Decide It’s Going To Work

You know what your biggest problem is?

Starting a coaching business from scratch is not for the faint of heart…

However in the beginning, what I’ve found is that in order to be successful there is ONE THING that makes the difference between failure and success.

You might be surprised when I say it’s not lack of skill. It’s not lack of desire. It’s not lack of resources, talent, focus, motivation or anything like that.

Those things are definitely REQUIRED, but these things can be acquired along the way.

So what might that problem be then you ask?

It’s that you just don’t fucking believe that it’s going to work.

You can’t OUTWORK disbelief.

You also can’t OUTWORK self-sabotaging self-doubt.

When you go about your day waiting for the other shoe to drop, looking for all the reasons why it isn’t going to work… how far do you think that is going to get you?

When starting a coaching business from scratch, the only remedy for this is to do ONE THING.

If you do this ONE THING with all your might and all your focus and execute on this one thing… it will change your life forever (but FUCK is it hard to do sometimes)!

As a business coach for female entrepreneurs, I’ve discovered that the one thing that makes the biggest difference… beyond all the other variables is to simply just DECIDE that it’s going to work.

Have you made the DECISION to go ALL IN on your business, your goals, and your dreams?

Have you CHOSEN AND DECIDED that there is NO BACKUP plan, there is no other way, that THIS IS THE WAY IT IS AND HOW IT SHOULD BE?!?

When you make that decision to turn PRO, to stop doubting yourself and to just fucking DECIDE it’s going to work… it’s almost as if the universe rushes in to support you.

Creative ideas flow freely.

There is a sense of empowerment and freedom despite the obstacles. There is a determination that is unhindered by any external forces.

THIS is what making the decision is all about.

Choosing and deciding is the catalyst that starts it all.

Once you make that DECISION that it’s going to work, suddenly you gain access to stores of energy that are propelled towards the SOLUTION.

Think about it… how many times have you felt afraid to fail, knowing that you are doubting yourself, and then looking for the evidence to confirm it?

Silently thinking to yourself, “maybe this just isn’t for me,” “maybe it’s not in alignment,” or “maybe I should just give up since it hasn’t worked so far.”


When you are afraid of failing, afraid of putting yourself out there, and holding yourself back because you don’t know what’s going to happen… you keep getting MORE of that.

What if you just trusted and believed?

What if you made that DECISION that your coaching business is going to WORK, and had faith that no matter what happens, you would figure it out?

Do you trust yourself enough?

Do you have unshakeable confidence in God and yourself that everything is working out perfectly for you at every single moment, no matter what is happening?

These are the types of beliefs that are born out of that DECISION that it’s going to work.

When I make that choice, I not only trust and believe that the outcome I desire is possible, but I also trust the journey that unfolds on the way there.

Not everything will be perfect!

In fact, most of the time it feels like a shit-show, with a million balls in the air trying to juggle them all, while dancing and laughing and having a ton of fun while doing it!

The path you’re on contains infinite opportunities for growth. Everything from the little daily annoyances and quirks to the bigger, more devastating traumas and problems we encounter as human beings on this planet.

All of those things will happen, and we should expect them, rightly so.

No path is perfect. No path towards your goals and dreams will be linear; it will be a series of wins and losses, gains and failures.

When you see life like this, it suddenly becomes easier to play the game.

Then you can look out long term… is what you want on its way to you?

If you’ve DECIDED that it’s going to work… it’s only a matter of time that it will.

The journey there may not look ANYTHING you expected.

It’s trusting that everything happening in your life is happening FOR you, not against you.

Everything is happening FOR your success, not despite it.

When you can shift your perspective to see life through this lens, it becomes way easier to navigate.

Expecting the hardships, staying grounded and balanced through them, while continuing to take action and believing that what you DECIDED on WILL COME TRUE for you.

The only thing that is required of you is that you DON’T GIVE UP.

That would be like planting a baby seed in a garden of fertile soil, and 3 days later coming back and being angry that nothing has sprouted up.


How patient can you be while watering the garden of your business goals and dreams?

Planting the seed is making that DECISION.

What comes after it is what matters.

But it only happens if you make that decision FIRST.

Today, DECIDE that it’s going to work.

You got massive goals and dreams?


Make that CHOICE that it is going to work, plant that seed, and get into action.

The garden of your dreams requires work — ample sunlight, water, air and tending to the weeds.

Cultivating a garden is an arduous task over time, caring for the tender baby plants that are growing within it.

If you’ve planted an apple tree seed, what do you think will happen over time?

It will grow, thrive, and bear fruit.

However, an apple tree seed does NOT become an orange tree.

It grows and bears the fruit contained within the DNA in that seed — exactly like it was designed to do.

Trust that you also have this innate design, that the dream inside of you is meant for you, and in fact you were designed to choose it and cultivate it into reality.

It all starts with making that decision. What will you choose today?

This is the way to break free and create a business and life you LOVE.

xo Lauren

P.S. If you are ready to make that CHOICE to go all in on your goals, and build the coaching business of your dreams, then now is the time!

The Rich Confident Coach Program has opened its doors for enrollment and is offering a special limited time offer for those action takers who are ready to get started!!

If you’ve been thinking about this for a while, or if you have launched your coaching business and it’s not going the way you would have hoped… I am here to support you.

We help coaches every day launch and grow profitable coaching businesses based on being YOU and bringing your unique message into the world.

Ready to make a difference in the world? Step into your true calling as a leader, revolutionary, and powerful coach? Then you are in the right place.

Best part of all is that you can get started with as little as $500! It is our mission here to help empower women to take back their power and gain freedom — financial, time, location, and creative freedom to do what you love and get paid handsomely for your efforts, while serving and leading your soulmate clients.

If you want to learn more or you’re interested in how we can support you, set up a 6 Figure Freedom Strategy call today. In this free call, we will explore your big goals and dreams, identify your biggest obstacles and roadblocks, and put together an action plan to help you get unstuck and move forward NOW.

There is no time to waste, your dreams are waiting for you— it is time to step into your next level and make that DECISION to change your life.

Click here to apply: Freedom Strategy Call

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