Aligning With Your Soul

Today literally marks the day of a new beginning for me. A new lease on life.

I feel reborn, cleansed and I feel as if my energy has shifted, my perspective lifted.

I ONLY want to do what is in alignment with my SOUL.

I feel as if I started this journey many years ago and steered off the path, small sacrifice after small sacrifice… and those tiny misalignments have cost me SO MUCH.

At the time, I didn’t realize how small tiny 1 % mis-alignments would end up with me being FAR away from the destination.

Just as if a plane was to fly across the country from Pittsburgh to LAX… if it was even 1 degree off, it would end up FAR away from the intended destination…

I feel as if this happens to so many of us along the journey of life.

We think we are making a decision that is right for us. Or we sacrifice and accept it, thinking this is OKAY, or I can DEAL with that right now, now really REALIZING we are sacrificing our SOUL…

Then years down the line we feel so out of ALIGNMENT and can’t figure out quite what is wrong…

And then we even feel guilty and shame ourselves because from the outside looking in, it appears as if we have the “PERFECT” life, as if there ever were one.

Then we hear those voices externally and even internally that say, “well you should just be grateful for what you have.” “You have everything you’ve ever wanted, so why aren’t you HAPPY?” and then “Oh there must be something wrong with me that I am just not happy with what I have..”

I hear these things all the time from my clients, and what I’ve found to really be the PROBLEM here, is not a lack of gratitude or wrong perspective, but rather a problem of being totally OUT OF ALIGNMENT with your SOUL.

Out of alignment with what it is that you are REALLY meant to be doing, being and having in this life.

What is it that really lights up your SOUL?

What if you gave yourself permission to just do and BE THAT each and every day?

Purpose and passion come when we are truly aligned with our soul, and from this place, a great sense of fulfillment, satisfaction and happiness is born.

Because that’s what life is all about, isn’t it?

We are all seeking and searching for happiness.

Most people are searching for that outside themselves— in a career, money, other people in relationships or sex, body/fitness/weight loss goals, external attainments and successes— and these are GREAT, don’t get me wrong, but they do NOT provide people with the deep inner satisfaction or happiness that they are actually looking for.

It is so important that we let go of all that is not in alignment with who we really are and what we TRULY want in life.

I know this is a difficult thing to fathom. Sometimes it requires total destruction of everything you’ve ever known.

It’s not something to take lightly. In my own experience, it is absolutely terrifying but at the same time there is so much PEACE that comes in the realization that you are doing the RIGHT THING.

No one else knows what that is for you.

You know what is out of alignment in your own life.

You know where you are holding yourself back.

You know what things are currently in your life that are not allowing you to step into your greatness, your light, the essence of who you truly are.

It could be old habits, ways of being, relationships, career, limiting beliefs, mindset, stuck emotions, ANYTHING that you feel is holding you back and keeping you stuck.

All of these things are calling for you to LET THEM GO.

It is time for you to step up into the next greatest version of yourself, and these things are NOT permitted to come with you.

It will not feel comfortable, it will feel scary and unsafe and terrifying — and yet underneath it all, will feel like a huge RELIEF.

This is how you know you are making the right decision.

AND this is also where most people will STOP— because even though they know in their hearts they would be making the right decision— the little voice comes in to say to you… “but HOW will you do that? What will happen afterwards?”

It will try to convince you otherwise. It will share with you all the reasons why it might not work, and induce fear and doubt and try to logically and rationally talk you out of making your decision born out of your SOUL’S INTUITION.

Most times, logic and reason WIN! You dismiss those things that you feel in your heart are truly the right thing, because you are scared of what would happen if you would take that LEAP.

But what would happen if you DID?

What would happen if you just TRUSTED?

What would happen if you just gave yourself PERMISSION to just this ONCE, TRUST the guidance WITHIN YOU?

It will never lead you astray.

You might feel lost, or unbalanced, ungrounded and totally alone.

It might not make any fucking sense at ALL.

People might tell you that you are CRAZY for what you are doing.

Your inner voice might be screaming at you, “Who are you to be doing that? Who do you think you ARE to be following your dreams?!”

There will always be the naysayers and dream stealers — but really what they are doing is trying to make sense of why and how they left behind their OWN inner longings and ignored their intution.

The journey back to Self is a journey worth taking.

It requires patience, persistence and an unwavering FAITH and TRUST in what you can’t SEE.

It requires you to tune in, plug into and connect with your deepest desires, goals and dreams, and begin to VALUE them and LISTEN to this voice deep within you.

This becomes the road map to the life of your DREAMS. This becomes your inner compass to your Highest Fulfillment, Happiness and Satisfaction of your SOUL.

Your heart begins to SING each and every day when you wake up.

You begin to become super EXCITED and ALIVE with everything you are doing.

You say NO to the things that truly don’t light you up— to make space for the things that are a HELL YES to your SOUL.

Even if they sound good, or seems like something that would be a good idea— if you don’t feel aligned to it deep down within your soul, then chances are, it is just NOT ALIGNED.

I’ve made this mistake more than once, talked myself out of things for the sake of listening to logic and reason, and looking back these have been the times when I really began to lose myself. Because I didn’t truly listen WITHIN.

SO what is it for you today, beautiful soul, that is whispering deep inside your SOUL? What does this deeper part of you YEARN for?

When you really listen deep inside, what are those things that feel in your life RIGHT NOW are just NOT ALIGNED with the truth and essence of who you are?

It might feel overwhelming at first, to truly admit to yourself where you’re left yourself behind. Where you’re made those choices that have caused you to go astray and off your soul’s path.

You might have to start small. Treat yourself with compassion and love as you begin to really get honest with yourself about what things in your life now are just NOT ALIGNED anymore.

Write that shit down and begin to tackle it one by one.

It is such a huge RELIEF to RELEASE all that is no longer serving you.

You deserve it.

Your soul is speaking.

It’s up to you to answer the call.

Because you truly can BE, DO or HAVE anything you want.

You just have to be brave enough to do the WORK, believe and TRUST that everything is happening in perfect order, and as long as you keep TUNING IN, that ALL will be shown to you.

Allow your SOUL to guide the way, and you will be supported and taken care of every step of the way.

Don’t wait— your LIFE is waiting!!

Sending SOOOO much JOY and LOVE and BLISS your way beautiful soul!!!

In love + light,

Lauren Love

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