How I Went From a Broke Stay-At-Home Mom to a 6 Figure Income Earner and How You Can Too

I am super excited to write this post for you today because it’s been one that has been on my mind for a while.

I have so much to share with you about how I went from being broke, to creating multiple six figures online over the last few years.

It started 9 years ago, when I hit a low point in my life.

I was living in the middle of nowhere in Pennsylvania with my boyfriend and our 1 year old daughter.

I felt unhappy, unproductive and felt as if I didn’t have any direction in life.

I didn’t really have any goals, I wasn’t working towards anything and I just felt as if life was passing me by.

My boyfriend at the time was working here and there, and money was SUPER tight. We were having trouble paying our bills and our rent was late almost every single month. Debt was piling up and the weight of the financial issues was debilitating. I had SO much anxiety. My life felt out of control and I didn’t know what to do to change it.

I remember specifically one day we ran out of toilet paper — and I got online to check the bank account to see how much money we had so that I could go to the store.

I was horrified at what I found.

We didn’t even have enough money in the bank account for me to go to buy toilet paper!!!

I felt sick to my stomach.

“How could I let this happen?! What the FUCK is wrong with me!?” I was SO ANGRY!! At myself, at my boyfriend, at my circumstances, at LIFE.

How could I let my life get to this point?! Where I couldn’t even fucking afford TOILET PAPER??? We needed diapers, we needed food, we needed money to pay for rent — and there just wasn’t enough.

This type of mindset seemed to dominate everything in my life at that time, as I was steeped in scarcity mindset, lack, and victim mentality when it came to money.

I made a promise to myself in that moment that I was going to FIGURE THIS OUT.

I was going to figure out a way to work from home and earn an abundant income doing what I loved.

You see, I had gone to a good college and got a world-class education, earned a bachelor’s degree in business management and marketing, and went to work in the corporate world… only to realize that it wasn’t for me.

I knew early on that I wanted to be an entrepreneur… I wanted to be my own boss, but I had NO IDEA actually WHAT I would be doing.

I just knew that working for someone else felt SOUL-CRUSHING and when I did have jobs they felt SO out of alignment with my soul, because I always knew I was meant to be doing MORE…not that there is anything wrong with having a job, I just knew that I was not designed to build someone else’s dream.

SO in this moment when I felt the anger welling up inside of me, feeling sick to my stomach, face burning hot in the embarassment and shame around the LACK of money I had in my life at the time… it all just felt so wrong.

I had always felt as if I were born for more, a deep inner knowing that I was put here on this planet to give back and to make a BIG DIFFERENCE in the world…

In that moment, when I felt the worst I could possibly feel about myself and my financial situation, I made a silent promise to myself that I would make a change.

And not one of those empty promises either. Anyone can say to themselves that they want to change. But me? I was SICK AND FUCKING TIRED of it. I needed a catalyst to help me create a shift in my life. I decided that it was THE time to FINALLY follow my dreams!!

I made a DECISION to create a 6 figure business from my soul so that I could provide my family with financial abundance and security that was lacking at the time.

I made a DECISION to ONLY do this coming from a place of alignment, centered around my heart-centered soul gifts, doing what I loved and what felt really really good to my soul on a day to day basis.

This was really the first step to creating financial abundance in my life – and one step that cannot be skipped. Many people want to make more money or have more freedom in their life but don’t actually make the DECISION to do so.

That was the first step for me, was getting to a low point that allowed me to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and that became the catalyst for me to become ruthlessly determined to change my life for the better.

The second thing I did was GET CLEAR ON WHAT I WANTED.

I sat down and wrote out all the things that my business had to be in order for me to be happy.

If I could create it any way I wanted, from thin air, then I could choose anything, right?!

That is exactly where I started. For example, I wanted to stay at home to raise my daughter. I wanted to be my own boss, set my own hours and only work when I wanted to work. I wanted to have flexibility in what I charged, so that I could determine how much or how little money I wanted to make. It also had to be location-independent because I wanted to move out of the state, and didn’t want to be locked into one place.

AND the biggest thing for me is that it HAD to be IN ALIGNMENT with my SOUL.

I desired more than anything to create a business based on WHO I AM. I felt so sick of having to pretend in those other jobs, where it felt like so much work.

I just wanted to be me.

I wanted to offer my unique gifts, help others, and share my true message with the world.

In this way what I was doing on a daily basis had to be EASY and FLOW BASED and FEEL GOOD to me.

I also set a HUGE goal for me at the time, which was UNPRECEDENTED and BIG and SCARY AF… my business had to have ALL the above requirements AND I wanted to make $100,000+ per year from my online business.

At the time that seemed like a CRAZY amount of money. I wasn’t generating ANY MONEY at all at the time, and so going from $0 per month to almost $10,000 per month sounded LUDICROUS!

