Align To Next Level You

This year has been a year of massive growth for me.  It has been a year of re-awakening, facing my fears, and stepping into a new level in life, in love, in business, in health, and in my finances.

I have learned a LOT… and I want to condense down the biggest lessons for you so that you might take this information and apply it if you too are looking to step into that next greatest version of yourself.

Are you feeling like there’s just something missing in your life?

Do you feel as if you have a purpose and a greater reason why you’re here?

Can’t seem to shake the feeling that you’re not exactly doing what God put you on earth to do?

OR maybe you KNOW that you’re NOT taking care of yourself in the way that you should — with your health, relationships, hobbies, spirituality, or self care?

OR just feeling like there’s something bigger out there for you, and you’re ready to lean in and explore what that is?

If so — you’re in the right place.

Many years ago I was in a similar position.  I felt lost and confused.  I was miserable and depressed, working as an in-home insurance salesperson.

My sales trainer told me that I needed to close the deals in the home, and to not leave without an application and a check.

It was exhausting work.  I was dialing a thousand calls per week, setting up appointments, driving to these people’s houses and sitting down with them to talk about and sell them insurance policies.

Some people wouldn’t answer the door or let me in, others would literally kick me out when I refused to settle for a “no.”

(Clearly I did not have the authentic and consultative sales skills like I do now)

But this experience led me down a path that I could never have predicted…

Driving to an appointment one day I became overwhelmed with sadness.  I started bawling and had to pull over because I was crying so hard.

I just couldn’t do it.  I was so miserable that my body literally was like, “I can’t do it today.  I can’t go through another one of these exhausting appointments.” 

Inside I felt like I was dying and couldn’t go on, and I felt desperate because I didn’t know what else I was going to do in order to make money to support my family.

I had two babies at home, my husband at the time was unable to hold a job, and here I was trying to earn the money we needed for food, rent, and diapers. 

I broke down that day…only to discover that this was the beginning of a MASSIVE BREAKTHROUGH for me.

I was DONE.  I was sick and tired of being SICK AND TIRED.  I made a decision that day that I was going to CHANGE MY LIFE, no matter what!

At the time I thought I just needed to change my attitude and how I approached this job.  I thought there was something wrong with ME that I hated this job and was struggling to perform.

So I hired a life coach to help me with this.

However, what I found was that — it wasn’t ME at all!

I was OUT OF ALIGNMENT.  I was choosing the wrong things.  I was doing the wrong things. 

There was absolutely NOTHING I could do with this job that would make it OK or make it be in alignment for me.

I realized that I needed to discover what WAS in alignment for me… so I could stop feeling this way and start on a path of TRUE alignment.

Being truly aligned to my passion, my purpose, and what I was truly meant for in this world.

Choosing differently.

I believe that we are all designed with a purpose that is innate within us.

Just like a rose seed is encoded to become a rose bush— so too are you encoded with your own unique soul blueprint and purpose!

Once planted— given adequate light, air, and water — that rose seed can only become one thing: a rose bush.

You can’t plant the seed of an oak tree and get a rose bush.  It’s not designed for that.

In the same way that I was trying to be someone and do something that I was just NOT DESIGNED FOR.

So what did I do?

I gave myself permission to go after my dreams.

My dream was to simply help and empower women.

I didn’t know in what way… I actually first explored a marketing business, a wellness product business, a natural childbirth coaching business until finally landing on eating disorder recovery coaching.

It was something that I could do that I LOVED… time would just STOP! I would teach and coach and mentor for hours with women and would feel so excited, lit up and beyond the moon to see their lives transform as a result of having a relationship with me and receiving my teachings.

This ONE THING aligned for me in three different ways:

  1. I was completely in love with doing it

  2. I was really good at it

  3. It was something incredibly valuable, that I later realized people would actually pay me money for and I could make a living doing it.

My true passion aligned with my purpose, and it was also a thing that I could monetize — and by doing so, it allowed me to step into my purpose EVEN MORE because I could help more people.

In the beginning I caught a lot of slack for the fact that I was charging money for my coaching services.  I think it was partly coming from my own limiting beliefs and relationship with money at the time, and I had a major realization.

If I didn’t charge for my services— the thing that I LOVED and was super passionate about, then I would have to go get a job to support me.  That job would take up most of my time and I wouldn’t get to be of service to the people who needed my help.

So OF COURSE I needed to charge money because THEN I could more fully step into my purpose AND help more people! 

By going all in and doing it full time, I could develop my craft, I could become more skillful at how I transform women’s lives, and ultimately help WAY more people that way.

