Rising After Failure

Hello beautiful soul!

I wanted to share something really special with you today, but first…

How are YOU doing?

If you’ve been with me on this journey for some time you’ll know that I’ve faced challenges, successes, and everything in between over the last 12 years of coaching and sharing my message with the world.

What I thought was the WORST thing (relapsing in my eating disorder) ended up being the GREATEST gift.

It has catapulted me into new heights of humility, self-acceptance and surprisingly?  Deep levels of self-confidence.  Trust in myself and God.

Isn’t that interesting that what I once considered to be the MOST shameful thing ended up being something that I’m actually proud of?

No, I’m not proud of relapsing or closing down the eating disorder recovery coaching part of my business.

What I am proud of is RISING when I fell.

The truth is that when I closed Healing for Eating Disorders, I lost it all.

Financially, personally, professionally, emotionally, spiritually… I was bankrupt.

It forced me to have to take a hard look at myself and my life and ask myself, what do I REALLY want?  What is important for me?

Most importantly… how am I going to do life DIFFERENTLY?

Clearly what I was doing wasn’t working.

I allowed myself the breakdown, which inevitably preceded the BREAKTHROUGH.

I told myself that I would stay true to the desires and purpose in my heart… everything I felt God was calling me into.

He led me right back to coaching.  Leading.  Serving women.  Empowering women to live into their purpose and big dreams.

What I found is that when our soul is calling us towards a dream, we can’t NOT pursue it.

It will continue to call you over and over again until you step into it.  Until you become it.

So that leads me to my next question….

What do YOU really want?  What do you dream of?  What is your SOUL and God calling you into?

I want you to know that no matter what you are going through right now, that there is HOPE.

There is a purpose for your life.  You are meant for something greater.

If you know and feel deep within your bones that you’re just not living into it… this message is for you.

Are you still stuck in self-sabotaging patterns with food, weight, and your body?

Are you still holding yourself back from pursuing your big goals and dreams out of fear of the unknown?  Fear of failing?

Are you just trying to get by each day, repeating the same dysfunctional patterns over and over again?

I have been there and I can tell you from experience, that you are NOT alone.

There is nothing glamorous about hiding your shame, your secrets, and isolating yourself from getting the help you need.

It doesn’t even matter what area of life.  In the past, my expertise was helping women overcome these dysfunctional and toxic patterns with food, weight, body and your relationship with yourself.

Now, many women come to me because they feel weighed down by the financial pressure of working a job they hate for little pay or want flexibility and freedom in work… and how they want to step into their true calling to create a business and life they love.

No matter what you are struggling with, I know that the struggle is real.  I am not perfect and there are still days that I doubt myself, there are still days that I fear the unknown or am afraid to change a pattern because I am so comfortable and safe where I’m at.

But where is the joy in that?  Where is the challenge and the fulfillment in remaining in the comfortable cocoon you created around yourself to keep yourself safe?

Sure, stepping outside your comfort zone feels risky.  The fears and worries and concerns you have may be real and true.

However, taking risks is where I have discovered the most about myself.  This is where I have grown.  Stepping outside my comfort zone again and again, doing what I didn’t think I could do has MADE ME THE WOMAN I AM TODAY.

So no matter where you’re at…

No matter if you’re in the throes of the eating disorder, depression, anxiety or other mental health issues…

No matter if you’re concerned about your financial wellbeing, your security and ability to support yourself…

No matter if you feel stuck about your purpose in life, doubting yourself but ready to step into something more fulfilling and exciting…

You CAN do this.

Every moment you have is a moment you can use to change your life.

Everything you have is a result of all the choices you have made, how you’ve dealt with the life you’ve been given.

No, we cannot always choose what happens to us.

But we CAN choose how we respond to it.

Some of us are dealt more difficult situations that we must learn how to navigate and overcome, through learning the lessons and continuing to challenge ourselves to keep healing, keep growing, keep putting one foot in front of the other…

Then all of a sudden, one day you wake up and realize… all that hard work, all the pain of change, all the uncomfortable in-between, all the lessons and failures…it was all worth it.

You committed, you persisted, you overcame.

You are where you want to be.

Everything in your life starts to reflect how you truly feel inside.. peace, joy, love, fulfillment, passion, purpose, drive, humility, gratitude.

Yesterday I celebrated 3.5 years of abstinence and full freedom from my eating disorder yet again, can you believe it?!  I am INCREDIBLY grateful for my path and I only got here through doing everything I have always taught and continue to teach my students and clients.

This has truly been a wild couple of years.  I can’t wait to continue to share my evolving journey with you and I’d love to hear about yours as well (Hit reply and let me know what resonates most with you)!

Today, I’d love to invite you to watch an interview I did with one of my amazing clients and friends, Yvonne Grossi who is a binge eating coach for people who want to stop binging and take control of their life.

In this video below, you’ll learn:

  • What it really takes to change your life
  • The story of my downfall and my transformation
  • Different approaches to successful eating recovery
  • The keys to full freedom from your eating disorder
  • Inspiration for your healing journey
  • And so much more!!

Click here to watch:

Please leave a comment and let me know what you think!!

Thank you for being here beautiful soul.  I am grateful for you and if there’s anything I can do to support you, please reach out, my door is always open.

xo Lauren

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