Do You Have the Mindset to Change?

Most people say they want to change. They will tell me— ‘Lauren OMG YES! I want to work for what I want in my life. I WANT health, wealth, happiness and perfect self-expression.
I WANT to QUIT these self-destructive and self-sabotaging patterns! I can’t TAKE it anymore!
I don’t want to wake up in another 5 or 10 years still struggling with these same things that I’ve been struggling with for the last 5 or 10 or 20 or even 30 years!’
They tell me they are ready and they really do want to change. I hear them, and I LOVE this! I love that so many people have the desire to want to step up, transform and change their life in a huge way!!
However… what I see happening for a lot of these people — is that they talk a lot of game. This is a desire they have for a hot second— or maybe even when they are hitting a bottom. They feel SO BAD that they then light a fire under their ass because they are hitting a bottom that is so NEGATIVE that it is a negative motivator that propels them to change. They want to move away from it SO FAST that they will do anything to change.
This is not necessarily a bad thing— as negative motivators technically “work” in the fact that these people will take action, quickly, swiftly and fast. They usually will take so much action forward in a short period of time and see results and change happen really fast!! And that is amazing to them and they feel really GOOD and they celebrate it!! I am really proud of these people and this can be a wonderful way to get started on the path to transformation.
HOWEVER what happens is that for many people it doesn’t last. They will sit there and most commonly I see a few things happen…
First thing is that they actually don’t BELIEVE that they could feel so good. They don’t actually BELIEVE that they could have let go of the old pattern, limiting belief or behavior. It feels so WEIRD and AWKWARD to not have that old pattern and so then they might self sabotage or actually go back into old patterns for comfort or safety’s sake.
Another thing that happens is that these people actually also get complacent.. this is one of the most dangerous places to be. Negative motivators are things that help people change, and change QUICKLY— but once they move away from what they DON’T want— they have temporary relief from their symptoms— then they are in this place where they get complacent and they stop. They aren’t actively working TOWARDS anything positive— so they are not compelled to keep going. 

This is probably one of the most dangerous and PREVALENT downfalls that I see happen to people. Because they aren’t feeling BAD they don’t really continue to feel motivated to keep the change. They don’t have the skills they need yet. They haven’t developed the DAILY HABITS and practices they need to continue and perpetuate the change in the future and in the long term. So they stop. They start cruising, drifting along, thinking that it will last forever. And in that place, what do you think happens?
The old behaviors, the old mindset, the old negative destructive thinking comes back…. the old behaviors come back… slowly at first. They start to activate the old patterns again in their neurology. At first they might think that they have control of it.. but it doesn’t last long. I’ve seen this phase last as quickly as a few days, and as long as a few years. Inevitably though, it doesn’t matter how long it lasts— they always go back into the old destructive patterns because they didn’t develop the MINDSET TO CHANGE.
If you want to change— PERMANENTLY — and you don’t want to find yourself going into these pitfalls of going back into old ways of being— what is one of the most IMPORTANT things that you MUST do — is develop of MINDSET OF CHANGE.
When we decide to transform our lives, and make a huge shift in consciousness and ways of being— what you may not understand yet is that this is largely an INNER GAME.
Success and empowerment definitely happens on the physical level as well— but only AFTER you create and sustain the INTERNAL shifts and changes.
Developing a mindset of change is one of the ways that I have created massive and permanent change in my life.
I used to be sick, depressed, addicted and stuck in old limiting self-destructive patterns in almost every area of my life.
It was SUCH a BLESSING in my life— because it showed me everything I didn’t want in my life, in such an extreme and powerful way that I made a HUGE decision to NEVER allow myself to go back to those places ever again.
I lit a fire under my ass to develop a MINDSET OF CHANGE.
MINDSET is one of the most important aspects of transformation but can be the most overlooked or underestimated part.
The most successful people know that this is one of the SECRETS of wealth, of health, of happiness and creating and attracting to you everything that you want in your life.
I know for me that the mindset is the most important thing. Because without it, I wouldn’t feel motivated. I wouldn’t feel fired up to change. I wouldn’t be able to continue to stay persistent and committed to my big goals in my life, and persist no matter what happens.
What does that even mean, to have a mindset of change?
A mindset of change means that you know WHY you’re doing something.
You are super clear on the PURPOSE for which you are waking up completely EXCITED and MOTIVATED each and every day.
You know WHY you are here, and WHY its so important to you.
A mindset of change means that you do the work on yourself, DAILY to create an indestructible and iron-clad thought process around success, empowerment and going after your goals.
You develop a mindset where you are not a victim to your thoughts.
You have control of your mind.
You KNOW that you are the captain and master of your soul, and you get to CHOOSE what you focus on.
A mindset of change means that you employ the daily practices that you need to each and every day to develop your mind, like a well-oiled machine.
Each and every day you show up for yourself and you do what you need to do to take care of yourself in this way.
A mindset of change means that you are PROACTIVE in developing this mindset and you do so because you are POSITIVELY motivated— not simply just doing it when you feel bad. But rather focusing on where you want to GO and what you are moving forward TOWARDS.
This has made all the difference in the world for me. To continue to focus on what I DO want — and to move forward towards that in courage and conviction.
Because before I actually MANIFEST and CREATE these massive transformations in my PHYSICAL reality— I FIRST have to create them INTERNALLY, inside my mind.
My Mindset of Change is one that is precious and very special to me.
I am very protective of my sacred time that I take each and every day to develop this mindset.
I have been consistently developing this mindset of change for over 7 years, consistently, each and EVERY day.
I think its kind of ridiculous when people tell me that they don’t have time to take care of themselves every day.

