Are You a Control Freak Like Me? For Those Who Fear The Unknown

Many of us get so caught up in the details and we find ourselves indulging in the monkey mind-stream of endless thoughts… ruminating about the past and obsessing over the future

Mainly we do this for two reasons:

Our mind wants to predict and control.

The truth is the only thing that is predictable and controllable… is the fact that life is uncertain.

We can only predict something to the degree that we expect it to happen.

Think about that…

We are creators of our own experience. We as observers have an effect on the thing we are observing. This is just straight quantum physics, right? They have done studies where they show that the expectations of the observer actually have a measured effect on the thing they are studying.

So if your mind wants to predict and control, and you are largely unconscious of the creation process, what it essentially does is take the patterns and experiences of your past and projects them forward into the future.

Basically when you are unconscious of your ability to manifest and unable to create your own reality, you will re-create circumstances of the past over and over again, and then wonder why you can’t escape the vicious cycle.

This is being stuck in victim mentality and blaming circumstances, people, places and things as to why you are unable to change.

I am only sharing this with you because I obviously went through this, we ALL do on our journey towards waking up and empowering ourselves to go beyond the old limiting fear-based patterns.

What empowerment requires is taking massive responsibility for everything in your life.

Yep. 100% of everything.

This doesn’t mean that you take blame, or that you find fault in yourself. It doesn’t mean that what happened to you is okay or that the people who hurt you are justified.

Rather, what taking responsibility means is that you accept everything that has happened to you. There is no need to get caught up in the emotions — they need to be processed, healed, released and forgiven.

Once you do that you can come into this space without being energetically charged and can find 100% complete acceptance for everything in your life now and everything that has happened to you.

Once you can arrive in this place of acceptance and taking responsibility for yourself and your life, this is the birthplace of empowerment and also where the fun begins!!

This is when you can start to realize that the nature of life is uncertain and it does NOT have to be determined by your past or what has happened to you.

Do you get that? Just because something happened in the past, does NOT mean that you have to experience that again in the future— unless you choose it.

Many of us choose to replay our old patterns over and over again because they are comfortable and known— and many people even tell me that they choose to repeat their self-destructive patterns and behaviors simply because it is safer that way.

They would rather be safer (and unhappy) and have some level of predictability than to venture out into the unknown, which is scary AF and unpredictable (but this is also where the possibilities lies).

The UNKNOWN is the place where you get to actually LIVE!!

There is so much wisdom in the uncertainty, as this is where the MAGIC of life lives!!

When you forgive your past, find acceptance and be in the now— you can open yourself up to a level of potential that lies in the present moment— inside your point of awareness.

There is PURE POTENTIALITY in this space.

THIS is the space from which you want to manifest from.

You want to enter into the void… that place where it might feel scary and unknown…

Where you don’t have any reference point for what is going to happen, because it’s never happened before

Where you can only use your imagination to dream of what you want to create

Because the vision always precedes and itself determines the realization.

Do you get that?

What you focus on, what you think about, what you dream about in— will come true.

The dominant content of your thoughts really DOES become your reality.

So when your mind wants to predict and control, what it’s doing is grabbing on to those old images from the past, and when you choose to focus on those or even EXPECT those things to happen again, because they happened in the past, they are actually MORE LIKELY to continue to happen for you.

If you really want to change your reality, you are going to need to LET GO of the past.

It is done and over with.

The only reason you should go back is to examine it for all the lessons it taught you— let go of the negative emotions and preserve the teachings and wisdom they were here to provide you with.

It is ALL meant to help you grow and evolve along your evolutionary journey.

And when you can do that, and come into the present… you can start to begin to imagine the most amazing, magnificent future for yourself by choosing carefully the thoughts and emotions you choose to hold in your day to day experience.

THIS is the place of creation.

This is also the place of uncertainty and boundless creativity.

Do not be afraid of allowing yourself to go there.

For myself personally, I have to give myself permission to sit quietly in the unknown.

