F*#$ Your Excuses

This might hurt a little bit.

This message is for you if you feel frustrated and fed up with your own bullshit.

I am going to be brutally honest with you today.

I know what it’s like to be KNEE-DEEP in my own bullshit, excuses, and rationalizations about WHY I COULDN’T DO what I SAID I wanted to do.

I’m the FIRST to admit that I struggled with this for YEARS.

I am NOT perfect.

I still don’t have it all figured out.

But I DO know that I’ve come a far way and have created a life that I am proud to live.

I DO know that I have busted through my own stuff, released deep internal wounding, old conditioning, and limiting patterns of thinking and believing that was holding me back and keeping me stuck in many areas of my life.

I DO know that I have the experience with helping hundreds of women to do the same.

I am here to share with you my experience on the RESISTANCE, and why I’m here to say FUCK YOUR EXCUSES and hold you accountable to what you say you’re gonna do.

Because the RESISTANCE is fucking THICK sometimes.

I was reflecting on this phenomenon this morning as a talked to a client of mine. She is having trouble grasping this concept.

Her excuses are so big, and so thick, and so deep, that she was so stuck in her own stuff and couldn’t see anything any other way.

I was thinking about this and first was checking myself to determine— is this a part of my shadow showing up? One thing that I make sure to do in my own life is stay nonjudgmental, open and accepting of all that is.

When I find myself holding a really STRONG position on something, or have massive resistance to something or someone, I know that sometimes it is simply a part of me that I haven’t integrated yet.

The shadow shows up in our life for all those parts of us that we are not accepting or are rejecting in some way.

It most likely shows up in other people… you know those things you just CAN’T STAND about someone? Is there something that people do that you just find SO ANNOYING and you’re finding it is showing up over and over again?

Most likely— this is a shadow manifestation and it can be helpful for you to ask yourself… what is it about this person/place/thing that I can’t stand?

And then…Where am I NOT accepting this quality in myself?

If it’s something very specific you can ask yourself, what does this represent? And chunk up to a higher level of awareness and then explore within yourself where you are not accepting and rejecting your own personal inner qualities.

Because the truth is that what you can’t stand in other people— you have within you.

Anyways, I digress..

So I was evaluating this morning for myself, if there was anything about this interaction with this woman that was a manifestation of my shadow.

I was asking myself— if she is showing up in front of me with RESISTANCE slathered on THICK, is there any place in my own personal life that I am in resistance? Is there any place where I am making excuses and rationalizations why I can’t do what I say I want to do?

And the truth is, that for the first time in a long time, I can honestly answer NO.

I finally moved through all of my excuses and resistance that I was holding on to that was blocking me in my business and creative pursuits.

I am showing up and doing the work every day.

A LOT of work actually.

It’s been something I’ve made excuses for over the years.

I’ve put it off.

Started and then stopped again.

Bumped down my priority list.

But the thing was, that I kept saying over and over that I WANTED a certain thing, I wanted to be a writer and a speaker, but I was making excuses as to why everything else in my life took precedence.

I SAID I wanted to be a writer and a speaker, but I was making excuses as to why I COULDN’T.

How many times in your life have you SAID you wanted something but had all kinds of excuses as to why you don’t have the time, money, or resources to make it happen?

This happens so often with people especially with those pursuits of a higher nature.

Anything that we set as a goal for ourselves for improvement in any area— health/fitness habits, business/money goals, relationship patterns, spiritual practices, personal development — will usually have some layers of resistance that we need to move through before we actually accomplish those goals.

And what people don’t also realize about those goals is that the resistance can actually show up on a DAILY basis.

We don’t always just move through the resistance and then its SMOOTH SAILING from then on.

Not at all.

I don’t always WANT to work out… but I do anyways, regardless of how I feel.

I don’t always WANT to sit down in the chair and write… but I do anyways, regardless of how I feel.

I don’t always WANT to wake up at 4 or 5 am and do my hour of meditation and journaling… but I do anyways, regardless of how I feel.

There’s so many other habits that I’ve installed in myself that make my life easier and smoother, and help keep me on track to continuously improve and hit my goals, but the point is that I show up and do it REGARDLESS of how I feel.

No matter what the resistance says.

No matter how late I went to bed.

No matter how much self doubt I feel about sharing my soul.

