I am here to talk to you about many important things about how to crack your own code to receiving infinite wealth and abundance in your business.
Why? I am a leader, a lightworker for the many who roam this earth lost, afraid and disconnected
They desire someone to come forth and show them the way
Not just one way, but THE way to their SOUL
The guidance is strong in this one
Who shows me the way
Who shows me the way to my own soul
Back home, back to source where we came from
And will return to when we’re done
You might be wondering, how is that really relevant right now?
I am “supposed” to talk to you about business
But dear one— don’t you see that this IS business
Because what I’m talking about here is stepping into your TRUE PURPOSE and doing what it is that you are actually MEANT to be doing in this life
There is no other reason why you exist
And those who are drawn to me and my message know that
There is a message and a mission inside of you that is so much bigger than you even realize
So it’s not about marketing, or enrolling clients, or creating epic content, programs and services that help a lot of people
But then again— it IS
Because THIS is the way you get your message out into the world
THIS is the way you have a greater impact
THIS is the way that you can shake people’s SOULS and wake them the FUCK UP and help them to SHIFT and CHANGE and TRANSFORM
And ultimately?
Evolve into a higher version of themselves
Your Higher Self is calling you into a greater expression of yourself
Whatever that is for you at the moment
It’s going to be different for everyone
So maybe you’re sitting there in self-pity
Or depression
Or sadness
Or anger, or hurt, or resentment
Or anxiety, or fear, or confusion
And you’re not quite sure how to move forward
This is your opportunity to listen
TO tune in
To give your SOUL a chance to speak, and for once DICTATE the next decision you make on your life’s path.
Aren’t you SICK AND TIRED of living from a place of fear?
Aren’t you SICK AND TIRED of replaying the same old shit over and over again?
Aren’t you SICK AND TIRED of feeling dissatisfied, of not doing anything meaningful or purposeful with your life, in the way that you’re meant to?
It all comes down to this in the end.
Are you living into your dreams, or not?
There’s no halfway, or sort of.
You either make the decision and take the leap.. OR you remain stuck forever
Don’t you see that nothing around you is going to change untIl YOU change?
Until you suddenly realize that life is about so much more than you even knew
There are worlds beyond worlds within you that are just waiting to be discovered
Your deeper self desires to connect with you now
All of life is really about the relationship that you have with yourself, with your soul, with God
And when you are denying your gifts, holding yourself back out of fear or uncertainty, you are serving NO ONE
It is SELFISH to keep your journey to yourself
So STOP being so damn self-conscious about it
No one ever took action in the beginning with full confidence and knowing how everything is going to play out
They took action because they had a DREAM and they knew deep down that if they didn’t do it, that they would regret it forever
What about you?
What speaks in your heart that you are holding yourself back on?
What is it that you just know you’re meant to do, that you aren’t doing?
Maybe it’s something as simple as forgiving yourself or someone you love
Maybe it’s quitting a job that is sucking your soul
Maybe it’s doing something you’re terrified of, like dancing or singing, or playing in the rain
Maybe it’s to start the business you’ve always wanted, to speak your truth and share your story and message with the world
Maybe it’s to start traveling and to design a life of freedom and luxury
Maybe it’s to make music, to perform, to help others through your art
Maybe it’s to write a book or speak on stage
Maybe it’s to impact MILLIONS with your message and create a life of abundance and wealth so that you can give back and leave a legacy
What is it for you that your soul is yearning for, and pulling you forward towards?
There is no right or wrong answer, only whatever is true for YOU
Because what I find is that most people aren’t giving themselves full PERMISSION to DREAM THEIR GREATEST DREAM.
What if you allowed yourself to go ALL IN on the thing that you most desire?
What if you allowed yourself to IMAGINE that you could have anything you wanted, exactly the way you wanted it?
And not just for shits and giggles, or to accumulate physical possessions or things in the physical world that you think you ‘should’ have or want to be/do/accomplish for the sake of finally ‘proving’ yourself, or because you think it’s cool, or someone else told you you should.
I’m talking about finally getting honest with yourself about WHAT WOULD ACTUALLY FULFILL YOU ON A DEEPER SOUL LEVEL.
Because I work with women all the time from all over the world who from the outside look like they “have it all”, but underneath they are largely unfulfilled, bored, and pretending like they are happy… when what they REALLY want is SO MUCH MORE.
They desire to be FREE.
They desire to feel super LIT UP and EXCITED about creating something amazing in the world.
They know deep down inside they were BORN to be a LEADER, a REVOLUTIONARY who is here for a great purpose and reason
To help others TRANSFORM their lives
To create something that provides a ton of VALUE in other people’s lives
And that feels totally authentic and directly from the SOUL, that feels natural and easy and flow based and so much freaking FUN
Because that is the point of all of this, isn’t it?
If you’re living a life where you’re constantly bored, uninspired, just getting by… what is even the point?
