How to Create Your Dream Life and Business

This could be quite possibly the most exciting thing that I’ve written about in a long time!!


Creating your dream life and business is the most rewarding and fulfilling thing you could EVER do for yourself.

It is an act of self care and self for yourself to finally say YES to the things that are inside of you that have been yearning to be born through you.

Not only is it an act of self-love, but it is a RESPONSIBILITY and a DUTY you have to bring forth your soul’s desires. It is the EXACT REASON you are on this planet.

You did not come here to sit around and eat bon bons and watch TV all day long.


You did not come here to slave away all day long at a job you hate to come home to a stressful environment where you feel as if you can never relax, never take time to yourself, and then numb yourself to fall asleep and then the next day wake up and do it all over again.


You did not come here to idly sit by while the world passes you by, did you?

Because if you DO feel that way, and you DON’T care about your future or legacy or your purpose or WHY you were put here on this planet then… go on and buzz off! Clearly this is NOT the place for you.

But if you ARE here you are a motherfucking driven badass and you feel from the deep recesses in your soul that you ARE here for a reason and that you KNOW with all your heart you were meant to bring forth those BIG DREAMS into the world.

And not just BIG dreams but sometimes ridiculously HUGE that they seem silly enough to brush it off and say, “no today I have other things to focus on.. when I have the TIME and the MONEY and the ENERGY and the CONFIDENCE and the xxx” fill in the blank of whatever it is that is YOUR excuse as to why you’re not living into your dreams right now.

They are not just dreams though. You need to start seeing them as POSSIBILITIES.

Once you understand that you can choose anything available to you – you can take each of those possibilities that resonates most with you and turn it into a personal GOAL.

In the quantum realm everything is already available NOW, and when you sit in your meditation or you are daydreaming and visualizing about exactly HOW you’d like your life to be… these are not just silly things that would be “nice to have”… this is your imagination showing you COULD be living your life if you simply just CHOSE it to be that way.

I understand that it may seem silly or impossible— given that these dreams and visions are SO far away from where you are right now. Most people just resign themselves to the fact that they need to be “practical” and just continue to go about, “one-day-ing” their dreams.

But the thing is, the reason that makes this concept SO important, is that ONE DAY never comes.

I believe the amount of joy, satisfaction and fulfillment in your life is directly proportional to the level that you allow SOUL to guide you in fulfilling your purpose, your dream life.

Your purpose may change, it most definitely is multi-faceted, and deep down is something that you just inherently know. It’s not something that you need to make up or copy from someone else or have someone tell you the “right” way to fulfill it.

Also, and this may sound ominous… but the truth is that your soul will NOT REST until you have done what you came here to do.

Meaning: it will continue to whisper, then politely nudge and poke you, it will get louder and louder, until finally when you don’t listen, it will start to YELL and scream and let you know OVER and OVER again that THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU ARE MEANT TO BE DOING.

You know what I’m talking about.

But when you DO finally listen… your soul will guide you every step of the way. It will lead you to levels of joy, happiness, freedom and abundance that you could never have fathomed.

So the first step is really just ALLOWING yourself to dream. Allow yourself to vision out exactly what you desire for yourself in your life and business.

There are NO limits.

Imagine… if I could wave a magic wand for you and give you everything you desire in your life and business right now, how would it be?

What would you be doing?
How would you spend your time?
How would you take care of yourself?
What do your relationships look like?
What are you thinking, feeling, seeing around you on a daily basis?
What are your habits and routines?
What does your business look like?
How are you serving your clients?
How much money are you making?
What are you contributing, investing, giving back?

Think about all the different areas of your life and how AMAZING life could be if you allowed yourself permission to dream BIG and set your sights high, as you can only create what you can imagine in your mind first.

And most importantly— who would you BE?
Who is the person who is having, doing, and being all those things?

This is the first step to creating your dream business and life. Vision out everything that you desire, daily, and continue to choose and step into the person you would be if you already had what you desire.

You will notice that when you finally do CHOOSE what it is that you want to create that suddenly you will have all sorts of funky junk coming up surrounding creating it.

Once you come out of that dream-space of visualizing what you desire, your conscious mind WILL kick in and begin to tell you all the reasons why you can’t have, do, or be those things.

It will tell you that:

It’s too big
It’s too much
How will you ever do that?
How could that ever happen
That’s stupid
What would other people think
You can’t leave your job
It’s not safe to live outside the box
I feel like a freak
Why can’t I just be normal
There’s no way people are going to pay you money for that
How will I get clients
What if it doesn’t work
What if I can’t do it
What if I’m not good enough
What if I make a fool out of myself
I don’t think I can do this
I’m not sure…

So you can see why 99.9% of the world will NOT live their dreams and create a business they love. Because of these ^^^ reasons that are created by the fear mind, the part of you that is logical and rational and really just doing its job.