No matter how much I would like to procrastinate…

I show up and do it anyways.

Basically I just got to a place in each area of my life where the resistance got to be just SO MUCH that I hit a place where I just said to myself FUCK YOUR EXCUSES.

I spent years in therapy, I’ve been to inpatient treatment for my eating disorder and addictions 12 years ago, I’ve hired coaches, done countless trainings, studied literally thousands of books, and what I’ve found is that none of those things can take away the resistance.

None of them.

They can help me understand myself better, have provided me with such higher levels of awareness, helped me wake up spiritually, and YES I have released so much internal wounding and emotional baggage that I had a massive spiritual awakening as a result…

But the thing that people don’t realize, and what I didn’t realize for so long is this:


I only had resistance because I wasn’t living my true calling.

I wasn’t in alignment with my soul.

As soon as I showed up and said “FUCK MY EXCUSES, I’m gonna just DO what I SAY I’m gonna do”— my life suddenly got better.

That’s the thing… all the analyzation of your internal condition isn’t going to make you suddenly whole again.

You can spend years in therapy or working with coaches or spiritual teachers… but the greatest agent of change? Is ACTION.

The biggest answer to your problems? Just DO what you say you’re gonna do.

What is it that you’ve been SAYING you want?

How long have you been telling yourself you want it?

And WHY haven’t you done anything about it?

Or if you have, why have you been start / stopping yourself on it?

Whatever your answers are… your excuses…. All your reasons why…


It doesn’t fucking matter.


You either want it, or you don’t.

Why torture yourself by saying you want something and then not taking action towards it?

Honestly this is what caused me SO much pain and SO many problems over the years!!

I held myself back out of FEAR, I doubted myself, I procrastinated on doing what I truly wanted to do because I wasn’t sure if I would be able to succeed, or I was afraid of failure, or whatever my excuses were…. They just held me back and kept me stuck.

But the truth is that even as much internal work that I had done on my “problems” for so many years…. That nothing changed until I started to actually DO THE WORK.

It’s amazing what happens when we do what we say we are going to do!!!

Everything in our life starts to click into place.

We start to be able to drop into the flow.

Everything feels amazing and wonderful — and feels as if this is how life is truly meant to be.

That is what happens when you just take action! And even if the resistance is SO BIG before you take action… when you just take the leap to actually do it, I promise you will feel so much better afterwards.

We tend to procrastinate and put off those big things on our list, or those things we think are going to be hard or scary, and the truth is that they actually become harder to do when we put them off.

They are WAY easier to do quickly, first things first.

I have a rule that I always do the most important things first so that I get them done and off my plate, and also it helps to eliminate any resistance I might have against doing it.

Because the excuses I have can be so seductive at times.

It can be so much “easier” to put it off until tomorrow.

But tomorrow never comes, right!?

In order to evolve into a higher consciousness and truly move forward towards creating your amazing dream life where you are in alignment with your soul— you need to embrace the SUCK.

It is definitely going to suck and be painful.

When you say FUCK YOUR EXCUSES and you just show up to do it, all kinds of weird thoughts and feelings will come up.

This is NORMAL.

This is what was happening for this woman this morning… she was SAYING she wanted to commit to doing a certain thing, but her FEAR and SELF DOUBT was super activated and just spouting off all of the fucking excuses that she had as to why she couldn’t do what she says she wants to do.

I do want to say that I have compassion for her.

I have been where she’s been.

I know that it IS hard.

And her reasons probably are pretty good ones.

I can relate to that.


The thing is, I want to point out, that she is sitting there telling me about her GOAL that she wants to achieve.

And then telling me why she can’t.


I don’t fucking care.


You want it?

DO the mother fucking work.

It’s plain and simple.

You either want it or you don’t.

It’s pretty black and white.

This is where it gets a bit painful.

I didn’t get to where I am in my life today because I was “easy” on myself in this respect.

I didn’t give myself any slack because I couldn’t afford to.

I was a stay at home mom with two babies, broke as fuck with no help whatsoever.

I had a goal to create a 6 figure business online from my purpose and passion, doing what I love.

I said I wanted it, and I had to be willing to do whatever it takes to get there.

I didn’t wake up in the morning and give myself a whole bunch of excuses as to why I couldn’t have it.

I just showed the fuck up.

I did the work.

