How to Create More Freedom in Your Business & Life

Many people have a fear of structure and discipline in their lives.
Do you relate?

I know I struggled with this for many years until it finally “clicked” for me.

I was afraid if I fully embodied structure and discipline that it would take away from my creative power and my ability to be fully in flow.

I was afraid that a greater level of discipline, strategy, and systems in my business and life would block my joy and take away from my happiness.

I was afraid it would hold me back and I had a fear of feeling trapped by it.

I was afraid that it would take away from my ability to be fully me and to fully express myself.

I was afraid of committing to something and not being able to follow through.

I was afraid that the discipline would make my life boring, stale and unexciting.

I also had a history of trying SO many routines and productivity methods, time management systems, and ways to organize my life/time/business and I felt as if I was organizationally-challenged.

I felt as if I was doomed to live this chronic messy life. My business and life routines felt unorganized, chaotic and out of control.

I wanted to have more control over my time because there never seemed to be enough of it.

I wanted to have discipline and structure but I couldn’t quite figure out HOW to make it work and how to do it in a way that felt GOOD to me.

I had so many blocks around creating discipline and routine in my life because I thought it would hold me back and keep me stuck.

But do you know what I found?

That this couldn’t be further from the truth.

What I found was that by installing disciplines, routine and structures in my life and business— that this actually CREATED FREEDOM for me.

Structure creates freedom.

Discipline equals freedom.

It’s such a profound paradox!

The reason this is true is because when you have a container and a guide for your business and life, and you know exactly what to do and when to do it, it frees up SO much bandwidth in your mental, emotional and spiritual channels.

When you “set it and forget it” you literally free yourself from having to “figure it out” anymore.

Discipline and embodying this masculine energy more fully creates the channel through which the feminine creative power can flow through. 🔥💎

Do you get that?

This becomes the practice in our daily lives then as you continue the journey of growing your business and becoming more of the YOU that you want to be.

We have these two sides of us, masculine and feminine. Yin and yang.

We all have these two energies within us, no matter what gender you are.

It is your job to learn what the expression of each of these energies looks like in your life in order to fully utilize all of your available power.

That means this looks very different for each individual person.

In order to be fully human, we must learn how to integrate these two energies in a way that serves our highest good.

By installing a discipline and structure in your life that works for you and that is in alignment with your deepest held values.

While also being flexible enough to allow your spontaneous, nonlinear creative being to flow and express itself through this more masculine channel and container you’ve created for it.

Does that make sense?

For when you create a harmony between these two energies in your life and business, you become unstoppable.

When you create a harmony and a relationship with each individual quality of the being and the doing, you come into alignment with the true nature of who you are.

You are human AND divine.

You are masculine AND feminine.

You embody a doing AND a being nature.

These two polar opposites are ever present within us.

The challenge becomes then— how do you harmonize these two dichotomies within you so that you can be your Best Self?

How do you structure your business and life routines that allows for OPTIMAL utilization of your energy and potential?

What disciplines and routines must you set up in order to allow the CREATIVE FORCE to FLOW through you?

Because when you do, you become FREE.

Free to create. Free to express. Free to embody your True Self.

And the added bonus is that — this becomes the fastest way towards creating the OUTCOME and RESULT that you are trying to achieve in your life.

You want more money? More time? More health? More connection? More authenticity? More creativity and self-expression?

Recognize how you are in relationship with these two energies of the masculine and feminine in each of these areas of your life.

As you begin to move towards a greater integration of the disciplines that will help you get the result you desire in each area, you will finally experience the freedom and creative power that flows forth from that embodiment.

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