Before I actualize a dream or birth out a creative project, there is MASSIVE uncertainty.

This can feel incredibly uncomfortable.

Before I achieve a goal in my physical reality, there is always a space of time where I have to be grounded in the wisdom of uncertainty.

The most powerful lessons I’ve received being in this space are:

I have learned to be okay with not knowing.

I have learned to embrace the unknown with an open heart.

This is not an easy feat to do.

It means staying open in the face of not knowing.

It means opening and leaning into my edge.

It means challenging myself to be vulnerable, to allow myself to expand into fuller expressions of myself, rather than contracting out of fear.

Because this is what many people do in the face of uncertainty.

They contract, constrict and pull back within themselves because they are scared shitless.

They’re afraid of what is going to happen.

I can’t even tell you how many people I’ve talked to that this is a dominant and limiting pattern they have been stuck in.

And it’s simply because they haven’t been taught how to LEAN IN, how to EMBRACE UNCERTAINTY, and LIVE IN THE QUESTION.

How about you? How do you deal with uncertainty and the unknown?

Do you embrace it, lean into it, and let it help you grow and expand into your next level?

Or do you run away from it, hide and go back into patterns of trying to control, predict, and manage your reality from a place of fear and wanting to feel safe?

Truth is, there is nothing certain in this world right now other than change.

Change is the only constant in life.

What would happen if you trained yourself to EMBRACE and even ENJOY the uncertainty rather than run away from it?

How would that change your life?

Your ability to EMBRACE and OPEN and even THRIVE on uncertainty is directly related to your ability to achieve greater and greater levels of success in all areas of your life.

My challenge for you today is to open your heart to the uncertainty in your life.

👉Let go of what you are holding on to.

👉Stop trying to predict and control what is going to happen.

👉Choose to focus on thoughts that uplift and empower you, holding only those states that feel empowering, expansive and freeing

👉Give yourself permission to be grounded in the wisdom of uncertainty

👉Trust the process

👉Turn your will over to God, to the Universe, to your Higher Power

👉Ask for whatever wisdom and guidance you need to take your next steps in your journey

👉Expect the most AMAZING things to happen — that you have NO experience with yet, because they haven’t happened

And in fact that WON’T BE POSSIBLE UNLESS you are able to embrace the Uncertainty!!!

👉Practice bringing yourself back into the now, opening into the space of the unknown.

👉Be in full acceptance of the now moment.

For this is where the magic happens. This is the beauty of the process–

When you can be fully present in the now, without being pulled back into the past, repeating what has happened over and over again. Without obsessing about and anxiously anticipating what is going to happen.

Rather, being deeply present with yourself in the now and humbling yourself to realize that the only thing that really matters

Is coming back home to your soul and ENJOYING the process. ❤️

Having positive expectation that the most AMAZING THING is about to happen to you that will surprise and delight you! ❤️

Life is happening FOR you, not TO you. (especially if you’re in pain, emotional distress, or are struggling with a huge problem in your life… this is an EVEN MORE IMPORTANT mindset to adopt and WILL help you get through it, I promise.)

No matter what is happening, our minds will try to take us into a doomsday situation… “what if..?? what if..?? what if..??” is the death of creativity and the flow of all good things to you.

What is the point of following your soul’s calling and finding your true purpose through this process, if you are scared, anxious, judgmental and trying to control it all?

It is time to let that shit go.

You are meant to discover a life that is fun, joyful, expansive and freeing. ❤️

Through this process, you can find those things that excite you and you might even begin to ENJOY your life again. 🎉

When you are able to give yourself permission to let go of control and start to HAVE FUN with it— what you will find is that everything else in your life magically starts to fall into place. 🙏

You are so worthy and deserving of having your dreams come true. ✨

This is the way to break free and create a life and business you LOVE. ❤️

I love you beautiful soul!!

