Aligning To Your Inner Core Power

The magic that you seek, the miracles you seek, all of it is already inside of you.

It sounds so cliche to write as I sit here this morning sharing this message with you, but it is true.

When I started my business many years ago, what I was desiring was really to just be myself and align to the person within me that I wanted to be.

Never has my journey ever come from a place of not feeling good enough.

NOPE, rather what the journey and the never-ending path for me is all about is stepping more fully into my Higher Self and the person who I was born to become.

This means that I am constantly challenging myself to step into greater and greater versions of myself.

Which means constant upheaval, releasing the past and old programming in order to more fully embrace the present moment.

When you are able to more fully be open and available to the present moment— this is the magic that allows you to create an entirely new future for yourself.

ONLY when you let go of the past will you be ready for the future.

That space is available to you in each and every moment.

So how do you do this? How do you more fully drop into the now and align to the core power that is within you right now?

The first thing you need to do to align to your true self and the power within you is identify what is it that you really want in your life.

What do you dream of? What is it that you desire?

What is it that if you could create and step into — would change EVERYTHING for you?

When you can identify what that is — obviously this creates a gap within you because you are actively saying at the same time “this is what I am lacking”

Right? So in order to stand firm in yourself and ground into your core, what you will need to do is affirm in this moment that “I am enough, I have enough, I am doing enough, and all is well and perfect in my world exactly as it is.”

It is SO important that you affirm to yourself that there is nothing lacking

A huge mistake would be trying to manifest from a place of “not enough-ness” which comes from a scarcity mindset and does NOT create from a centered and grounded place.

The next thing you need to do is identify all the things that are within you that would stop you from stepping into what you desire.

What beliefs, thoughts, emotions, past programming, old wounds and traumas still reside within you that you would need to release in order to step into this next level version of you?

Release work is CRUCIAL to transformation.

But first we must know:

  1. What it is you want, coming from a place of SOUL ALIGNMENT

And 2. What it is that is holding you back

Because then your next step is to actively release, forgive and let go.

There is no growth in life without letting go of what is no longer serving you.

Each and every day you are letting go and releasing things that are no longer serving you.

Just as you would throw away food that is rotting in your refrigerator, just as you get your oil in your car changed on a regular basis, so is the same with your body and your energetic system— it also needs a regular clean out in order to remain healthy, happy, whole and clean.

But most people do NOT treat their bodies in this way— which when you are not actively letting go of old emotional baggage and limiting beliefs that no longer serve you— it accumulates like toxic garbage building up within you.

This is a huge reason why many people feel stuck and stagnant in their lives.

AND what most people don’t also realize is that — this is what takes your POWER away.

Because when you hold on to old resentments, old traumas, hurts and wounds of the past— your energy is trapped there.

This energetic baggage starts siphoning energy and it also locks you into a victim mindset, which causes you to stay in an old mindset of blaming others, making excuses, and repeating old limiting patterns over and over again expecting different results.

That is the definition of insanity!

But most people don’t see it and they don’t understand that they can transcend their own limitations to create the life of their dreams.

That is exactly why I’m here— to help you WAKE UP and CREATE THE LIFE OF YOU DREAM OF, in EVERY area of life, not just some of it.

It is so important that you begin to align to your core power and wake up to the truth about why you are here!!

We are evolving as a species and anyone who is not growing along their evolutionary journey, shedding the old and making way for the new, is just going to remain trapped, stuck, stagnant and absolutely miserable.

Aligning to your core power means that you let go and strip back all the layers that block you from knowing and embodying your TRUE SELF

Who is this Self?

This is the part of you inside that is wise… the all-knowing, all-trusting parental spirit that knows all of you and loves you all the same

This is the Authentic Self within you that is the REAL you

The inner self that guides you, watches over you and protects you through it all

This is where your true power resides

This is where you can source all of your strength, wisdom, and guidance from

But first you must know—

What it is you are ready to step into?

Who do you choose to become?

Who is this version of yourself and what is it that they desire to create in their life?

How do they choose to matter?

In what ways are they being called to give back and serve?

Then, actively identifying and releasing all that is within you that is holding you back and keeping you stuck from stepping into this version of you.

Shedding those old conditioned layers of toxic emotional baggage, limiting beliefs, and dysfunctional patterns of thinking and behavior that does NOT serve your highest good.

Sometimes these are the hardest to let go of because they are so COMFORTABLE but at the end of the day, comfort is NOT something that your true self seeks.

It seeks expression, it seeks expansion, it seeks embodiment, happiness, fulfillment, and FREEDOM

The old stuck patterns may FEEL comfortable because they are “safe” but only because they are KNOWN.

Embracing the unknown and choosing to let go anyways is always the better, healthier choice.

This is your responsibility and duty as you step into greater and greater levels of leadership in your life, relationships, and career.

People who look up to you will be inspired by your example — and enlightened by your energetic presence

People nowadays are becoming more and more sensitive to energy— and I know you can pick up on other people’s energy… can’t you tell when you step into a room with someone who is full of toxic emotional and mental baggage?

As you do this deeper work on yourself, you automatically help to liberate others of their own limitations and blocks.

As you do this deeper work on yourself, you will automatically feel lighter, happier and more fulfilled— even if in the short term you feel super uncomfortable, terrified and doubt if you are doing the right thing.

You are.

Trust yourself and all that you are.

Believe that you are on your own path, and that you can trust your sacred heart to guide the way.

As long as you continue to take those actions that are in alignment with your soul, you will be able to access a deeper well of love and core power that is within you now

Just waiting to be discovered

Just yearning for you to tap into it

Allow this deeper, wiser, center within you to guide you

But first— let go of what is holding you back.

Forgive yourself. Forgive others. Step into the freedom that is available from choosing to release all that is holding you back from becoming your best self now

Now is the time to wake up and create your epic dream life and fulfilling abundant business

And remember— you are totally worth it. Your future self will thank you.

In love & massive success,

Lauren Love xo

P.S. Did you miss it?? I did an EPIC webinar yesterday called “How To Create a 6 Figure Business From Your Soul.”

You REALLY don’t want to miss this if you’re even remotely interested in growing your heart-centered coaching business to 6 figures – because the mindset shifts and incredible downloads you will receive will be worth it no matter what!

In this 90+ minute content-rich training, I share with you my 6 powerful principles for what you need in order to create an abundant and fulfilling business as a coach, leader, healer, expert or consultant.

I share with you more about more story and how I created my business based around being ME and receiving an abundant income from my soul gifts!

Plus I have a really amazing bonus to offer you at the end if you stick around!! 😉

To receive immediate access to this special webinar, click here to have the free training sent directly to your inbox!!—>

I can’t wait to have you join me for this special event, and I am looking forward to the amazing shifts and downloads you receive as a result !!

To your transformation + epic success!! I love you.


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