner work — I promise you the external circumstances will change.

But not a moment before.

So again I remind you —

>>What if you just believed that everything that has happened to you is for a reason?

There is a greater purpose for your life.

If you are here today, you know that you must grow and evolve your thinking in order to transform your life.

Trust me, I’ve been where you are and it’s not a pretty place when you are stuck replaying the same patterns over and over again.

Do yourself a favor and start today.

Answer the questions I’ve posed here in your journal. Be honest with yourself about what isn’t working in your life and what you’re ready and willing to change.

Become aware of the stories you’re telling yourself and ask yourself—

  • Am I ready to start telling a new story?
  • Am I ready to own my past and become who I’m meant to become?

If the answer is YES — let me know today what you’re committed to and what your next step is on your journey of self-growth and transformation.

I’m here to support you getting to your next level in all areas of life.

Let me know how I can support you along your journey!!

xo Lauren Marsh

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