What Do You Dream Of?

For so long, I have had BIG dreams.

I don’t mean just average dreams— but HUGE, in your FACE, rich and FAMOUS, fabulously WEALTHY and making a HUGE impact in the world— dreams.

I believe it’s the kind of thing that many of us DREAM OF in PRIVATE — but DON’T actually share with anyone in public.

God forbid anyone calls me SELFISH!


Stuck up!

Too good!

Whatever they say, about people who DREAM BIG, I suppose…

I know that for so long I BURIED those dreams of mine.

It felt like just a pie-in-the-sky dream.

I didn’t even want to ADMIT it to myself that I WANTED such HUGE and AMAZING things, because then what??

Either I had to actually GO AFTER THEM— or, WORSE YET, feel the DISCONNECT between where I was and where I wanted to be.

Maybe that’s a big reason why most of us don’t allow ourselves PERMISSION TO DREAM.

Because then we’d actually have to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!

I know for a long time I couldn’t even COMPREHEND HOW that would EVER happen for me.

I was just a BROKE ASS, UNEMPLOYED mother of two, married living in the country with nothing but a pocket full of AMBITION…

I set out with HUGE goals, whether I admitted them at the time… I wrote down exactly what I WANTED- what I could conceive of at the time.

I just really wanted FINANCIAL FREEDOM.


I wanted to do something that I LOVED.


For real!!

I didn’t even know if it was possible.

I had a few businesses back then that I was building but I wasn’t really into them.

I couldn’t get myself to consistently take action.

I put shit off.

I wasn’t motivated.

I didn’t treat it like a REAL business, and therefore, didn’t get REAL results.

Then I came to a crossroads where I just DECIDED to go in a completely different direction.

I chose to take a leap of faith and start my own purpose and service-based business!!

It has been a LONG HARD ROAD since then, and I have definitely had my ups and downs as a result of it.

But through more and more consistent action, pushing myself beyond my boundaries, continuing to invest in myself and doing exactly what it is that I was afraid of— I successful got to a place where I ACHIEVED all that I had set out to do!!

I created a 6 figure lifestyle business!!

I have complete time freedom!

I can travel wherever and whenever I want!

I choose who my clients are, and only work with badass #soulmate clients.

I get to be infinitely creative, just speaking and writing and creating exactly what I want and what is aligned with me.

It feels SO good for me to finally say this.

I am SO proud of how far I’ve come.

And at the same time… I’m going to say IT—

I set my goals TOO LOW.

What happened last year, was that when I realized I had accomplished ALL of my goals— personally, financially and professionally— it was like…. OKAY, SO… whats NEXT?

I slowed down.  I took a break… which in hindsight, I don’t think was the best decision for me at the time.

I was all out of PURPOSE.  I was all out of GOALS.  I didn’t know what I wanted.  I wasn’t sure where to go from there.

Since then, SO much has changed.

In reality, I don’t believe in “mistakes” — and I do believe everything happens for a reason.

What I learned from this experience was that my purpose was actually being REBORN.

Everything I had accomplished up until that point was at a place of COMPLETION.

It was time for me to DREAM A NEW DREAM.

This for me is SO EXCITING!!!

This time, I’m even MORE CLEAR on my mission, vision, and purpose that I’m out to achieve.

I’m thinking even bigger — MASSIVE 10X GOALS for myself.

I want it ALL.

The BIGGEST thing I’ve realized in all of these experiences, is that I can do ANYTHING I put my mind to.


I know that ANYTHING I can DREAM— I can DO.

It’s a bit astonishing but at the same time completely realistic.

It is refreshing and knowing what I know now is really helping me to create this VISION for my life and my business that is unprecenteded.

I feel so LIT UP on the inside.

It’s super ALIGNED with my purpose and feels so good on a deeper heart and soul level.

I wouldn’t have it any other way.


It feels MASSIVE, OVERWHELMING and yet at the same time, I know completely attainable.

It’s achievable as long as I’m thinking and operating at 10X levels.

It’s achievable as long as I keep going, as long as it takes, forever.

My coach said to me on our session last week that I need to set my work pace to “Run at the speed of Infinity.”

Wise woman she is!!

As long as I keep my eye on the vision, the goal, the dream thats out there in my future for me, and run at the pace of infinity, I KNOW I will achieve it.

It really doesn’t matter how LONG it takes.

Because I’m not going to give up.

I’m fucking COMMITTED.

I’m showing up EVERY DAY.

I’m doing what it takes to create MASSIVE RESULTS in my life and business and for my family— and THAT feels SO good.

It used to be for me about “Is that even do-able?”  “Am I being realistic?”  “Is it even POSSIBLE for me to have everything I want?”  And what I found was that over and over again— YES, by FAR it is more than possible.

I used to think that I wasn’t WORTHY or DESERVING of having everything I wanted, or thought that there was something WRONG with wanting it all.

I also have dismissed this type of mindset as SMALL THINKING that when employed, gets SMALL RESULTS.

Mediocre results.

I’m NOT down for that.

I’m NOT going to settle for less.

I’m NOT going to let ANYONE tell me otherwise.

I don’t care what they call me.

Call me an overachiever.

Call me selfish.

Call me obsessed.

Call me what you want— you can hate on my mindset all you want, you can have your mediocre results while I’m over here living my dreams.

I would rather be in the 1% within the 1% than fit into 99% of the rest of the population.

I’ve lived in the broke scarcity mindset.

I’ve been broke.

I’ve not had enough food to eat, enough money to pay my bills, or feed and diaper my children.

I’ve been evicted for not being able to afford rent.

I’ve had to declare bankruptcy.

I’ve accumulated debt as a result of my scarcity and broke mindset, and I’ll tell you— it did NOT make me happy.  FAR FROM IT!!

I used to live in fear of each day, just trying to SURVIVE, and I am NOT EVER WILLING to go back to that place.

I’ll just keep on keeping on, with my eye on the prize.

And it’s a HUGE prize!!

That is what motivates me— where I’m going.

It doesn’t matter where I’ve been, the things I’ve done, or what it has taken me to get to where I am today.

it’s all happened perfectly to bring me to this point where I am at right now.

Which brings me to the whole entire point of me writing this, which is—


If you were to really allow yourself to dream your biggest dream, what would that be for you?

I know for me I have such a big vision, and that FUELS me.

It motivates me to get up each day and CRUSH it.

Go after my goals.

Do what I have to do, day in and day out.

Relentless motivation, with more than enough action as needed to back it up.

The more action I take, the bigger my mindset and BELIEF around achieving it, the more LIKELY it is to happen, and the faster.

This is manifestation at its finest.

And when we are doing this work— when you really do go ALL IN and set your sights HIGH, with 100% commitment, focus, vision and drive…

It’s not a matter of IF, it’s a matter of WHEN.

Because as long as you create the vision in your mind of what you want..

Focus on it long enough that you begin to feel it and see it and hear it and know it deep within your heart and mind and body and soul…

And take the inspired and practical MASSIVE ACTION you need to back it up…

As long as you do these things, it can’t NOT happen for you.

It HAS to manifest.  It is LAW!

The truth is, that you can have, do or be ANYTHING you want.

You just have to be BRAVE ENOUGH to dream it.

And dream BIG!!

My biggest regret so far is not dreaming at high enough levels.

And I can promise you…  I’ll NEVER make that mistake again.

I’m dreaming as big as it comes baby.


Are you with me??

Let’s fucking do this then!!!

What are you waiting for, gorgeous?


To your BIG DREAMS and Soulful Success,

Lauren Love xo

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