When the resistance DID come up (because trust me it did!!) I would just say FUCK YOU EXCUSES… I didn’t have time to fucking “indulge” in such excuses.

That wasn’t going to get me where I wanted to go.

Because back then, I didn’t have a choice.

I could sit around and keep letting life pass me by, playing a victim and just taking what life was throwing at me…

Or I could stand up, take responsibility for my life and point my life in the direction I wanted my career and financial situation to take.

All I did was take massive action towards my dreams.

If I would have sat around making excuses, I would never be where I am today.

It didn’t matter how I FELT.

It didn’t matter what the inner gremlins said.

I just showed up and did the work.


People tell me all the time that they would LOVE to build a business and create an income online… and then proceed to tell me that they are too busy, don’t have enough time, money, resources, etc.

And I love sharing with them about how I did it… at home with two babies, one breastfeeding, one toddler. With no help, no babysitter, no money. I started with nothing, made a decision and just committed to creating the outcome that I wanted.

I just made my dreams a priority. And then showed up each day to take action towards it.

No it didn’t happen overnight.

Yes it was hard work sometimes.

I am so proud of what I have created, however the bigger lesson here is simply this:

That I didn’t let my EXCUSES be bigger than my dreams.

I just showed up to make it happen.


You either decide you want it and commit— or STOP TELLING YOURSELF that you want it.

You’re just creating more pain and suffering for yourself.

Your soul hears it all… and wants you to be fulfilled, happy and doing what you love.

If you really want to do something, honor yourself and your soul and take action on it today.

I promise you, you will feel better afterwards.

Life will start to make sense again.

You will start to come into alignment with the Divine plan for your life.

No matter how hard it is or difficult it feels in the moment.

You owe it to yourself.

So take ACTION today bliss boss…


In love & massive success,

Lauren Love xo

P.S. Do you need help getting your ass in gear, saying F YOU to your excuses, and taking action on your dreams?!

Are you ready to fully embody your message and share your gifts with the world as a powerful coach and leader?!

Then join me for my new 6 week course starting next week, “CREATE A 6 FIGURE BUSINESS FROM SOUL”

Work With Me For 6 Weeks to Help You Go From Overwhelmed, Confused, & Stuck to Finally Gaining Clarity on Exactly What You Need to Do to Increase Your Income by Creating the Business & Life of Your Dreams, Without Sacrificing Your Integrity, Your Time, or Your Soul

If you’ve ever doubted yourself… if you’re ever held yourself back… if you’re ever had those voices in your head that told you you aren’t good enough, that “who am I to be charging money for this?!”…

If you’ve ever had millions of ideas spill onto the page for books, blogs, videos, podcasts, and stopped yourself before taking action because you’re afraid of what other people will think…

This training is for you.

If you’re coaching clients now but finding yourself undercharging and not truly able to support yourself living into your soul’s calling as a coach and a leader…

If you’ve experienced massive resistance to living into your purpose as a powerful coach and leader…

This program is for you.

If you feel stuck and just don’t understand why it’s not working… if you wake up each day and doubt yourself… if you’re wondering if you can REALLY create an abundant coaching business from your gifts…

This course is for you.

I’m only taking people into this program who are READY FOR CHANGE.

People who are READY to step into their full leadership and embodiment of their message.

Who are ready to let go of their REASONS to create real RESULTS in their life.

Coaches, healers, teachers, consultants, experts, thought leaders who KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that they are playing SMALL and they are ready to play a BIGGER GAME in business, money and LIFE

If this describes YOU — if you’re truly ready to do whatever it takes to live into your soul’s calling and your dreams each and every day — I invite you to go on this amazing 6 week journey with me.


👉Go to Createa6FigureBusinessFromSoul.com and sign up now! (OOOH and if you sign up today you can receive $200 OFF with coupon code DREAMLIFE at checkout!!)

There’s no time to wait — your LIFE IS WAITING!!

It’s time to WAKE UP and LIVE YOUR DREAMS.

Can’t wait to guide you on this amazing and empowering journey towards freedom, fulfillment and embodying your power as you step into the leader and revolutionary you were always meant to become. ❤️

YAY 👉 Go to CreateA6FigureBusinessFromSoul.com now – and get all the juicy details on how I can help you move out of your stuckness and into massive action to build the soul-aligned business of your DREAMS! ✨

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