How To Discover What You’re Truly Meant To Do

Over the last 4 years I have been on quite a journey.

Wild, unpredictable and yet… exactly what I needed.

You see, things happen in life that we cannot predict.

Big things, small things, traumatic things, joyful things.

Yet all of the things that happen to us or that we create in our lives — I believe they are all here to help us, guide us, teach us more about ourselves and the world around us (whether we like it or not).

I am not going to sugarcoat it — I feel as if I have been to hell and back. I encountered some pretty difficult health challenges as well as financial, emotional, and relational challenges, and I honestly did not know how I would get through it. But I did.

That to me is a miracle!

I can FINALLY SAY I am so very grateful for all that has happened in my life and who I am becoming in the process.

For a while there, I was bitter. Resentful. Sad, angry, upset with life.

I felt confused, lost, and uncertain as to what the future held.

I was unsure about what I wanted to do for work and money.

I was unsure about what it was that I was put here on earth to do.

I felt like who I thought I was had disappeared, and without that identity… I didn’t know who I was or what to do.

Has that ever happened to you?

I spent the last 4 years in a deconstruction phase… an exploration phase…

Who am I? What am I here for? What do I love to do? What is my purpose? How is it that I am meant to be of service?

I let myself break down as I let go of everything that was familiar and comfortable to me. I challenged beliefs that I once thought were solid and immovable.

I explored different careers and listened to how I felt when engaged in each different type of work.

And you know what I found?

That who I am is not defined by the work that I do (like I previously thought)…

But that what I choose to do with my time DOES end up defining and dictating who I am inside.

I realized that I CANNOT do anything I am NOT aligned with internally.

My soul just DOES NOT LIKE IT!

This means people, places, behaviors— it has become vitally important that I remain in a state of alignment with all the things that light me up, fulfill me on a deeper level, and bring meaningful truths into my life.

I can’t NOT pursue the goals and dreams in my heart.

So what actually happened, Lauren?

I left the coaching industry 4 years ago because I believed I needed to. I was very very sick, overwhelmed, and stressed out. My body was breaking down. I could no longer be the person I needed to be and I decided it would be the best thing IN THE LONG TERM for me, my family, my clients, my business.

I didn’t want to stop pursuing my passion and purpose through my business however I knew in my heart it was the right decision. You can’t even begin to understand how DIFFICULT that was!! It was painful. I was angry, humiliated, and ashamed of myself.

I had a lot to heal and a lot to work through.

It got WAY WORSE before it ever got better.

Looking back now though… I NEEDED to go through all of it.

I told myself that one day, IF and WHEN I was ready I would give myself permission to come back to coaching. But ONLY when I was Solid. Congruent. Aligned. Then and ONLY THEN I would return to being a coach, if I ever did.

I am proud, happy, elated to say that NOW IS THAT TIME!!

I have spent years healing my body, mind and spirit. I have spent years exploring who I am and what makes me tick. I have spent years exploring different careers such as personal training, real estate, management, insurance sales, business consulting, and others… and have come to the realization that NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING can or will replace my purpose and passion — which is COACHING.

I am meant to be a coach.

I was literally put here on this earth to help and serve others in a deep and meaningful way.

My gifts, talents and abilities are aligned in this arena where I absolutely THRIVE.

I have exhausted all other options *trying* not to come back to coaching. (AS IF I could resist the call of my soul 😉 )

I will admit, it was a bit traumatic closing down my coaching business and denying myself the ability to help others and earn an income from my soul gifts. I am not kidding when I tell you – I lost everything. Including my self-esteem. And if I’m being completely honest, I still have fears, doubts, and concerns about coming back and opening up my coaching programs again.

But the TRUTH IS, that THIS IS WHO I AM.

I can’t deny my truth any longer.

I am ready to be authentic once again with you and share with you all that I have been through in hopes that it will inspire, empower, and motivate you to take action in your own life… on ALL those things that you personally have been putting off and procrastinating on that you know deep within your heart that you are MEANT to be doing.

A few months ago, I had a major epiphany that changed my life!!

  • What I realized was that if I stayed in the same mindset of thinking I will one day feel ready, and I allowed that to stop me each day, then I will NEVER get going on my dreams. Because I would never take action TODAY, right NOW.

  • What I realized was that my goals, dreams, and desires of my heart were not going to go away. The longer I waited, the stronger the desire, and the bigger the gap between me taking action on it today as it stayed a pipe dream.

  • What I realized was that I am no longer willing to settle for LESS than what I know I can achieve and who I came here to be.

  • What I realized was that I can’t NOT follow my soul’s calling… even if it feels horribly terrifying and everything inside of me SCREAMS bloody murder to NOT DO IT, to NOT put myself out there. The resistance inside tells me I’M NOT READY, to wait until I feel like it, and to put off everything I am dreaming of until tomorrow. These are all LIES!!!

  • What I realized was that I needed to just start. One imperfect action at a time. Not feeling ready but knowing that I am making the right decision. One small baby step at a time.

  • And by doing so, I am gaining clarity.

Each and every day that I take action, that I pursue my goals and dreams, I am able to drop into FLOW and ALLOW myself to just BE MYSELF.

This is who I am. Messy. Imperfect. Wild. Incomplete.

I am a BIG dreamer. I have HUGE hopes and aspirations for this life. I am here to IMPACT others in a deep and meaningful way, to help you WAKE UP and LIVE your purpose, your passion, and to pursue whatever it is that lights you up in this world.

I know from personal experience that when you pursue your purpose, your passion, and what you LOVE— that you are also able to tap into the deep well of ABUNDANCE that you have always been looking for.

An abundance of love, gratitude, joy, money, clients, creativity, and self-expression is suddenly able to flow into your life unobstructed.

When your purpose and calling is to create a SOUL-ALIGNED BUSINESS, you CAN experience all of these things and more.

When your purpose and calling is to create a BUSINESS based on WHO YOU ARE, you CAN align your work and daily actions to do what you love, and receive abundantly as a result of it. In all areas of your life.

I have found that the more authentic, transparent and real I am with people, the more fulfilled, joyful, and FREE I feel.

Not just in life, but through my WORK. My business becomes the vehicle through which I can express and create my soul’s calling.

I feel this is a part of what I’m here to share with the world.

That the more you show up and just BE YOU, practice being present, and serving others through your gifts, the more God will use you to create your life’s masterpiece. Whatever that vision of your perfect life and business is for you.

I can no longer sit back and pretend that I’m someone I’m not.

I am a writer, a speaker, a teacher, a leader, and a coach. I am a woman of vision, of faith, of God.

I teach and lead by example, and through my experience I can show you how you too can create a soul-aligned business and life you LOVE.

Stick around and subscribe to my Newsletter for more on my journey and how I can help and serve you along yours.

In love & joy,

xo Lauren Marsh


Business Mentor & Branding Coach for female entrepreneurs


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