How do you not have time to do literally the MOST IMPORTANT thing each and every day?

I see this as being just as important as, or maybe even MORE important than some of the other things that you do each and every day— such as brushing your teeth, eating, showering…
Literally— developing your MINDSET OF CHANGE must become just as important as these things.
If you really want to create change in your life— know that it all starts from WITHIN.
You wouldn’t go a few days without brushing your teeth, would you? Even if you would— that would just be gross. Think about how much nasty shit would be built up in your mouth if you didn’t brush and floss for a few days. I mean, I know this is kind of gross, but hear me out…
In that same way— if you’re not doing mindset work each and every day— you will have JUNK build up in your mind!! This junk and residue will weigh you down, poison and pollute your mind with negativity, self doubt, and limiting beliefs. It will start to convince you of things that are just not true… it will pull you back down into the negativity if you’re not actively taking care of it each and every day.
You wouldn’t just brush your teeth once and then expect them to be clean the rest of your life, would you?
In a similar way, if you were to work out and get in shape— you wouldn’t expect your body to just stay that way forever, would you? You wouldn’t think, “okay now that I’m at the perfect body type — I don’t need to work out ever again!!” NO— that would be silly.
SO WHY do you think that you can just do mindset work ONCE IN A WHILE and expect to get different results?
It’s something that is required each and every day.
It’s something that desires your attention every day, so that you can show up for yourself and transform your life from the inside out.
Otherwise what happens is that your success or change in your life is only EXTERNAL.
You might get the money, the relationship, the health, the family, the cars, the house, the job, whatever—
YET if you don’t do the INTERNAL work to match it— to help SUSTAIN and create it as a PERMANENT shift— it will NEVER last or stick around.
It requires doing the mindset work on the inside.
This is the way to create a mindset of change. It starts with you! Each and every day, showing up for yourself, focusing on what is most important to you.
Create a mindset of change, and you will become UNSTOPPABLE.
Because ANYTHING is possible.
If you can believe it and conceive it, you can achieve it.
You can be, do or have anything you want!!
I believe in you.

In light + Love,
Lauren Love
P.S. If you are ready to take this next step in your life to begin this TRANSFORMATION in your life in your business, life, health or career— message me today! Let me know you are IN IT TO WIN IT and that you desire a GUIDE, someone to help FACILITATE this great shift in your life. Let’s DO THIS!!
Send me a message or comment below and let’s jump on the phone today!! I am committed to your growth, to your evolution and would be honored to help guide you along your own journey towards creating a life that you absolutely LOVE and DESIRE.
Because everything you want isn’t just going to HAPPEN TO YOU.
YOU are the creator.
YOU have the power within you.
Yet YOU are the one that has to STEP UP, take responsibility for your life and expect massive good things to happen along the way.
I am READY to see your life change.
I want these same things for you.
If I can do it— so can you, and I would be so grateful to bring you into my Inner Circle of Success !!!
Can’t wait to hear from you 🙂

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