Following Your Heart And Living In Alignment

I am love.
I have completed yet another momentous and profound training just a few days ago, and I am still buzzing in the high and riding the intense energy waves.
I am deeply grateful.
My heart is open and my soul is able to sing. My mind, body and soul renewed, cleansed and I am feeling so connected to myself, to the earth, and to the energy all around.
Life feels so magical and I continue to witness miracles all around me.
I have never felt so grounded in the magic.
In the past I have felt either one or the other— being so totally grounded and earthy and in the dense energies of below. OR I have been so above, so up in the sky, head up in the clouds that it felt ungrounded and flighty. Almost like a dream that I knew would not last.
Yet now feels very different. I can breathe deep, my heart expands and my energy radiates out in all directions. Evenly balanced as above, so below.
And I find this to be the way with life. Sometimes we find ourselves being too overly focused on one thing, one area, and we lose touch with the other parts of our lives. We forget who we are and what is important to us.
I am now in this place where I hope to continue staying true to my roots while at the same time having wings to fly. We are earth-bound creatures and yet our souls are eternal.
We are human and we are divine.
I used to feel trapped by these limitations. I would want to escape my body, to leave this earth and sail away once again in the ether from which we came.
And yet… my Universe and how I view reality has shifted dramatically. I feel so at home where I am, and I know who I am and what I came here to do.
I am uplifted, energized and on purpose.
Have you ever felt so aligned, so lit up and engaged in doing something in your life that everything else faded away, time just stopped and it seemed like nothing else mattered except for that moment?
This is what it feels like every moment for me.
I only choose to do things that light me up, that nourish my soul and that are connecting me up to my higher self, my ultimate purpose.
I love everything around me and everything within me.
Everything flows from this place of alignment.
What would it feel like for you to be completely and utterly aligned with what you’re here to do?
It would be like bringing heaven to earth.
Imagine every single day knowing what you’re doing, loving what you are doing, and feeling like it is filling you up, rather than draining you and pushing you down.
Don’t believe that it is possible?
Think about this— can you remember a time when you felt completely happy and alive?
And as you remember that time and feel what that was like, what were you doing?
Most likely you were doing something like being in nature, connecting with someone or something, serving, volunteering, giving back or helping others in some way, losing yourself in singing, dance, or a creative project.
Identify what those things are for you. And then ask yourself this question—
How often are you doing those things now?
If you aren’t doing those things that light you up on a regular basis, how do you expect to feel lit up, expansive and ALIVE?
These are the things that we tend to NOT prioritize here in our society. We spend more time in unfulfilling work than ever before in history. There’s nothing wrong with working long hours— but at what cost to your soul?
If you are finding that at the end of the day, you are unfulfilled, drained and then are using food, alcohol, exercise, TV or other things to numb yourself and “feel better”— then you really are NOT living in alignment with your true path.
What would that be like for you to come home and choose to do something that ACTUALLY lights up your SOUL when you come home?
How would that change your energy? How might that change your life?
Think about it— if you came home and spend some time connecting with yourself FIRST— would you do things differently in your time off from work?
Because this is where it really starts. I work with so many women who are very successful, perfectionistic and highly driven— they have high-powered careers as doctors, lawyers, businesswomen, leaders, coaches, and in professions where they have to be high-performers. What I see happening to these women is this going-going-going energy, on hyperdrive moving forward, pushing, forcing forward and then they go home and what do you think happens?
They need a way to wind down, to relax and let go… however we haven’t been taught the proper tools, so what happens is they go to the food. The alcohol. The drugs. The mind-numbing TV watching. Overexercising or purging. Obsessing over sex or drama or toxic relationships. Putting their energy in places that is not the best and highest use of their focus.
This is how “dis-ease” starts… this is how problems and issues arise… when these things are out of harmony, when there is no internal connection with yourself.
So what happens is these women then use these dysfunctional behaviors to cope.. with stress, with life, with the imbalances and all the expectations, the shoulda-coulda-wouldas, the ideas we have about who we need to be and who we need to please and gain approval from.
The limiting beliefs, decisions, negative emotions and baggage from the past is what you end up living from.
When you haven’t processed through and released these things, then you continue to live in the self-perpetuated struggle. Not knowing how to move forward. Confused, chaotic, and bogged down.
It feels scary and uncertain doing it any other way, so you continue doing the same behaviors over and over again which just continues to keep the negative vicious cycle alive.
This is why we stay stuck.
This is why we feel like we “know” what to do, but we just can’t “do” it.
Have you ever said that to yourself?
There’s nothing wrong with you if you find this to be something that happens in your life. Trust me I have been through this myself for many many years!! I know what it’s like to not be in alignment, to not have a clue why I am here or what I am even doing. I walked around in a purposeless universe self-perpetuating the pain for so long. I numbed myself with food, drugs, alcohol and distracting relationships for so long to not deal with what was really going on underneath. And that is—
A lack of connection with your True Authentic Self.