But hey, I’m a dreamer! I can see things so clearly before they happen. Albert Einstein himself said, “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”

This was also right around the time when I started to get into the book and movie “The Secret” and everyone who was everyone was talking about the Law Of Attraction.

I didn’t just take this concept lightly. I took it SERIOUSLY. I had huge goals and a huge vision for what I wanted my life to look like — and I realized that I had to be stubborn enough to believe in them in blind faith, if I was ever going to make them happen.

I remember this was about the time that Tim Ferris came out with the 4-Hour Work Week, and I spent hours in my backyard that summer studying the book while mapping out my vision for my 6 figure lifestyle and business.

I thought, “why not go big? I’ve literally got nothing to lose!!”

I remember some of my biggest motivations were that I just wanted to be able to afford organic food for my kids. To be able to travel. And to live in California. (All of which came true!!)

Back then, I literally had nothing, no money, no savings, no back up plan. Just a girl with a dream and soul hustle!

Plus, I knew that if I could create that amount of income in my life, then I could create ANYTHING.

What did I do next?

Once I got clear on my vision and how I wanted everything to be — I started searching for what that thing was and HOW THE FUCK I was going to be able to create this.

This led me to doing massive amounts of research in a short period of time.

I say that because I know this is where a lot of people get stuck— is they start having all kinds of ideas and doing research and then they get all caught up in all the options. Then they never actually make a fucking decision and they stay stuck in indecision and procrastination, paralyzing themselves in inaction.

It is definitely important to do the research to learn more about what you want to do, and I help my clients at this point to test and experiment with several different ideas, tuning into their intuition to determine which business or direction is most aligned with their soul.

It is a fun process and for me was filled with so much potential! Nowadays the online landscape has changed so much, and actually I believe it is much easier today to create an abundant business based on who you are because we have SO many options and ways in which to do it!

One thing that your idea must be is SUPER SPECIFIC. It is important to get really clear on what you want to do and who you want to help, and make a decision about what you are looking to achieve.

Then— the sky is the limit!!

After I played with lots of different ideas, even trying different business models out (and making good money but realizing when they didn’t fit my above non-negotiables, I had to rule them out), I decided that I wanted to help women recover from their eating disorders.

I committed — and a week later Healing For Eating Disorders was born.

I took massive fucking action and fast forward to today— I created a successful business from my soul (that hit the 6 figures annually mark almost 3 years ago) that has provided me with levels of abundance, freedom, and fulfillment that are beyond my wildest dreams. 😍

I wish I could say it was easy— because this couldn’t be further from the truth.

It has been the hardest journey of my life. I took massive action. I failed. I fell down. I learned MANY lessons and have grown SO MUCH as a woman, business owner and leader.

Creating a successful 6 figure coaching business from my soul did not happen overnight and without much blood, sweat and tears.

This post is NOT about the actual journey and what happened next — that is to come in future blog posts and livestreams so please follow and stay tuned!! <<

What I DO want to share with you today is that IT IS POSSIBLE. 🌈

SO many people think that they have to just settle for an unfulfilling job, that you have to do shit you don’t love for money, and that there will never be enough.

That is just NOT TRUE.

If you want to discover your own path to riches… the abundant and soulful journey to creating a wildly profitable business from your soul, then stick around.

Fast forward to today and I’ve helped hundreds of women all over the world to break free and create a life they love. 🔥

I’ve created a 6 figure business from my soul, and I am in love with my life. ❤️

I’ve broken free of the limiting beliefs, the scarcity mindset, and the emotional baggage that kept me chained to the past and held back when it comes to money, freedom, and abundance.

I have come to the point where I am just really excited to share with you everything I know about creating a soul-aligned business and how you can do the same.

So if you’re at a place where you feel stuck, stagnant or unhappy about your current situation in life and especially around money, career and work ❌

If you want to create a business and life based on your soul and who you are authentically ✔️


If you already have a business based on your gifts and desire to grow it to six figures and beyond 👑

Then I invite you to go on this journey with me, so that I can guide you and show you exactly what I did to create this kind of business and life.

My question is then— what is it that you struggle with most in your own personal journey to purpose, passion and creating a 6 figure business from your soul? How can I best help YOU?

What questions do you have? What do I need to know?

Please leave in the comments below or PM me — I would LOVE to hear from you!!😁

To recap what I shared today— here’s what you can do to get started, or re-commit to your purpose and soul-aligned mission:

👉1. Make a decision to change!!

👉2. Get clear on what it is you want… What is your BIG VISION and WHY??

👉3. Research, brainstorm and play with ideas on HOW you might make that happen, being open to your soul-led guidance and intuition

👉4. Commit to a specific idea

👉5. Take massive inspired action!

There you have it. Simple, yes. Easy? Not a chance. Which is why I am sooo excited to continue to share with you ALL my secrets to creating a 6 figure business from soul, my juicy stories, challenges and how you can create a 6 figure business from your soul too!! 🙂

SOOOOOO much love to you beautiful soul!!❤️


Lauren Love

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