I would rather DIE than not live my purpose and feel with every cell of my being that I am here to GIVE all of me, every single day, to the best of my ability
Because gosh – that to me is the greatest gift
When I am creating from my SOUL and letting it be EASY and FUN and showing up for others in POWERFUL SERVICE and helping them to completely TRANSFORM their lives… just by being MYSELF, sharing my STORY and my MESSAGE with them, that they can do it too….
Well this is precisely when I am the HAPPIEST.
Most fulfilled.
Most aligned.
Lit the F up!!! And SOOOOOOOOO freaking grateful.
I almost feel as if I’ve “cracked the code” so to speak, on infinite wealth and abundance from your SOUL
Because I literally just show up each day and let it be easy
All I have to do is be myself
Share my soul gifts from my heart
And hold a pure and genuine intention to have it be for the highest good of all
And everything just flows easily and effortlessly from there.
Of course it didn’t happen overnight.
And if you’re wanting to create a business from your soul, live your purpose and passion, and get paid abundantly for your soul gifts— well, it DOES take PRACTICE.
It takes showing up for yourself each and every day.
Loving yourself truly, madly, deeply.
Developing a solid relationship with the Divine and surrendering your will and your life over to God.
Committing to a practice of always trusting, always doing your best, and yet always challenging yourself to improve and learn and grow
It requires the courage to go beyond your comfort zone, even when everything within you wants to quit or hide or play small
It takes putting your ego aside and showing up for others in presence and love, completely detached from the outcome
And allowing whatever it is that is meant to flow through you, to come through
Being a light, a guide, a mentor to others who are lost in the dark and who desire to learn the way
Back to SOUL
Back to TRUST
Back to the INNER GUIDANCE that always existed, it was just conditioned out of us over so many years
It is learning that at the end of the day, you’re not in control.
That you are here to play a bigger game, to step into the fullest expression of YOU and your HUMAN POTENTIAL
You GET to live this life.
But… you have to CHOOSE it.
Will you choose the path of epic transformation, the heroes journey, the road less traveled… from forth the greatest fulfillment, satisfaction and meaning comes?
OR will you choose to stay stuck, stay the same, playing small and dimming your light… creating for you a world of mis-alignment, dis-ease, dissatisfaction and comfortability that most just accept as ‘normal’?
YOU darling are NOT normal.
YOU are the exception to the rule.
Declare to yourself that you are now setting a NEW STANDARD for yourself and your life.
That you are NO LONGER WILLING TO SETTLE for second best.
Whatever you desire, you get to create.
In joy, in love, and yes— sometimes in sacrifice.
But when we do — all the glory to God, as we turn our lives over and become a channel for the Divine to flow through us.🙏
THAT is why we do this.
So yes, it IS about business.
The Business of Being Fully You.🔥
Sharing your gifts and message with the world. 💎
Remember who you are and what you came here to do.👑
Will you accept your mission?
This is the way you WAKE UP and Create a 6 Figure Business From Soul. ❤️
In love & massive success,
Lauren Love
P.S. If you feel super aligned with my message and committed to taking your NEXT STEPS on your journey to creating a business from your SOUL, then now is the time to reach out to me and say YES LAUREN I AM READY! 🔥
I am now taking applications for my LIFE-TRANSFORMING “Create a 6 Figure Business From Soul” Program and would love to dive deep with you to help you create a life of freedom, fulfillment, and unlimited abundance. ✨
If you DESIRE to have a bigger impact— as a coach, speaker, leader, messenger, author, and healer, and want to learn how to easily and effortlessly enroll high end dream clients and explode into your first 6 figures online, then this course is for you.✨
If you RESONATE with my message and want to learn how to take a deeper ownership of your gifts, step into your leadership and learn how to create a business based on being who you are, then this course is for you.✨
If you FEEL deep down inside that your story is valuable, and you want to learn how to tap into your TRUE MESSAGE and create a business based on helping others and harnessing your soul gifts, then this course is for you.✨
If you KNOW that you are meant for something greater and want to begin to explore what that is, then this course is for you.✨
I’m ONLY taking women who are READY to transform and radically UPLEVEL themselves inside and out.🔥
It’s ONLY for women who are ready to take RESPONSIBILITY for creating and manifesting a life that is beyond your wildest dreams. Who want to LEAD and live a life full of JOY, ABUNDANCE, SOUL PURPOSE, ALIGNMENT, FUN, and DEEP FULFILLMENT on every level.❤️
If this is YOU— reach out to me today to apply.
It is not for the faint of heart.✨
It WILL challenge you.
There will be work, and things that you will need to overcome in this journey.👊
But from where I’m sitting? It’s the most powerful and meaningful journey you could EVER go on.❤️
Because from here, this is when your LIFE really begins.
When you take the LEAP, say YES to your BIG DREAMS and COMMIT to creating this next level version of yourself.
I am so excited for you.
Let’s do this!!
Can’t wait to see where you go from here. Reach out to me now to apply, bliss boss!!❤️
Your LIFE, your Business from SOUL is waiting.
Love you!!!