Be Bold and Crazy and Choose to Go After It With All Your Heart

Every moment of every day— YOU GET TO CHOOSE.

Each and every second of every day— YOU HAVE A CHOICE.

You get to CHOOSE how you show up.

You get to CHOOSE how you feel.

You get to CHOOSE, ultimately WHO YOU ARE each and every moment.

Didn’t you know that life works this way? I know, I played a victim to life for a long fucking time.

I played small and made excuses as to why I couldn’t and wouldn’t show up.

I was fucking terrified.

I didn’t know who I was.

I was scared of pissing people off or having them not like me.

Truth is, I’m SOOO much more of a people pleaser than I thought I was! I did it for so long, to varying degrees and I am so fucking sick and tired of it! I just want to be ME!

I just want to UNLEASH my art and be alone with my muse!

It is so comforting to me to know that NOW I have complete CONTROL over my life and WHO I CHOOSE to be.

You get to choose each and every day how you show up, and in these moment-to-moment choices, this is what defines and creates your FUTURE.

Life is a series of moments— and each and every moment is INFINITELY creative!

You have so much power to create worlds in every second.

There is so much potential! What would happen if you tapped into that potential just for a moment in time?

Would you be able to take back control of your life?

Would you be able to remind yourself that this is WHO YOU ARE and you will NOT SETTLE for anything less than what you know you DESERVE?

Which is SO MUCH beautiful soul!! You deserve to live a life that you have only IMAGINED— and by this simple act of CHOOSING how you show up each and every day brings you closer and closer to your dream life that you are aligning to.

Because that is what it is really about— living in alignment with your soul and your greatest and highest purpose for your life.

Didn’t you know that you had a choice to align to your highest vision, or your worst nightmare? I know its a harsh reality when you wake up to the truth that you are 100% RESPONSIBLE for everything that happens in your life.

Responsibility is a bitch sometimes and most people don’t wanna face the fact that they are the ONLY ONES THAT CAN CHANGE THEIR LIFE.

I know you want to blame your circumstances, and what has happened to you, and the economy and who did what to you as a child…

It doesn’t make a damn difference in your life if you are constantly making excuses as to why things are the way they are.

I don’t give a fuck about what happened to me yesterday or last week or 10 years ago.

The only thing that matters right now is how I am showing up, and how I choose to be.

Sure the things that have happened in the past make it infinitely easier or harder in the moment, because that is how I was programmed and what was conditioned in me as “normal” and “how it is supposed to be.”

But the reality is — that even with my past programming, traumas, hurts and wounds… even with all the limiting beliefs and fears and baggage from the past…

It really doesn’t matter.

It doesn’t matter because I can choose to be grateful and humble and kind NOW regardless of what has happened to me in my life.

I can choose to accept and love and forgive those things in the past.

I can choose to UNCONDITIONALLY LOVE MYSELF no matter what I’ve done or how imperfect I am as a flawed human being.

These are all choices that I can make each and every day.

These choices powerfully determine my vibration and emotion and how I’m showing up in the NOW…

YOU GET TO CHOOSE how you show up each and every day!

And in that— you understand that you are a CREATOR!

If you want full control of your life— why not accept 100% responsibility for your life and yourself?

Are you too afraid? Scared to actually OWN your SHIT and step into your best LIFE? I know you’re fucking terrified— totally okay.


Aligning to your NEXT LEVEL SELF is gonna be fucking uncomfortable and scary and downright terrifying.

So overwhelming in fact that you will want to RUN AWAY and HIDE and never show your face again in public.

However in this case, you will live the rest of your life in restless wandering… because you’ve run away from your deepest soul’s purpose

And that is…

To simply just SHOW UP. To choose life. To choose to OWN who you are and to

SHINE your light into the world.

Don’t you know that no one gives a FUCK?

Honestly, it really doesn’t matter what other people think.

NO ONE gives a fuck about you. You’re not special.

Show up and do the work anyways. It’s not for them.

You do this for YOU, your SOUL, your fucking passion and purpose and reason for being on this earth.

You were designed to EXPAND your capacity and go BEYOND what you thought was possible for your life.

You want something? Choose it.

You want to step into the life of your dreams? Be it.

There’s nothing holding you back but yourself— and your excuses and reasons and stories as to why you can’t have it and why you don’t deserve it or cant create it…

No one gives a fuck about your stories.

I mean, I care about you and what you’ve been through. And at the same time, you have to get really honest with yourself and know that at the end of the day, it’s just YOU.

Getting stuck up in your stories and allowing the same old past-based programming and stories to run your life? That is NOT the way to choose.

The way to truly be an EMPOWERED SOUL is to step up and WAKE THE FUCK UP in your life.

You understand that you get to CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE who you are, what you do, and how you show up.

Every moment you have a choice.

It’s your job to identify all those ways in which you were holding yourself back, and CHOOSE your NEW LIFE ANYWAYS, NO MATTER WHAT.

You have to fix your mind and GET YOUR MIND RIGHT before you really are able to RECEIVE what it is you want.

You have to stay LASER FUCKING FOCUSED on what you want, beyond all odds.

You have to believe that you can TRULY create anything you want in your life.

You have to stop wasting your time on shit that doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things, and ask yourself—

What REALLY matters to me?

What is it that I REALLY want out of my life?

Get your mind set on that, and allow yourself to open up to the miracles and magic to flow in as you start to consciously CHOOSE this and make it a PRIORITY each and every day and moment of your life.

THIS is what life is all about.

THIS is what ALIGNING to your SOUL is all about.

You have to DECIDE to be blessed.

You have to DECIDE what you want.

You have to DECIDE to take responsibility.

You have to DECIDE to step over into the future…

…and remember WHO YOU REALLY ARE.

You are everything you’ve ever dreamed of, NOW.

There’s no time to wait!

Reality is, there is nothing to ‘work on.’

It’s either now, or NEVER?

And beautiful, what are you choosing today?

Will it be TODAY?

Will it be right now? And if not— then you might as well stop now, cause it WILL be never.

It’s your choice.

ARE YOU READY? It’s time for you to CHOOSE today who you want to be, and let that be ENOUGH

Each and every moment— create your future in the NOW.

It is easier than you think it is.

When you step into it, you will know and feel and BELIEVE with every fiber and cell in your body

You are a powerful creator. And you can do, be, and have ANYTHING you want.

You just have to be bold and crazy enough to believe it and go after it with all your heart.

What are you CHOOSING today?

In light and love,

Lauren Love

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