Creation, Destruction, And Breaking The F*Ck Down

Have you been feeling lately like everything is falling apart?

Like you just don’t know what is happening?

Everything that you have ever known and trusted and leaned on for safety and stability in your life is crashing down around you and there is nothing you can do about it?

Sometimes it takes a complete and total breakdown of all existing structures in order to gain CLARITY on exactly what it is you want in your life.

Like the PHOENIX rising from the ashes, we must allow for the DESTRUCTION in order to REBUILD and be REBORN to manifest whatever it is that we want in our lives.

Maybe the way you’ve operated just doesn’t work anymore and those old ways of thinking and believing are holding you back and keeping you STUCK.

Maybe it is an important relationship that has always been there, and suddenly it is changing dramatically or it NEEDS TO CHANGE in order for things to change in your life.

Maybe it’s your career and you’re sick and tired of selling your soul just to get BY and you want to live a more PURPOSE and PASSION-DRIVEN life.

Maybe it is in your health, fitness and nutrition that just isn’t working for you or making you feel good.

Maybe it’s just that you’re WAKING THE FUCK UP to the bigger truths about life and how the Universe works.

Whatever it is, the old way just doesn’t work anymore.

In fact, it is completely gone, you’re just so stuck on the old structures that you keep re-creating for the sake of safety and security.

When are you going to take the LEAP into the new?

I know it is scary, unknown and uncertain.

I know you don’t know HOW to do it.

I know you are confused and you want to wait until the time is just right.

I’ve got news for you— the time will never be right.

You will never feel ready.

The thing is that we must understand that transformation and change doesn’t wait for us to be ready.

It chops us down, hitting the backs of our knees as we fall to the ground, completely humbled, scared and uncertain to what has just happened.

It usually happens when we least expect it.

It forces us and catalyzes us into the next level of our life.

This is transformation, evolution and growth at its finest.

You never seem to be ready— and in those moments, you definitely do have a choice.

You can completely surrender, bow down and admit that you haven’t got it all figured out…

Or you can choose to fight it. You can deny. You can stuff down. You can distract yourself from the light of your new life.

It’s your choice, and quite frankly, LIFE doesn’t care which one you choose.

It is offering you an option, when the two paths collide in the woods on the road less traveled, which one do you choose?

Many people choose the path that is well-traveled, which is “safe” I suppose according to societal standards, but it is boring, predictable and comfortable.

There is a level of soul-sucking that comes with it, a quality I see in so many of my clients… that they are selling their soul for something that they were told they “should” have, or do, or be in their life.

It wasn’t *Actually* what they wanted.

They walk around in a state of unfulfillment, of a gross dissatisfaction with life and the way things are.

From this state we end up in a state of searching or seeking for something outside of ourselves to “fix” it…

That’s when people begin to fall into addictive patterns… using food, alcohol, shopping, exercise, sex, drama, whatever it is in your life that serves as a distraction… is only temporary.

Sure it might feel good when you’re doing it.. good being a relative term for a short term “high”…

But the women who are attracted to me and my message know that it is NOT what they are ultimately searching for.

There is a deep void within them that is an empty bottomless pit that feels it will never be filled…

They know after the years and years of struggling and just getting by, that no amount of food, weight loss, exercise, drugs, alcohol, relationship, sex, love, or anything else can fill that void.

The external pursuit of “happiness” is really what you are seeking, isn’t it?

How’s that working for you?

If you’re reading this I can imagine that you relate in terms of doing the external seeking and searching and never being able to really discover what it takes to fulfill yourself from WITHIN, and so you keep on living this life of not really being satisfied, feeling like there is SO MUCH MORE to be discovered.

There truly is a life BEYOND these disorders, these “dis-eases” that the heart and mind can only fathom…

I lived in a wretched state of self-denial, addiction and deep soul-crushing depression and excessive overwhelming anxiety for so many years.

I’ve done it all.

I’ve used it all.

I’ve come to the brink of death, and fancied the decision to just sit back and DIE.

It was in those moments where my body was completely breaking down, where I felt totally powerless and out of control over my addictions, that my biggest breakthroughs of CLARITY came to me.

I decided way back then, in those moments that maybe I didn’t actually want to die… and I DID want to find a LIFE WORTH LIVING.

I wanted to have a PURPOSE. I wanted to pursue my PASSION. I wanted to do what it was that made me feel ALIVE.

I am so utterly grateful for those times that I came to 10 years ago when I was forced to make a decision to LIVE OR DIE.

I chose to live and from that place was born within me a drive to only do what LIGHTS ME UP on the inside.

I developed a mindset and a way of living that allowed me to pursue my soul’s work, my true calling, my reason for being on this earth.

Since dedicating myself to my spiritual path over 10 years ago, I have been broken down and had to rebuild myself and my life again from the destruction and the ashes that broke everything down in the first place.

I have completely transformed myself many times over since then in every single area of my life— my health, nutrition and fitness, my relationships, my career and finances, my family, my personal development.

I have stayed committed to personal growth and development and kept my spiritual evolution at the forefront for so many years.

Even if it meant being in a state of complete and total ruin and destruction for a while.

I’ve been completely broke and bankrupt. There were times when we didn’t have money for food, or diapers for my baby.

I’ve been homeless.

I’ve had to check myself into an inpatient treatment center 3 times in my life for a total of over 6 months in intensive residential treatment.

I’ve been drugged up, told I was fucked up and never going to survive or make anything of myself in my life (thanks to my wonderful treatment center Director, you truly saved my life by telling me these things!!).

