Fuck Your Fears

What are you afraid of?

What is your biggest fear? Are you even aware of the fact that your FEARS are in CONTROL of your life, right now?

What if I said — you wanted them, you needed them, and when you tap into them, they can become your best friend and GREATEST GIFT?

The things that we are afraid of are usually the thing that we are most resistant to facing. Most people want to turn AWAY from fear.

Why? Because fear is something that feels SCARY to face, we are afraid of what might happen if we truly FEEL it— so we squash it down, stuff it down, distract ourselves from feeling it and as we do— then it starts to leak out in other areas of our life.

We even entertain it with everything in our culture— it is so FEAR-BASED.

There is so much out there that is based on YOU being afraid.

What are you really afraid of?

Think about it. Where does fear show up in your life? What are you most afraid of doing, becoming, or having that you WANT but are afraid of something that you would have to do to get it?

I have a really POWERFUL question for you.. I want you to really listen here. Take a deep breath in, and ask yourself this question—


What would you be doing DIFFERENTLY in your life, NOW— if you weren’t afraid of anything?

This can be a powerful question to begin to ask yourself…

If you had NO FEAR— what would you be doing?
How would you be LIVING?

What would be different in your life?

What would you FINALLY have the courage to do?

Where would you go?

What would you do?
How would your relationships be different? How would your career life be different?

What would you FINALLY be able to do?

What a powerful and enlightening question!! And one to ask yourself often, as FEAR can be a KEY in your EVOLUTION.

I find that most things that we DON’T have in our life right now, are NOT there for one reason, and one reason only. And that is FEAR.

We don’t have what we don’t have because we are so STUCK in this energy of FEAR.

Resistance is fear. Fear holds us back and keeps us stuck from actualizing our Highest Vision for ourselves.

Why? Because we are AFRAID of what will happen. We are AFRAID of the unknown. We are AFRAID of the struggles, the challenges, the pain.

Sometimes we are even afraid of what will happen when our dreams and goals come true!! I know this upper limit problem is something that stops many people in their tracks— the fears around, what will happen WHEN I’m successful, happy, loving and free?

It is scary to think about, isn’t it??

How would your life be different if you didn’t have any fear?

This can change EVERYTHING for you.

This is largely how I changed my life, and how I continue to do so— this is the way to take QUANTUM LEAPS in your evolution— by DIRECTLY facing and confronting your fear.

Your fear is the key to all that is within you that is UNDEVELOPED.

Your fear is where your GREATEST SOURCE OF GROWTH is born from.

Your fear is that which will show you where to go in your life.

Your fear is that which has the most to HEAL, and is an area that will STRETCH you and TERRIFY you as you go through it.

But this is exactly why we need to go into it!!

We NEED to face and confront our fears because that is its purpose.

The thing that we are most RESISTANT and FEARFUL of doing— is the thing that is MOST IMPORTANT to your soul’s EVOLUTION.

I’m going to say that again…

What you are AFRAID OF is the thing that is MOST IMPORTANT to your soul’s EVOLUTION.

It is the area that you are being called to grow in.

It is the area that can help you the most to move forward in your life.

Don’t believe me? Think about what it is that you are most afraid of right now…

Imagine yourself going through the fear, and having it play out in the most positive and loving outcome for the Highest Good of all.

Imagine if everything you wanted truly WAS on the other side of fear.

Does it make sense to you now?

That everything you FEAR is really the road map, the journey that is calling you to walk on.

What I find is that in my own life— the greater the fear, the harder it is to get started… and then also, the LONGER I put it off, the GREATER the fear becomes.

So the more I put off doing that thing that I’m most afraid of, the MORE stuck I feel and the BIGGER it grows, and the DISCONNECT between who I am and what I want to be/do/have grows even more.

Some people live their ENTIRE LIVES in this place!!!!

Many many people spend DECADES unwilling to face their fears.

They may have been given AMPLE opportunities to face their fears, and for whatever reason they didn’t take it, and end up worse than before. I truly believe this is where a TON of physical diseases come from… when you are NOT in alignment with who you are and what you are truly meant to be doing. Because you didn’t face your fears.

Facing your fears is what you need to do to get into ALIGNMENT.

Facing your fears is what will help you to get back on the PATH towards the fulfillment of your soul’s desires and destiny.

They truly do hold the KEY to everything that you want in your life.

What I’ve found is that the GREATEST accomplishments and achievements in my life have NOT happened by accident… many people will say to me— ‘gosh Lauren you’re so brave, how did you do that?!’ And will tell me that I must be strong or whatever, but the truth is…

The truth is… that I just got really GOOD at facing my fears.

I am not stronger than you. I am not braver than you.

