Are You a Coach Struggling to Find Clients?

I feel so frustrated hearing this every single day online!! 😠

I see so many super powerful and talented coaches who just can’t seem to create the financial income they desire from their coaching business (you wouldn’t be able to tell from their profile and content though
 😉 ).

I remember being in a similar place 7 years ago— as a broke, stay at home mom on welfare with no money in the bank
 but the only thing I DID have was a DREAM.

When I started my coaching business back then, I didn’t know where to get clients or how to make money as a coach.

So I did the thing that I did the best — I ACTUALLY talked to people!

I listened to their needs.

I heard their challenges, obstacles and concerns.

I uncovered their BIG dreams and helped them create a roadmap for their future that they were excited to bring into manifestation.

I supported, coached and guided those women to success. Over and over and over again.

I’ve logged thousands and thousands of hours over the last 7 years as a transformational and empowerment coach for women.

This journey of entrepreneurship as a coach has been a huge catalyst for my personal and professional growth.

It has helped me become a better woman, a better mother, and an all around better person.

Over time people began to ask me, “How did you do it Lauren?! Teach me how to do what you’ve done!!”

And I began sharing and teaching everything I knew on how to build a successful 6 figure coaching business from SOUL.

Because for me, building my business has been an epic journey of spiritual growth.

Money has been an epic tool for spiritual expansion.

Are you in that place right now where you just can’t seem to make enough money to get by?

As a coach, do you feel like you have SO MUCH TO GIVE but you aren’t charging what you are worth and and you are burning yourself out?

Do you feel confused about the strategy, skills and structure you need to take your life and business to the next level (and make your first 6 figures)?

Or maybe you just don’t believe that creating a 6 figure business from soul can be easy, joyful and fun?

Because it can!

That doesn’t mean it isn’t a lot of work, because it is.

You still have to talk to people. You still have to do the work. You still have to show up even when you don’t feel like it.

But because you are doing exactly what you were put here on this planet to do and getting paid abundantly for your soul gifts, you feel so FREE and FULFILLED!!

That is exactly the gift and blessing of living on purpose and in soul alignment.

And in order for you to have a bigger impact and help more people — you are going to have to grow.

You are going to have to expand your capacity to receive financially and begin to ask for more.

The more money you make, the more you can grow into an even more awesome and epic version of yourself.

Think about it— what would happen if you had more than enough money for everything you desire coming in every single month on repeat from your coaching business?

Would you be able to give more to yourself??

How would you like more massages, more time for self-care and relaxation, more resources to travel, and the freedom to do shit you really love?

Would you be able to give more to the charities and organizations you believe in?

How about your relationships— would you be able to show up as a better, happier, more radiant version of yourself when you are relaxed and at ease because you have the time and freedom to be fully present with your loved ones?

You know I’m right.

And you also know you’ve got a shit ton of limiting beliefs and stories around money, increasing your prices and how the FUCK to make that happen.

That is where I come in.

I know you deserve to charge more for your gifts. What you have to offer is SO VALUABLE!!!

You are a badass and deserve to receive abundantly from what you have to offer!!

But let’s be HONEST. The problem is not out there, it is inside of you. It’s you doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results (=insanity!!).

You deserve to create a business and life that truly fills you up, fulfills you on a deeper level and provides the freedom that you crave and desire.

Isn’t that why you started coaching in the first place?

You wanted to create an amazing life for yourself and help a ton of people in the process.

And now it’s time for you to continue your journey of upleveling.

Let’s face it— you won’t be able to get to your next level on your own. God knows you’ve tried!! How many years have you been trying to grow your business to 6 figures and beyond, only to fall short time and time again.

You lack the structures, the strategy and the skills to be able to get there.

You lack the mindset, the support, the accountability to create your ideal life and business of your dreams.

Babe, every new level you want to play at requires a different mindset and approach in order to create a different result in your life.

If you’re ready for your next level, if you’re truly ready to PLAY BIG, if you’re ready to increase your capacity to receive and create a wildly profitable coaching business, then reach out and message me now. đŸ”„

We’ll dive in together to create your own personalized 6 Figure Roadmap to help you get from where you are to where you want to be. Free of charge. My gift to you. 💎

I’m here to help you get to the next level, babe. ❀

I know where you’re at and I want to let you know, if I can go from a broke, stay at home mom on welfare, to creating multiple six figures online, then you can too. 🙏

You just have to make that decision and take that leap. 👊

Send me a private message and I’ll shoot you the details.

Here’s to your epic success in business and life!

And don’t forget– you are a BADASS!!

Xo Lauren Love

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