In love and to your success,

Lauren Love

P.S. If you’re ready to drop your excuses, take responsibility for your life, and learn to EMBRACE and ENJOY the unknown, then you are in the right place!! SOUL CALLING my new 30 day free challenge starts Monday!!

If you are struggling with holding on to control, you fear uncertainty, and yet you desire for deeper meaning in your life, then keep reading…

Soul Calling is for you if:

You want to feel deeply connected, heard, and understood

You want to discover what your true purpose and passion is

You know there is a greater reason why you are here on this planet and you want to begin to discover what that is

You are in a place where you feel uncertain about your work, career and money situation

You want to understand what makes you unique, and learn more about how to use your soul gifts to create financial abundance

You are frustrated with your job, and desire to do something different in your life

You want to connect with other like-minded souls who are on a similar journey of soul purpose as you are

You feel as if there is something missing in your life and you desire so deeply to discover what it is that will fill that void and give you a sense of meaning and purpose

You want to wake up every day excited for your life and what you are creating

You want to learn more about what it takes to live a creative, intuitive, inspired life of soul purpose and passion

You are a people-pleaser, you care too much about what other people think, and want to learn how to live more in alignment with your truth and what feels good to YOU, rather than feel held back by other people’s opinions and expectations

You are ready to break the mold and bust out of the NORM to discover what will ACTUALLY make you happy in your life

You feel unfulfilled, lonely, afraid, and are ready to take a new direction in your life and receive guidance on how to follow your soul calling, now

If you feel like you fit into one (or ALL!!) of these categories, then this is the course for YOU.

I too struggled with all of these things above for many years and am here to tell you that you DON’T HAVE TO LIVE THAT WAY ANYMORE.

You don’t have to hold yourself back

You don’t have to do what you think you should do

You don’t have to allow the fear, self-doubt, and itty-bitty-shitty-committee in your head win any longer!!




If you resonate with what I am sharing with you today and you feel deep inside that this is ABSOLUTELY something that you are ready to do, here is how we can do this together!!

30 Days to Discover Your Soul Calling and Create an Abundant Income From Your Soul Gifts so that You Can Become Happier, Fulfilled, More Self-Expressed and Free!💎

Every day for the next 30 days I will be giving you short live video trainings, action steps, exercises, and journaling prompts for you to dive deep on exactly the steps you need to take in your own life in order to go from feeling unclear, stuck and stagnant to discovering more about who you are and what your unique soul purpose is in the world.

At the end of this course, you will have a clear understanding of how you can utilize what you’ve learned so that you can continue your path of True Purpose and creating a life of abundance from your Soul Calling.

Work With Me For 30 Days And Go From Confused, Stuck and Stagnant, to Finally Crystal Clear On Your True Purpose, and Know Exactly How To Share Your True Gifts With The World Without Being Paralyzed By Fear, Worry, Self-doubt or Indecision

Are you in??

I thought so, I am SO excited for you!!

We start Monday December 3!!!

All you have to do is show up for 20 minutes a day for 30 days — and watch your life magically transform as a result of doing this amazing soul work.

And you want to know the best part, beautiful soul??

I am offering this course to you ABSOLUTELY FREE.

Yep, that’s right.

I am GIVING this course to you, as my gift. 🙂

It is my desire that you have this information and content so that you can become the best, highest and most radiant version of yourself.

It has helped me go from being depressed, anxiety-ridden, unhappy and unfulfilled to creating a life I love that is full of abundance, joy, fulfillment and true purpose.

I love what I do each and every day.

I get to live my dreams, and I want you to have access to the exact process that I used in order to create it.

SO join me today, and I can’t wait to guide you on this amazing journey towards your own personal SOUL CALLING!!!

Sign up in comments below!! 🙂

Don’t wait!! This offer won’t be around long, as we will be offering it as a paid course at the end of the 30 days.

Get in now while you still can and join an amazing community of like-minded souls who are ready and willing to discover their soul calling and live their true purpose in the world.

So excited for you!!

See you on the other side 😉

Xo Lauren Love

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