I just fucking put myself into situations where I HAVE to face my fears.

I DELIBERATELY do this— on PURPOSE— so that I can GROW.


Facing my fears has been the source of my greatest inspiration and also has been the thing that has crumbled me down, broke me down to my knees, crying, desperately holding on, surrendering everything and completely letting go…

Humbling myself to the fact that those fears are ever present and all encompassing.

It’s amazing what happens when we just THROW ourselves into it.

It literally feels like we might DIE.

A couple of times I have had breakdowns from facing my fears that were so INTENSE, I had flashbacks and literally thoughts of I AM LITERALLY GOING TO DIE because of how BAD it felt, how AWFUL and SCARY and TERRIFYING the moment was.

Literally— some past life deep unconscious all encompassing MASSIVE FEARS have shown themselves to me over the years.

And I can honestly say that in these things— all I had to do was FACE it.

Confront it head on.

Allow it to be there.

In fact, I’ve WELCOMED it.

And in that process— this has been the single most important point of TRANSFORMATION in my life.

By doing what is HARD and SCARY to do, over and over and over again.

Honestly, if you were only to take one thing away from this— it would be this:

The key to your evolution is to face your fears every single day.

What would happen if you showed up each and every day and stared your fears straight in the eye?

What if you then— ACTED from this place — in SPITE of the fear?

Because that is really what we want to do here, is to acknowledge that the fear is there… and take ACTION in the face of it.

No need to just feel it and stay with it… that wouldn’t get you anywhere. Rather, you take action DESPITE how you feel!!

You keep going!!

You keep moving forward!!

You feel that shit and keep going!!


This has been a powerful motto for me over the years.

And a GUIDING LIGHT for my growth and evolution.

I’m always asking myself— what am I most afraid of right now?

And then I GO DO IT!!

Haha seems silly when I write it out, but literally I can honestly say that all the problems in my life stemmed from when I WASN’T facing my fears.

And all of the amazing things that have happened in my life have come as a result of me FACING my fears. Riding the resistance. Taking action no matter HOW I feel about it.
Cause fear is just an illusion anyways. It is definitely an intense emotion for us, but what is amazing is that when we go through it— it doesn’t feel so scary anymore.

SO many people will look back once I’ve guided them through facing their greatest fears, feeling it, releasing it and moving forward— that what they just did didn’t seem so scary anymore.

So why let it hold you back any longer?

What is it that you are AFRAID of doing, right now, that would make the biggest difference in your life?

What have you been stalling taking action on doing?

Where is it that you either consciously or unconsciously feel FEAR— possibly even massive amounts of it?

I want you to know that you absolutely will feel awful, and doing it WILL be difficult. It may not even make sense!! You might tell yourself that if it feels this BAD, then I SHOULDN’T do it… and this is something that we have to shift your mindset around…

I always CONGRATULATE my clients when they start to feel like shit… when they anger, sadness, fear, guilt, shame starts to come up— because that means we are ON to something!!

Let’s get real— it doesn’t matter how you feel about it. You might feel angry at yourself for staying in fear, it might be something that has caused a great sadness for you and you want to stay in that place, or you might feel INTENSE guilt or shame and are afraid to do or say the things that you know you need to….

Regardless of how you feel, the most important thing is to just feel the fear and do it anyways.

Give yourself permission to step into this next calling of your evolution.

It is calling you to grow!!

It will require you to trust.

It will require you to have a deep unconditional FAITH in yourself, in the Universe, that everything will turn out for the Highest Good of all.

You have to commit.

Tell yourself the time is now.

And take the LEAP!!

It’s only scary until you do it.

Once you go through it, I know you’ll be telling yourself that it wasn’t so bad after all, and you don’t know why you were so afraid of it in the first place.

It’s crazy how that works, isn’t it?
So today— what is it that you are most afraid of? What have you been putting off or holding yourself back from doing or saying out of FEAR?

What would you do if you had no fear?
These are the things that are calling your name.

To face your fears.

To step up into your light.

To do what is right, what is in alignment with your soul.

This is truly what growth and being on this path is all about. This is a part of your spiritual journey. To bring up all that you are most afraid of, and step into it with your WHOLE HEART.

Take ACTION on that today, beautiful soul, and let me know how that goes!!
Think about— how would this CHANGE your life??

Share it with me!! Message me or leave me a comment below. What are you ready to step into and face in your own life? I am here to support you.
Because on your path — your fears can become your greatest teacher and best friend.

Because as long as you are willing to face your fears and do what you are scared of— you truly can have, do or be anything you want!!!

Sending soooo much love and healing energy your way beautiful soul!!

In light + love,

Lauren Love

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