This was a huge mindset shift for me back then, and one that I still have to address with my clients today.

Because some women who want to step into their own purpose and passion, and create a business around it sometimes feel guilty charging money.

Now this is a whole other conversation… but the fact is that if you want to make a bigger impact and you still need to earn an income… then I believe that you can have the BEST OF BOTH WORLDS by merging the two, and that is exactly what I did.

I believe there are two types of people on this path…. People who can live their purpose and passion OUTSIDE of the work/business arena.  Many people have a job and then live out their purpose through other means— such as through their family, kids, charity, hobbies, etc.  This is normal and there’s nothing wrong with not doing your purpose as a business.

But there are those other people… those people who just KNOW their soul is here for a bigger reason, they have a vision and a message and a calling to help and serve in a bigger way. 

They want to speak, lead, teach, train, empower, inspire, encourage and motivate people to create some type of result in their life.  

These type of people know deep down in their BONES that this is what they want… even if they are scared of it, even if they don’t know HOW they are going to happen, there is something bubbling up from within them that they just can’t explain.

These are the dreamers, the rebels, the leaders, the revolutionaries, the creatives, the healers, the people who are here to shake shit up and have a big impact on the world!!

And we won’t be satisfied by just “doing it on the side.”

That’s the biggest difference that I’ve seen… most women desire to go all in with their creative pursuits, with their art, with their coaching, with their craft.. because if they don’t, they just know that deep down they are not fully satisfied.

That’s because what is encoded within you is trying to blossom and come through you — and if you don’t allow it, well…. Everything else just feels hard and out of alignment.

And sure, sometimes we need to do things for self-preservation and make sure that we are *financially* secure and stable while we pursue our dreams on the side… but all the while knowing that it’s not a matter of *IF* it’s a matter of *WHEN* … when we go all in and give ourselves 100% to our dreams.

So what is bubbling up within YOU, beautiful soul?

What is that dream, that vision, that CALLING that you just KNOW you MUST pursue?

What is the message that you are here to shake the world with?

What were you BORN to step into?

You may not know 100% what that is yet, and that’s okay…

But in my experience what I’ve found is that we can’t ignore this part of us… because even if we stuff that desire down, even if we tell ourselves it’s not important, even if we promise ourselves we will do it later… 






You can’t escape the call of your soul!

When I have stepped off the path of alignment… when I’m not doing what I know I was put here to do and what I was designed to do…

Everything feels off.

It’s not until I get on track with my purpose, my passion, my mission — that I begin to feel lit up again, fully fulfilled, and fucking on fire for life!!

It fuels me.  It is the thing that means the MOST to me.

So how about you?

Is it FINALLY time to give yourself permission to go ALL IN on your dreams?

You are WORTH IT.

You CAN do it.

There is no time to wait.

Your soul is calling…

In love & massive success,

Xo Lauren

P.S. Are you ready to ALIGN to NEXT LEVEL YOU?

This month I’m offering a FREE, yes 100% FREE WORKSHOP this month and you need to be there!

If you are a woman who:

  • Know you are here for a reason
  • Believe that you have a purpose and a passion in this world
  • You’re not fully stepping into who you truly are
  • You’re not 100% taking care of yourself in certain areas of your life
  • Have a desire to play a bigger game, align to a greater version of you and step into your next level

Then this workshop is for you!

It is called ALIGN TO NEXT LEVEL YOU: Vision and Planning Workshop for 2024

In this workshop, we will:

-Pull out the gems of wisdom from this year 

-Receive the lessons and close the door on 2023

-Dive deep within you to uncover your vision, your values, and what you desire to focus on in the new year

-Explore the woman you are meant to become, and learn techniques to shift into her and become her, quickly

-Raise your standards on all things in your life (where you see fit): health, fitness, relationships, business, money, self-care, spirituality, etc.

-Become more inspired, motivated and encouraged

-Learn what it means to walk the path of your soul, and how to stay on it

-Choose a rhythm and schedule that works best for your soul

-Understand how to prioritize your life so that you can get everything done

-Learn how to prioritize your soul work without sacrificing in other areas of life

-Empower yourself to arrive at a deeper level of love and acceptance for yourself.

If this resonates with you, click here to register now and secure your spot!

It’s a completely free training happening on January 1, 2024 @ 10am PST — to help us learn the lessons, come to accept and release this past year, and open a brand new chapter for 2024! 

Let’s completely vision out what you want to call in to your life in the new year and create a plan for how to achieve it!

It’s going to be a powerful training that you won’t want to miss!
Register now and I can’t wait to help you Align to Next Level You!

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