The job of your conscious mind is to keep you safe and protect you.

It will do ANYTHING to protect you from pain and doesn’t like you to take big risks because that feels scary. Anything outside your comfort zone feels scary and uncomfortable which is why it will pull out all its tactics to try and trick you into staying safe by telling you all those things.

What will stop you?

>> Fear, self doubt, confusion, overwhelm, indecision?
>> Not feeling ready, confident enough, good enough, worthy enough?
>> Don’t feel as if you have enough time, money, experience, connections, resources, knowledge, etc?

I have news for you— NONE of these things are ACTUALLY true.

NONE of these are valid reasons NOT to take action on creating your dream business and life.


They just serve as distractions, as temptations, and as seductive and convincing as they may be— they all just serve as blocks to you living your dream life.

The way to overcome it?

Know that it will come up.

Acknowledge it.

Witness it.

Work through / process it if need be, and then release it.

There’s no need to hold on to that shit.

It’s fleeting, temporary, and all an illusion anyway.

The only thing that IS real is your SOUL WORK.

So once you vision out your perfect life, your dream business, just everything that you want to do, be, and have, stepping into the YOU that you want to be…

You’ve allowed your stuff to come up and acknowledge that the journey will be frittered by obstacles like these, but that you are up to the task of overcoming and defeating these demons…

The only thing left to do is begin to take MASSIVE ACTION.

Move forward and all the vision to collapse into physical reality.

Taking action MAY seem like a simple thing – but I’ll be honest – this is probably the #1 thing that I work with entrepreneurs and coaches on.

Action and doing the work.

Because what happens is… they let the overwhelm and the fear and the confusion take over enough times that they can get stuck in it.

It’s a process of continually taking action, doing the work, pulling back the layers, releasing, re-aligning, and continuing to take action again.

It’s a process of growth and evolution that my clients have cherished and loved the way that I’ve taught them to navigate the journey.

Every single time they step off the path, or they fall back into old patterns, I simply just remind them to FOCUS ON WHAT YOU WANT.

I bring them back to BIG VISION and why they are doing this in the first place.

Because when the going gets tough— the first thing that happens is we start to doubt ourselves. Our ability. Our choices. Did we make the right decision? It’s hard to believe in the dream when it’s clouded by these fears and doubts.

That’s where a skilled and experienced coach like myself comes in. I’ve seen it WAY too many times to count which is why I have systems and processes in place to help my clients stay on course and in alignment with their big goals and dreams no matter what happens.

Building your dream business and life is NOT easy. It is not for the faint of heart.

It will challenge you to grow in all your undeveloped places.

It will cause you to go deep into yourself and connect to your Soul, God, your Higher Power like nothing ever before, simply as a result of the massive levels of trust and faith that you must have in order to bring forth something that you can not see yet physically but can only imagine in your mind and feel with your heart.

This is why it is your responsibility and duty to live into your dreams… because your business can become your vehicle for evolution and self growth.

You want the accelerated pass to ascension and enlightenment? Surrender, bitch!! You think you know everything about life and want everything served to you on a silver platter? Think again, bitch!!

It WILL be work.

It WILL challenge you.

NOTHING will make sense at times.

You will want to QUIT. Give up. Throw in the towel.

You may even step away for awhile, but remember? Your soul will ALWAYS call you back…

At the end of the day, you don’t choose this path, it chooses you.

I believe that if you’re here— you are meant to bring forth AMAZING things and make a massive impact in the world.

You are here to make a difference.

You are here to change the world with your message.

Nothing can interfere when you have surrendered to your path at a level where you just become the work, and the work becomes you.

And lastly, this bears repeating: even if this is the hardest thing you ever do in your life and everything in you resists it at times, you do it because you know you can’t NOT.

You know it’s exactly what you’re meant to be doing and you wouldn’t want to be doing anything else.

It amplifies your life in ways that thrill you beyond your wildest dreams.

The amount of joy, satisfaction and fulfillment in your life is directly proportional to the level that you allow SOUL to guide you in fulfilling your purpose, your dream life.

Are you ready to get out there and finally wake up to create the life and business you’ve always dreamed of?

Not just some of it, ALL of it.

You can do, be or have anything you want.

You can create life completely on your terms.

The amount of impact you have will be determined by the level of decision, trust, and action that you take along your journey.

If you only have 30 minutes a day to put towards creating your dream business and life — why not use it?

Start small. You don’t have to change your entire life overnight.

The most important thing is that you make the decision to go ALL IN and that you are ready to do whatever it takes.

Your Soul will thank you.

And trust me, I promise it will be worth it.


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