Who you are underneath it all.
Alignment with your Higher Purpose.
Because that’s what like is all about, isn’t it?
It’s about discovering who you are without all the limiting stories, negative emotions and preconceived ideas about how it is supposed to be.
It’s about stripping all of those things down, peeling back the layers to discover what was always inside…
Your True Authentic Self is there to guide you and show you the way.
It is always there, has always been and always will be.
It is up to you to discern when it is time in your life to finally answer the call.
You may have heard it before.
You might experience her as a whisper.
But it is always there.
You no longer have to just react out of your old fear-based patterns. You don’t have to struggle anymore.
You were not meant to struggle and just get by in your life. If you are reading this, you are meant for SO much greater. You have a Divine Birthright to live the life that you dream of, and to walk your path in alignment with your heart and express your true purpose and light into this world.
You are meant for something greater.
I know you feel it deep inside.
I know that you feel as if you have so much potential just waiting to be discovered.
It feels exciting and there is a deep yearning for more.
Listen to this call!! This is your soul singing the song for you to begin to dance to.
What would that be like for you to answer the call?
To finally allow yourself to do what you’ve been wanting to do for so long.
There has never been a better time, and truthfully, all we have is right now.
There will never be a ‘right’ time— other than right now.
You have everything you need inside already.
It is okay— and I give you PERMISSION to allow yourself to go within.
Begin to listen— and FOLLOW the impulses that you find deep within.
No matter where you are, there is no EXCUSE— it is taking time for YOU and prioritizing yourself above all else. No matter if that is early in the morning where you find your peace or after you get home from work and you take time to connect with your SOUL before going on with your day.
Your true self will guide you into doing exactly what you need to do.
Make art.
Get creative.
Move your body.
Let go.
Be joyful.
Express yourself.
Gaze deeply into your own eyes.
Allow yourself to connect with the very essence of who you are.
Believe in yourself and all that you are becoming.
You are ONE with the entire Universe.
And if there is anything not right in your life right now, it is not right within YOU.
Get right with yourself first.
Going within is the only ANSWER.
Nothing else is outside of you.
You will not find happiness in a book, or in a course, or in any material thing that you can buy.
You will not find happiness even in a church, or in a vacation, or in a relationship outside of you.
Because you need to find it within yourself FIRST.
THEN you can take it with you into these things, these people, and these places.
It all starts from within.
Connect with who you are and what you feel passionate about.
What makes you most alive?
Your energy will be your cue and clue — to follow your BLISS.
THIS is what life is all about.
SO start slow. It may feel overwhelming at first, even wrong, awkward or uncomfortable.
Keep going.
Be patient with yourself as you integrate new changes in your life.
Begin with a simple practice of doing what feels GOOD on a deeper soul level for just a few minutes each day.
Allow yourself to not plan, to not judge, to not think, to not control.
Let go and relax into the present moment.
Allow yourself to be guided into that place where you are able to connect with the joy, light and love inside of you.
If you don’t feel it right away, it just means you’ve got things to release that are in the way (if you need help with this please let me know. I’ve got tons of tools and processes to help you release these things at the deeper level so you can be free, instantly).
Let go and allow yourself to breathe through the uncomfortable-ness, the pain, and just let go.
Only from that place can you then access a place of peace. A place of potentiality. Your point of power.
Only then can you make the new choice to just LOVE— love yourself, love the moment, love what you are engaged in, love the world.
Because in this moment I must share with you— that YOU DESERVE IT.
You are a totally WORTHY being, just by being alive.
There is nothing you need to do to EARN your worth.
There is nothing you need to do to PROVE yourself to anyone or anything.
You are ENOUGH exactly as you are.
Believe in yourself and all that you are.
You are strong, you are wise, you are Divine.
You just need to find it for yourself.
In light + love,
Lauren Love
P.S. If you need help or would like a guide to assist you in this process, feel free to reach out and message me to let me know what you are going through, what you’d like to let go of and how you’d like to feel instead.
I am more than excited to reveal a new program that I’ve been working on and would love to invite you into going through this beautiful transformative process together.
It’s what your SOUL has been craving all along.
It is time for you to AWAKEN to your true nature.
You are ready and there is nothing else you need to do—
Except of course, message me now!! I’d love to support and guide you through this next phase of your journey.
I love you.
P.P.S. Please leave a comment below and let me know what you think and felt as you were reading this post!!  I’d love to hear your feedback and how this impacted you, if so on a deeper level.
Let’s connect and wrap each other up in this light and love.
I am here to support you!!
Sending you soooo much love and healing energy from above!!! 💜
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