I’ve been through a very messy and heart-wrenching divorce, pained with law enforcement and sticky situations that hurt and caused myself and my loved ones deep pain and suffering.

I’ve had to work multiple jobs and sacrifice time with my kids just so that I had the money to fund my dream and build my business from a place of abundance.

I’ve moved around over 8 times in the past 4 years in 3 different states.

And so much more…

Through all of these trials and challenges in my life, I have allowed my life and my sense of identity to completely break down as a result of these massive changes.

This is the essence of transformation— Creation and Destruction.

The cycles of life and death continuously repeating themselves over and over.

We tend to want things to stay the same, when in reality the nature of life is constant change.

I embrace change and know that when things feel crazy, it’s really my job to just persevere and keep my eye on the PRIZE.

Because through all of these really intense challenges and experiences that I’ve had in my life— they have only arisen as a result of ONE THING, and ONE THING ONLY— and that is…


The only reason that I was broke and bankrupt was because I held a vision of me doing ONLY and EXACTLY what I LOVED for money, and wouldn’t settle for anything LESS than living my PURPOSE and PASSION.

The only reason that I willingly put myself through treatment for my eating disorder, depression, anxiety, addictions and PTSD, is because I held a vision and blueprint of PERFECT HEALTH and WELLBEING for myself. I saw myself COMPLETELY FREE of all of it, living a HAPPY, HEALTHY and FULFILLED LIFE.

The only reason I went through what I needed to go through with my divorce and dissolution of my family unit with my ex-husband was because I held a vision for the most LOVING, RESPECTFUL, CARING, AMAZING, PASSIONATE and FULFILLING EVOLUTIONARY PARTNERSHIP with a man with whom I could be completely free to be me and GROW together in this life.

The only reason that I SACRIFICED working so hard for so many years was because I held a vision for a life of COMPLETE ABUNDANCE, WEALTH AND PROSPERITY in all areas. I dreamed of living in California, traveling the world, having more than enough time, money, and freedom to enjoy myself and my life.

The DESTRUCTION in those areas preceded the TRANSFORMATION and CREATION of exactly what it is that I WANTED and FOCUSED ON for so many years, day in and day out.

Transformation can happen through a massive breakdown, by us humbly getting on our knees and surrendering the old ways of doing things, who we used to be.

Most of us think that when the BREAKDOWN happens, that there is something WRONG with you… which is absolutely NOT the case.

It is about getting really fucking honest with yourself about your life, and what is NOT working, what is making you MISERABLE, and where you are SETTLING for less than what you truly deserve.

It’s getting out of denial of how FUCKED UP things really are.

It’s placing those things on the alter of life before you and truly being wiling to let it all go…

To allow it all to break down…

To destruct…

To blow up around you, with the intention for the HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL.

Never for the sake of pain, and struggling, and suffering…

But that the PAIN has a PURPOSE.

Knowing what you are doing is quite possibly the HARDEST THING THAT YOU HAVE EVER DONE IN YOUR LIFE.

But doing it because you KNOW deep down in the recesses of your SOUL, that you are doing the right thing.

That if you don’t follow your heart, that you would miss out on the most AMAZING life of your DREAMS.

This is not the path for the faint of heart.

This path will challenge you to the core.

It’s not for those who give in to their fears.

It’s for those who BRAVELY and COURAGEOUSLY stare FEAR in the FACE and tell it — FUCK YOU.



I AM HUMBLED as I don’t know whats to come.

Knowing and realizing that when we do things from our SOUL, that the outcome is ALWAYS PERFECT.

It is only up to YOU to hold the VISION for what you truly WANT in your life.

If I had a penny for every time someone told me I was CRAZY…

Every time someone told me I couldn’t do it, or it wouldn’t work, or what the FUCK was I thinking by doing that!??!

I would be much richer than I am now 😉

And if I would have listened to them, let them steal my dreams and pollute my vision, I would NEVER be here where I am now in my life.

They are the ones that come to me now for help, advise and asking to join my team and programs, asking HOW DID I DO THAT??! How did I create such a fucking epic life where I just get to show up, be myself, have a huge impact, express myself creatively, have a ton of abundance in my life and do only and exactly what I LOVE?!?!!

I truly live the life of my DREAMS, and I am so very grateful for that.

It was born out of these times of total DESTRUCTION, of DARKNESS, of PAIN, and of hard work. I am not “lucky”. I worked very hard to create this life, and there have definitely been times that I wanted to burn it all to the ground.

Cursing the sky and shouting, “GOD WHY CAN’T I JUST BE NORMAL!?!?”

Oh darling, why would you EVER want to be normal??

You are such a DIVINE creature of beauty, wisdom and wonder. 😇

You have so many gifts and untapped resources within you that will show you the way.

But first you have to allow for the BREAK DOWN.

You have to be willing to endure the DARKNESS in order to get to the LIGHT. 

To embrace BOTH as the beautiful duality of life, a TEAR and a SMILE.

And I believe you can HAVE, DO or BE ANYTHING you want.

You just have to be willing to NEVER GIVE UP, to hold the VISION for what you want, as you muster up the courage and willingness to witness things completely BREAK DOWN in your life so that you can be REBORN again…

Like the PHOENIX from the ashes. 🔥

And so today, beautiful soul— know that you are completely LOVED and SUPPORTED by life itself.

That you can do anything you put your heart, mind and soul to.

You are WORTHY and DESERVING of creating a life that you truly LOVE.

I believe in you.

PM me and let me know if you need any support, guidance, or healing energy along the way. 💜

This is the way to break FREE and create a life you LOVE!!!

In light + love,

Lauren Love

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