Designing the Life of Your Dreams

I feel so very grateful that my life continues to expand in amazing ways, right before my very eyes. I’m sitting here on theย beach– on a work day! Just meditating, sunbathing, writing and dreaming up this next version of my life that I’m about to step into.ย โ˜€๏ธ๐ŸŒด

You see, that’s the way it is when you begin to consciously design your lifestyle. You can create your life ANY way you want it. The possibilities are endless! The only reason I live this life where I can take a break and chill out on the beach in between clients is because I dreamed it up one day many years ago. I decided what I wanted and I went after it with all my heart. It’s very simple! But most people complicate the process and block themselves in so many ways it’s kind of ridiculous.

“That’s unrealistic for me.”
“I’m not brave enough”
“I can’t do it”
“I’m scared to leave my job”
“It sounds great but it’s just not in the cards for me”

Why not? All of your blocks are just beliefs and subconscious programming that have you believe that there is only ONE WAY to live your life. But that’s bullshit! There are infinite possibilities when you really begin to allow yourself to dream and express to yourself what you REALLY want.

Because that’s what it is, right? You haven’t ever thought about the way you REALLY want it to be. Think about it– if you could have it ANY way you wanted it, if you were truly limitless, what would you do? Who would you be? Where would you go? What would your life look like?

You can constantly re-create and re-invent your life in any way, shape or form. You can re-define who you are at any moment. It’s about choice and CHOOSING ultimately what you really want and what is in alignment for you and your life and going after your dreams.

Because those dreams, beautiful soul, are put there for a reason. They are not put there just so we can think about them and say to ourselves “oh that would be nice” but never actually believing we can achieve it. No!

You were born for a REASON. You were born to make manifest those dreams in your heart!! You are meant to create your dreams here and now and in this lifetime!!ย ย ๐Ÿ’›

You ever think about how everyone’s dreams are different? Why is that? It’s because we all have a unique blueprint that was given to us– OUR SOUL’S PURPOSE– and it’s up to you to discover what that is– allowing your feelings and dreams to guide you. What would feel good to you? What would light you UP inside? What would light your soul on fire???๐Ÿ”ฅ

These are cues and clues for you to tap into and begin to listen to and be guided by them. We are all spiritual beings having this human experience and when you really tap into source and begin be guided from within, your life begins to transform magically…๐Ÿ™๐Ÿปโœจ

You suddenly realize that what everyone else thinks has no meaning to you. Do they think you’re crazy for quitting your job and pursuing your passion? So what! What will they think if I start to express myself creatively and share that with the world? Who cares!

When you follow your heart, the opinions and thoughts of others begin to fall away. It’s more about you and your relationship with soul– and birthing out your own unique contribution and value into the world. Not about anyone else.

You have a purpose and you are here for a greater reason. Do you feel that? Do you go about your day, day in and day out, secretly wishing for things to change? Desperately dying inside, your soul being crushed slowly each and every day you show up at the office at your dead end job, slowly ticking the hours of your life away, building someone else’s dream??

It is now time for you to take responsibility for your life, and begin to empower yourself to make a change!! You do not deserve to sit and struggle and just “get by” in your life. This is the major cause of depression and anxiety and a whole bunch of major health issues is being OUT OF ALIGNMENT with WHO YOU REALLY ARE and NOT doing your soul’s work in this world!!! When you begin to wake up to this fact in your life that you were BORN FOR MORE, EVERYTHING changes.

You have everything you need to succeed in creating and living the life of your dreams already Inside of you. It’s just waiting to be tapped into and expressed and poured out into the world– whatever that is for you.

Do you want to travel the world? Move to the beach? Sell everything and become a nomad? Live life on your terms? Start your own business? Finally write your book? Share your story with the world? Adopt a baby from another country? Go back to school, take a class or get the certification you’ve always wanted? Homeschool your kids? Give back in service doing something you’re passionate about? Provide value in something you’re uniquely talented at?

NOW is the time to LISTEN. To tap in. To get quiet and allow these dreams to surface.

THIS is your destiny, your Divine Path that resides within. And if you don’t take action on it now, your life will begin to pass you by. How many years have you been telling yourself you’re finally going to get your shit together and get healthy, spend more time with your family, start that business and/or live a more fulfilling, soul-driven, purposeful and values-driven life?

NOW is the time. There is no other time other than RIGHT NOW.

Your SOUL is calling.๐Ÿ’›

All you have to do is wake up and take the call.

Tune in and allow yourself to receive.

Listen to your intuition, your inner compass that is there to guide you. Allow all thoughts of HOW or trying to FIGURE IT OUT to fall away. You don’t need to know HOW, all you have to do is take the next right step, knowing and believing that what you are creating and visioning is on its way to you, now.

Take action even despite the resistance, the fears, the doubts that it is even possible for you. Let go of what the nay-sayers and dream-stealers try to say to you. They will only bring you down and inject fear in your heart which will paralyze you in taking action.

Rather, keep your dreams private and share only with those who you trust to hold the greatest and grandest vision for yourself. Those who will believe in you when you lose belief in your heart. It will be difficult, and you’ll need to have reserves of faith to sustain and nourish yourself along the way. You deserve the best, and it’s up to you to protect this baby of a dream and nurture and cultivate it as it grows and expands with positive energy, love and attention.๐ŸŒˆโœจ

In doing so, each and every day you will come one step closer to realizing and manifesting your dreams!! You too can live a life you dream of…for me, I’m sitting here on the beach writing to you after doing what I love all day long– spending time with my family and loved ones, writing and expressing myself, coaching my amazing clients and running my programs.

I literally dreamed this shit up one day long ago, took action to implement what I’m sharing with you today, and here I am– living my amazing life of freedom, alignment, authenticity, fun, family and empowerment. I couldn’t be more happy and grateful… and I don’t share this to brag or boast, I work hard on staying humble, rather I share this with you to know that it is POSSIBLE, no matter who you are, where you’re at and what you’ve been though.

Just 8 years ago I was broke, struggling with major depression, anxiety, bulimia and a toxic relationship. I had nothing to my name– and made a DECISION to change my life in a HUGE way.

Now here I am many years later living the life that I dreamed up back then!!! Living in abundance with a badass lifestyle business, soulmate clients, fulfilling relationships, tons of time to spend with my kids, traveling, going on adventures, spending time with friends and hanging out on the beach when I want to. I began to believe in myself and refused to settle for anything less than what was in alignment with my soul, and chose to turn my dreams into REALITY.

Because truly, anything is possible!! You are a limitless being with infinite potential! I began this process with hope, faith and love– and you can do the same. If I can do it, so can you.ย ๐Ÿ˜Š

I believe in you and your dreams, and just wait!! So much more is in store for me– can’t WAIT to continue to share my journey with you, and YOU TOO if you choose to wake up and take the call.

Sending soooo much love and healing energy your way beautiful soul!!๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›ย xo

In light + love,

Lauren Love

P.S. If my message resonated with you today, send me a quick message and we can chat about HOW to make your dreams a reality!!!ย ย ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿป

~Henry David Thoreau

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